
Scourge of Misfortune

Everything he touches shall wilt and die, for he is the Scourge of Misfortune. ----------------------------------------------- "What do I have left to lose?" The boy sipped on a few beers, marveling at the sunset before him. Everyone he loved has died, every opportunity has been squandered, everything had left him behind. And then, the sun grew large. And then, the sun became a meteor. Indeed, the boy had nothing but bad luck. And that bad luck he shall carry... Even in his next life.

SevenSeven · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs



Did I die?

Sigh...so it has come to this.

Hmm, but why is it so dark?

Wait, and why is it so warm too?

Something started to move around me. Then, a light opened in the far distance.

I reached out...a hand? It's so tiny.





What are these sounds? People? They certainly sound like it...

Or maybe I'm in hell?

A force started to push me further and further toward the shining light.

Eventually, it became so bright that it was almost blinding.


"%(#**!*%))), (%(@))(!*&$%%UI. (%@(#(#^@"

Ah, I'm out.

I looked around, seeing the faces of human beings surrounding me. I was right— the voices were people. So am I baby?

A woman's face hovered over me, muttering something under her breath. Although she looked visibly exhausted, a bright smile was plastered on her face.

A slight panic arose in the depths of my mind as my situation sunk in me.

I'm...alive? How? Did I get reincarnated? What's happening?


Another face came into view. This time, it was of a man. I assume this person is my father? A doctor?

His eyes were soft and warm, evidently relieved. He did nothing but stare at me for some time. Creepy...

Then, he started to tear up. He muttered something strained by sniffles and sobs. It's quite...annoying.

"#()(!((($$^(*#*^(_!...(%! $(!)*&+...."

As I turned my head, an old, wrinkled man approached me and picked me up. He had a certain air of sophistry—no, divinity to him. His white cloak gave off an aura of calm and his benevolent smile made him look just a tad younger.

Suddenly, a clap of thunder sounded from outside.


"There shall always be life in the temple. Though, I find this life to be... quite unwelcome," the priest muttered to himself.

This was quite a dilemma. As a devout believer in the church—no, the carrier of the gods' will —it was his duty to cherish all life.

But this was an exception.

And it was quite strange as well.

'The parents are in no way demons...in fact, I find them to be quite amicable. So how could something like this happen?'

He averted his gaze from the lovey-dovey couple, now a family. However, not a hint of a frown betrayed him. 

He shifted his attention to the church window, where the sky had abruptly started to rain terribly. The clouds turned a dark gray and lightning started to strike the land. The loud rumbling of thunder sounded fiercely from outside the church.

'How do I tell them? Should I tell them?' the priest debated in his head. He turned to the couple again, and his expression softened. He let out a mental sigh, making sure not to reveal his exasperation.

"Ah, it's fairly rainy today!" the father exclaimed.

"Yes..." The mother weakly responded. A smile formed on her soft pink lips.

For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to ruin such a precious moment.

From a young age, he was taught benevolence. He was taught to savor all things living, other than the Demons that plagued the lands. He went through hell, he survived through hell, but he never could give another human hell. 

By breaking them the truth, he was tarnishing the happiness of their lives forever.

But it was a dire situation.

He couldn't make a decision. 

'I should tell them, shouldn't I? That child will spell our doom!'

He debated endlessly.

'But that child is no demon, is he? He's the product of two humans. How can I take it away from them? A coincidence?'

For what seemed like hours, he was stumped.

'Maybe they will raise him well. Perhaps he will grow up a good man?'

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

'No, I should just report it to the Pope.'

In the end, he did not have the strength to make a decision himself.

Just as he always will.


Later that day...

"So, it has finally happened?" A deep melancholy laced the man's voice.

The priest stood in a kneeling position, lowering his head toward him. 

"Yes, that child..."

The man was two decades younger than the priest, and yet he was the Pope, the highest possible rank in the church. He wore a white cloak similar to the priest, but also a short and luxurious mitre. His chest bore the pope's crest— a noble cow standing courageously above the simplified symbol of his mitre. 

"You know why you're still a priest? It's because you can never step up yourself. During times like these, we cannot be indecisive. Take this not as a harsh insult but a criticism, please."

The man went to make some tea and sipped on it apathetically. Today, despite the tea leaves being harvested from the finest farm in the empire, he could not taste the exquisiteness of it. Instead, only a bitter taste came uninvited to his tastebuds. 

"What is your opinion on this matter, Priest Bahram?"

The priest gulped.

"I...think we should..."

Hesitation greeted him at every word uttered.

"Give the child a chance..."

The Pope simply nodded.

"I'm glad you are expressing yourself. Why so?"

The priest lowered his head. "...I find the couple worthy of being considered good people. I do not wish to befall upon them infinite grief and suffering in the name of the gods' when it is...disdainful, no— terrible. There is also the possibility of the events being merely a coincidence...I cannot comment on such, however.

I'm sure the gods do not want them to suffer either. I'm afraid by revealing the truth I will tarnish it."

"Your own reputation?"

"No, I-"

"I'm kidding by that, Priest Bahram. I know you are not so lowly to be as selfish as that," the Pope chuckled. "Do you stand firmly by your point?"


The darkness of the room seemed to squirm abruptly, and quiet conversation ensued.

"He is being very generous."

"...It's ridiculous! Why let such a horrible thing run rampant?"

"Why on earth propose something so foul?"

"Oh! I feel pity for that couple! It's only in the goodwill of the gods to offer another chance."

"Priest Bahram..."

Suddenly, with the tap of the teacup, a thin shockwave of holy power was released by the Pope, silencing the entire room.

"Then let us stop deliberating any further. We shall monitor him strictly.

...However, if something terrible were to arise...

We shall not be merciful."