
SCP ----Rise Of The Foundation------

The MC "Henry Austin" ended up with a system allowing him to bring over a Limited amount of foundation sites personal weapons and more The system or better know as SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A is a man made scp created using SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A is described to be similar to "systems" in novels this was brought to light by Head Researcher-[REDACTED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A was brought to Universe-[REDACTED] from original Universe-[DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A contains [REDACTED] Number of Sites [REDACTED] Number of E-A class personal 78,573 D-class Personal [DATA LOST] Number of weapons [DATA EXPUNGED] Number of Nuclear warheads [REDACTED] Number of AIs and Webcrawlers 10 Years of Food supplies are stored [DATA LOST] Number of various munitions [REDACTED] Number of Vehicles of all types [DATA LOST] Number of Reality Anchors Currently [DATA EXPUNGED] Number of 05 are stored in SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A uses a pocket dimension where time is slowed down to [REDACTED] times speed compared to baseline reality SCP-2000 has been moved to SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A Designated as SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-B everything coming out of SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-B is to be considered SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-C "side note it will get tiring calling them SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-Cs all the time this is just an official title use it if you wish" -Dr [DATA LOST] Use of SCP-2000 is permitted to increase number of personal ( END OF SYNOPSIS ) So this will be my first SCP fanfic and stuff hope you enjoy it -Author

TheHighElite · Khác
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 5 Tour and SCP

The facility walls were a sterile whiteish-gray.

it seemed futuristic yet minimalistic.

the guards that patrolled in Jet black combat gear were disciplined extremely.

Head Researcher Dr O'Conner introduced me to the facilities stored here it has

several clean rooms.

a level 5 bio hazard room.

several bio hazard level 4 room.

50 general humanoid containment rooms.

numerous SCP object containment lockers.

several laboratories of various size and specialty.

Site--01 Site--02 Site--03 and Site--04 have zero SCPs contained currently.

All sites are 100% operational and can begin missions at any time.

Currently several agents have slowly begun integration into high positions in local police and dispatch.


Henry you will be 05--1


System what exactly is an 05 and why does it matter


the 05 council is a group of 13 mysterious men and women they are in charge of the foundation. They control everything in the shadows. Nobody should know their identity or they will either be executed or administered class A amnestics.


Why 13 why not 10 or 12? The Number 13 is very specific.


The reason for the odd number is [DATA EXPUNGED] however it is believed to be a tiebreaker number.


is their any ongoing research projects currently? Do we have data on SCPs from the old world still?


No and Yes Henry


[ 12:04--26-8-2023 ]

A call has come in reporting many missing people that all tried to enter the old IKEA off Saints ST and billiard Lane.

I was sent by dispatch to enter and ask the manager some questions maybe look at CCTV. As soon as I stepped in I got an gut feeling that something was not right.

After spending 20 minute searching for any staff or even anyone I still couldn't find anyone. The place just kept going I decided to radio it in, yet when I did all I heard was static nobody responded. That was it I had to get out of here.

after an hour of searching for a exit I couldn't find anything I started to panic. I found a staff member yet when I got a good look at its face.

There was no face just skin when I got a look at his arms they were like tree trunks I decided to run.