
Chapter two

The Beginning

" Dad what you doing here with all those strings and needles" Darla an orphan who watched her dad being killed by some unknown forces right in front of her eyes " shut up you witch " he raised his hand hitting her across the face as she yelp in trembling seeing the hot rod he always places on her, she knew it was time for the usual experiment "D...dad " she was only five when her dad died and now being eleven years she adapted to calling a complete stranger dad "stay still Darla who knows I might just sleep in your room tonight instead of Umbra room " Umbra she always hear the name Umbra but have never seen any other human except the two of them, she knew he had a daughter but she ended up dying the same way as her dad , killed by unknown forces, dad didn't have anyone left, his wife died birthing umbra and then she died " Dad umbra is gone Dad " she regretted how quickly the words flew off her lips as the cruel man landed a blow down her cheek, holding her cheek up and placing the two hot rod on her freshly tainted cheek as she scream and yelp for help, it was a raining night and the thunder and lightning were at each other neck, rumors have it that there was once human and lived as mother and son but why did they fought every other day rain falls remain unknown " stay still Darla and pray you don't end up burnt like the 99 of you all, kid your age are dying everyday and I just want to get my Draconian back" she just kept still silently praying her rosary, the house she do grow up in was once a cemetery for evil people and all kinds of evil spirit do linger within her room but she always seem protected from all dangers and that could only be the work of her God that kept her save