
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

To The Capital!

After a brief pause due to me being baffled it was only right for me to ask him why I was going to the capital. So, I did. "Wait, Why am I going to the capital?" I asked him about it loud and clear. But, he was sitting in his table and did a 'thinking' pose with his arms. It was clear that he was coming up with a obvious lie. He said after a brief moment of thinking, "It's a secret~♥" with a cheerful face. BRUH, At least come up with a better excuse goddamnit. I let out a sigh and asked him, "Then... you wont tell me?" He immediately said, "No, I made a promise not to tell anybody." I quietly but not too quietly said "ᴏᴋᴀʏ"

'WAIT. DON'T I HAVE A DATE TOMMOROW? DOES THIS MEAN I CAN'T HAVE A DATE WITH CECILIA? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MY PLANNNNNN.' I realized at that moment. I felt disheartened as fuck. I tried to be optimistic but it was of no avail. I was depressed beyond belief. I tried to put myself in a sense of security by thinking about going to the capital. All the shops that could be there. But, it didn't help me one bit. Then I noticed the pen I received yesterday. I remembered Ariana said she would be going to the capital. And valah! my mood changed like a on off switch.

I need to apologize to Cecilia because she probably looked forward to how I was going to impress her. Yesterday when I went to Restomon I saw some immensely beautiful flowers in a shop. I think that should be good along with an apology. "Can I go to Restomon today?" I asked him out of spite "NO!" he replied furiously. "Dad, Did anything happened to Restomon." I quickly saw his face darken. I felt like he was trying to hide something. I want to stress him out so I stopped questioning him and said "It's ok if you don't want to answer." "Is that so?" he replied with a gentle smile. Even though his smile innocent his eyes were saying a different story. 'I should I ask him how long I will stay in the capital.' I thought at that moment. "How long will I stay in the capital?" i asked dad. "You will stay there until you are graduated." 'WHAT?' "What does graduation mean?" I asked asked him. "You will understand when you grow up." He avoided my question "Does that I won't be able to see you?" He chortled and said "Of course you will!" in a passionate voice. "Will I live alone?" I asked him in a scared manner "Like I said, You and your sister will stay with you." he said. "When will we go then?" I asked "After lunch. Speaking of lunch; we should go have lunch." he said while patting on my back. So we go to the dinning hall with the intension on having lunch.

-------------------After lunch-------------------

I enjoyed my meal. I don't know if I am able to have another meal with dad so we talked alot. after getting up from having lunch he said, "I already informed Cecilia so she will be at the horse carriage near the gate. You should pack your stuff and go." "Will you see me off?" I asked. "Of course! Pack your bag. I will see you off after that" He agreed. "Un." I agreed. Then I went to pack my bags. I didn't forget to pack the pen Ariana gave me. After packing my bags I went to the front porch.

As I come out of the front door, I could see a black carriage waiting there. It had some touches of gold here and there and there were black horses carrying it. It was elegant carriage to say the least. I also saw Tessia waiting there. "You should say your goodbyes to Tess" dad said in a suggestive way. So I ran over to Tess. I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what to say. Tess raised me ever since I meet her. Only thing I could think of was to hug her so tight that she won't forget. So, I got close to Tess and gave a really tight hug. My eyes were a bit teary and my nose was fill of snot. "Please do come *sniff* visit me in *sniff* the capital." I said after the hug while crying. "You grew up so well. I am proud of you. I will come visit you time to time. Write to me ok?" she said as she held my hands. "Un. *Sniff*" "Now get on the carriage Master Cecilia is waiting." She pointed at the stair to the carriage.

I climbed the stairs and inside I saw Cecilia reading a book like a goddess. She bookmarks her book then closes it. Then she looked at me with a smile of a deity that came down from heaven and said "You kept me waiting~ Shall we go now?"
