
Scarred:Heal my bleeding heart

Bruised and broken by the fall, will she ever make it? Sorely disappointed by the world, will she ever entertain the idea of a new beginning?

Marcly · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

(From Teegan's Perspective)

What a total f*ck up. If that girl manages to escape, she might out us. I know Dad might be able to cover it up quick but still, I don't need the mistake. The girl might even be some kid under DeAndre's wing as I speculated.

I'm surprised at how fast her short limbs can run. She keeps taking different turns which start tiring me out. Once she takes a left turn, Ash halts. I stop too.

"I know where she'll go to after that turn. Don't ask me how but I'm familiar with this particular alley. Keep going on this trail in case she wants to turn around."

I nod too preoccupied with catching the girl than asking questions. Ash and I separate with him going the opposite direction.

(From Leilani's Perspective)

I can't let them get me.

I can't let them get me.

I promised Aunty Lily that I'll be back and I intend to keep that promise. I've seen some bad stuff around here but none has measured up to this time. This is big and I hate big. Big means big change. I don't want big change or even small. I just want normal.

I no longer hear the footsteps behind me so I stop and turn around while catching my breath. No one is there. I guess I lost them.

I heave a sigh.

"Thank God."

I mutter out loud as I continue checking the way I came from. it's clear.

"I wouldn't rejoice so fast if I were you."

A dark voice booms behind me. I slowly turn around to find the other guy who was with Stranger Danger.

His green eyes look at me with so much hatred I nearly melt into the ground. I start backing up slowly as he too moves forward. I move back until I'm violently shoved forward.

The move is so unexpected, it knocks me to the ground. I land on my knees causing them to sting at the contact with the concrete.

I don't need to turn around to know it's Stranger Danger who pushed me.

"What do we do with her?"

Stranger Danger asks from behind me. Stranger Danger the second looks at me intently. I feel very uncomfortable under his gaze.

"We should just delete her."

He says still looking at me. I feel a strong sensation of fear coarse through me.

"I-I... won't s-say anything, I swear it."

I say with a shaky voice. It feels terrible to be at the mercy of these strangers. Stranger Danger the second tilts his head.

"How can we guarantee that?"

"You'll have to take my word for it."

He scoffs. He looks cute but his eyes speak the danger which lurks underneath his face. Stranger Danger comes to stand in front of me.

If I said Stranger Danger the second looked cute, Stranger Danger looks pretty. He looks like one of those men on the cover of magazines but, he has a rough edge to him. His own prettiness comes with a whole package of danger which is an aura anyone will instantly pick up.

"The only way for you to leave here alive is either by removing your tongue and fingers so you will never say or write what you saw or you come with us."

Stranger Danger the second says. Panic grips me hard, squeezing my heart till I feel it'll burst.

"Please no. I can't accept either of your choices. I-I just can't."

My voice drops at the last statement. I must return to Aunty Lily. I am all she has left and she is all I have left.

"What's your name?"

Stranger Danger asks all of a sudden. My eyes meet his. His eyes are green, just like his buddy but his own green is much darker and mysterious. His chestnut brown hair is messy making him appealing. Where his hair is chestnut brown, the other's hair is chestnut blonde.


I finally say not breaking eye contact with him.

" Is DeAndre your relative?"

He asks again. I shake my head.

"No. He was just my boss."

Stranger Danger turns to The second.

"We shouldn't kill her."

He says calmly. His expression remains blank. The second raises his left brow.

"Are you serious?"

Stranger Danger gives a firm nod.

"But bro, she might out us. It's better we end her now than to have future complications."

"No we shouldn't. I'm against killing children. She still has a life to live."

The second furrows his brows.

"What if she decides to snitch on us?"

"The loan shark will deal with it."

"But he'll f*ck us up for scr*wing up."

"That's when we will be fully allowed to kill her. For now, chill."

The second sighs admitting defeat. It's sad to see my life being disputed upon in this manner.


Stranger Danger turns to me.

"We will let you go but if you try to pull a f*cking stunt, we will hunt you and kill you just like we did to DeAndre. Do we understand each other?"

I nod eager to get away from here.


I stand up and try balancing myself because my knees hurt from kneeling down for that long.

"I still think this is a bad idea."

The second says. Stranger Danger doesn't pay any attention to him. His gaze is on me.


He commands and I instantly turn around and flee. I run very fast ignoring my aching knees. I just want to return home to Aunty Lily. She will hug me while I tell her everything. She will know what to do.

(From Teegan's Perspective)

"The f*ck was that about?"

Ash asks angrily immediately the girl is out of sight. I sigh.

"I couldn't do it. I can't kill a kid."

"What if said kid outs us?"

"She won't. She said so herself."

"And you take her word for it?"

"Yes I do."

Asher starts walking away. I follow him till we reach our ride.

"If this f*cks us over, you'll be the one to answer to Dad."

"I know."

(From Leilani's Perspective)

Aunty Lily will be angry and sorry for me at the same time. She will start by comforting me before telling me how I love prying into other people's affairs. Then after that, she'll come up with a solution. That's why I love her.

When I step on our front porch, I get the feeling something is off. The door is slightly open and the house is eerily quiet.

"Aunty Lily?"

I call out but no reply. I make my way to the small living room. It is quiet and everything seems to be in order here. I decide to check upstairs. I go towards the stairs but freeze.

There, just there at the bottom of the stairs is Aunty Lily in a pool of her own blood. I rush to her and kneel down close to her not caring if my knees still stung or if my clothes were slowly sucking up the blood.

" Aunty Lily..."

I call out as I take her limp hand in mine. Her hand is still warm in mine. I find the place on her head which is sending out this much blood. It looks like a deep wound.


Her voice sounds weak. Her eye lids flutter open.

"Aunty Lily what happened?"

I ask quickly rushing over my words.


She closes her eyes. I touch her neck and feel a faint pulse. I run over to the phone and call an ambulance.

I return to Aunty Lily and hold her tight till the ambulance arrives. They come in and take her with them on a stretcher. I try following them but I'm blocked. I look at the person who stopped me.

He is dressed in a black suit and has his black hair gelled back.

"I am sorry about what is going on with your guardian."

He says. I look behind him where the people have already left with Aunty Lily.

"Leilani is it?"

He asks. I nod my throat uncomfortably dry.

"I am Xavier McIver an agent at the agency. I suppose this must be an accident."

He says. My eyes snap to him and I shake my head.

"N-no... Aunty Lily is not careless."

Mr Xavier sighs.

"Since your Aunty is still at the hospital, you will have to be placed under the care of the government."

I try my hardest not to cry. I need to be strong for Aunty Lily's sake. This is just a bad phase, it'll pass.

"Would you like to go to the hospital first?"

Mr Xavier asks.


I reply instantly. He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me out of the house. Outside, the sky is getting darker.

He takes me to his car, a black Cadillac. We get in and drive to the hospital.

Once we get there, we are directed to the waiting area. They said they hadn't finished with Aunty Lily.

Mr Xavier forces me to sit and gives me some water which I didn't know I needed until now. I gulp down every single drop and sit into the chair. I look down at my clothes. The blue jeans I put on this morning are covered in blood even the grey shirt I'm wearing. There is dried up blood on my hands. My white shoes have blood on them too.

*How could everything go downhill in just a matter of hours? Aunty Lily spoke to me this morning and I didn't speak with the best of tones not knowing this will happen.*

A sudden hand on my shoulder pulls me out of my gloomy thoughts. I look up to be met with Mr Xavier's blue eyes.

"The doctor just came out."

That is when I notice the man standing behind him. Mr Xavier gives way as I stand up. It feels like the weight of the whole world is on my chest and I can't take the load off.

The doctor takes a step towards me. His eyes come to mine and a pity filled look plasters itself on his face. My heart drops. The pressure on the invisible load on my chest increases.

"Aunty Lily...?"

He shakes his head and looks at the floor.

"We did all we possibly could but it was too late."

I don't realize when I bolt pass him and into the room where they took Aunty Lily. I get there just in time to see a nurse pulling white sheets over her head.

"No...no,no,no,no...Aunty Lily."

I rush to where she is and pull the cover down.

"Little girl, you can't be in here."

The nurse scolds. I don't pay attention to her as all my attention surfaces on Aunty Lily's unmoving body. Her eyes are closed making her look like she's just sleeping and if I touch her she'll wake up. Her skin is white, too white.

I reach for her hand which is really cold and bring it to my cheek. The tears I had been holding roll down my cheeks and I sob hard.

"You were supposed to stay with me."

I whisper to her while still crying.

"Leilani stop doing this to yourself."

Mr Xavier says from behind me. I screw my eyelids shut.

*I'm dreaming,right? This must be a dream.*

When I open my eyes and still find Aunty Lily's unmoving body, my world starts spinning.

I bend over and kiss her on the forehead. She always told me my kisses were what kept her going but I guess not anymore.

"Leilani come here."

Mr Xavier pulls me away from her and I scream. I don't fight his hold on me, I just scream till my throat aches. When I stop, Mr Xavier is looking at me intently. I catch a flicker of something in his eyes before I close my eyes and my surroundings become distant. I slip into the safe space of unconsciousness.


(From Leilani's Perspective)

I can't believe we laid her to rest today. It is still like a dream. To see her in that casket.

Her so called 'friends' who couldn't even check up on her when she was alive where the ones to arrange things. They picked out a dress which if Aunty Lily was here she would refuse to wear.

I just observed everything happen before me. I only answered a question if I was asked and that was it.

When the funeral was over, Mr Xavier took me back to the orphanage. Yes, that was my life now. My father refused to take me and pinned the blame of Aunty Lily's death on me.

Things can't possibly get worst can they?


It's been a whole month and the hurt of losing her feels like it was just yesterday. The police insisted it was a natural death. That Aunty Lily slipped from the stairs. Even when I provided the name they said that must've been something else. I'm in so much pain right now.

Most of the days Mr Xavier comes visiting, bringing gifts for me but I hardly ever use the things he buys. It's pointless. I have distanced myself from all the kids here. It's not like they want to talk to me anyway so I keep it that way.

"Leilani, Mr Xavier is here to see you."

The warden says. I stand up from my position under the huge oak tree at the center of the orphanage playground. I never play, I just sit there and stare at places.

I follow the warden to her office. Inside, Mr Xavier is there with a black box in his hand. He smiles at me and I fake one of my owns.

"How are you doing?"

He asks.

"I'm fine."

I lie. He hands the box to me and I accept it knowing very well I won't be opening it.

"I would like to take you somewhere today. Why don't you go keep your gift in your room and get back here."

I nod and head to my room. Unlike all the other kids here who have to share their rooms, I have a room all to myself.

I deposit the gift on the bed and return to the warden's office. I enter just in time to catch Mr Xavier placing a stack of cash in the warden's hand. . Xavier quickly steps before me, blocking the warden from view.

"Come on."

He guides me outside and we go to his car. He helps me into the passenger seat and gets into the driver's seat.

The ride is silent. I stare out the window the whole time trying to ignore Mr Xavier and the bad feeling I'm nursing in my gut right now.

"We're her."

Mr Xavier says as he stops in front of a house. It stands tall and beautiful amongst the other houses on the street. Mr Xavier gets out of the car and comes over to my side to help me out. He leads me into the house.

"Welcome to my place."

He says as I examine everything, taking in the luxurious furniture. He leads me to the living room.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

He asks. I blink snapping out of it.

"No...thank you."

He stands in front of me still looking at me intensely. I gulp as fear creeps up my spine. Mr Xavier starts moving forward as I instinctively back up. It is when the back of my legs connect with the sofa's edge that I realize just how bad this situation is.

Mr Xavier steps closer invading my personal space to a point where we are sharing air.

"You are so beautiful...just like..."

He pauses and reaches for my hair. I flinch, unsure of what to do.

"I can't wait anymore."