
Night School

As soon as the doors were slammed shut Scott started to yell in a panic, "Lock it, Lock it!"

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles instantly replied.

"Grab something!"

"What?" Stiles is now yelling back. I can't think straight as I'm pacing the hall behind them. The only thoughts running through my mind are about Derek, who is probably now dead, and how we are next. We are trapped in this creepy ass school with no plan and a killer Alpha werewolf out for blood. 

"Anything" Scott hisses.

As the two boys quiet down I finally stop pacing and look, "No, Stiles, don't..." Before Scott could finish his sentence, Stiles opens the door and runs out as quickly as he can. I rush to the door, eyes wide and mouth open. Stiles rushes to grab the bolt cutters and quickly starts to make his way back to the school. A dark, ominous creature charging after him.

Stiles makes it back just in time. I step back so he and Scott can quickly place the bolt cutters into the bars of the door, using it as a makeshift lock. We slowly back away and head into a classroom.

The minute the door is shut, "The desk!" I exclaim as the two boys move to push the teacher's desk in front of the door. Only for the desk to make a loud squeal that has us all flinching. "Stop, stop!" Stiles rushes out.

We took a breath then Stiles started whispering, "The door's not going to keep it out." Scott and I nod in agreement as Stiles continues speaking, "It's your boss."

"What?" Scott asks.

I finally speak up, "Deaton is the Alpha."

"No" Scott tries to argue but before he can continue, I interrupt.

"Yes. He disappears and that thing," I throw my hand in the direction of the windows, "shows up ten seconds later to toss poor Derek twenty feet through the air. That's not convenient timing?"

"It's not him." Scott continues to argue.

I immediately roll my eyes and shake my head, "He killed Derek."

"Derek's not dead. He can't be dead."

Stiles then starts arguing with Scott, "Blood spurted out of his mouth. That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead. We're next."

"Okay... Just... What do we do?" Scott finally says, clearly upset.

I sigh as Stiles talks, "we get to my jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job. Good?" He looks between my brother and I as he talks.

We both nod, then the three of us turn towards the window to see if we can spot the Alpha anywhere. "The windows won't open, we're going to have to break the glass and then run really fast." 

The boys sigh at my statement but not being able to think of another plan, they start searching the classroom for something to break the window with. As I'm keeping watch from the window, I notice something is wrong, "Hey Stiles. What's wrong with the hood of your jeep? Was it like that before?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."

"It's bent." I turn my head to look him in the eyes.

"You mean dented?"

Scott looks out the window then confirms, "No, she means bent."

Stiles then walks back to the window to look at his jeep, "What the hell happened to my..."

Glass explodes above our heads, effectively cutting off Stiles' sentence. We all scream and drop to the floor to avoid getting cut by the glass, I feel someone pull me into them to help shield my head and body from the sharp shards.

When the room is quiet again we slowly lift our heads up to see what had caused the glass to break. On the opposite side of the room were broken glass and the jeep's battery.

I then glanced at Stiles who was sitting next to me with his arms still wrapped around my body. When he noticed my gaze he awkwardly scooted away and coughed, "Uh, are you alright?"

I swallowed before answering, "Yeah I'm good. Thanks." I attempted to smile, "Are you?"

He nodded. I then turned to look at Scott checking on him, but his eyes were still frozen on the car battery, though Stiles and I both know he heard our whispered conversation. 

Stiles decided now was a good time to stand up, but before he could fully get off the ground Scott spoke, "Don't. He could be right outside."

"He is right outside." 

"Just let me take a look." Scott slowly lifted his head and glanced out the window. 

"Anything?" I question.

Scott shook his head, "So... Move now?"

He then nodded in agreement as the three of us stood up and scrambled to get out of the classroom.


As we slip into the hall, we nervously start drifting forward unsure of where to go. "We need to go somewhere without windows... Or at least fewer windows." Stiles speaks up in a hushed whisper. 

Scott paused for a brief moment coming to a realization, "The locker room."

We then quickly rushed to the boys' locker room and hurried inside. As we were trying to think about what to do Scott spoke to Stiles, "Call your dad." 

"And tell him what?"

"Anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with police cars it'll take off."

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight including my dad?"

"They have guns."

"Scott... Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down. We can't put anyone else at risk. Especially Sheriff Stiliniski. We have to find another way."

"What about Derek's car?" Scott asks.

Stiles and I nod as he speaks, "That could work. We go out. Grab the keys from his body. Take his car."

"And him," I say quickly. As both boys turned to look at me I continue, "We can't just leave him out there!"

"Fine, whatever." Stiles rolls his eyes.

As Stiles heads for the locker room door Scott stops him, "I heard something." As we all stop to listen we see a shadow pass by the mottled glass window of the door. "Hide." Scott quickly whispers just loud enough for us to hear.

We all glanced around trying to find a hiding spot but there is none. Before any of us can think about it any longer Stiles reaches for a locker opening the door and stepping inside to hide.

Scott and I both follow Stiles into separate lockers of our own. I try and hold my breath as I look through the vents of the locker trying to see what is happening.

A large dark object walks past the locker I am in, moving towards the lockers Scott and Stiles are hiding inside. The locker beside mine, the one Scott is in, is opened and I hear a scream of surprise. Stiles and I both stumble out of our respective lockers to see a janitor standing in front of Scott's open locker.

Scott tries to get the janitor to be quiet but all the guy replies with is, "Quiet, my ass. Are you three trying to kill me?"

The janitor then grabs both boys by the shoulder and gestures for me to follow, "All three of you get out."

"Just listen to us for half a second, okay?" Stiles tries to speak.

"No, not okay! Get the hell out of here! Right now!"

The locker door slams shut on the three of us as soon as he pushes us out into the dark hallway. Not even a minute later the janitor's face slams back into the door. 

Scott grabs at the door as Stiles and I both grab his arms pulling him away. Finally, the three of us take off running down the corridor to try and get away from the Alpha. 

We quickly race through the empty school halls and head for an exit. As we reach the door and try to burst through, something stops us. Scott peers at the door, that will only open an inch, to see a dumpster in the way. 

"The bastard pushed it in front of the doors to trap us in!" I clench my teeth as I run my hand through my brown hair. The boys start arguing but I can't focus. I'm trying to control my breathing, knowing that I am on the verge of a panic attack. Breathe Scarlett, just breathe.

My mind is racing as I take deep breaths. I shake out my arms and start counting to 10, a technique that I've used since my dad left and I started having panic attacks. 

When they stop arguing we head down the hall trying to find a way out or at least a place to hide. But as we make our way down the corridor Scott stops and looks out one of the windows. On the roof across from us, a large figure crouches in the darkness, red glowing eyes staring directly at us. 

We all start running, nearly tripping over each other's feet. The Alpha is chasing after us when all of a sudden glass shatters behind us as the Alpha crashes through the window. 

I quickly race down the hallway to my right, heading for the library. As I reach the doors I take a moment to breathe, not hearing anything chasing me anymore. As I stop I turn around to face the boys and whisper under my breath, "Fuck."

Scott and Stiles are no longer with me. I am all alone in the creepy-ass school with a killer werewolf. I quietly groan as I lean against the wall, tears brimming my eyes.


I take in two big breaths as I try to steady my heartbeat once more. I rub my eyes refusing to cry. "Okay Scarlett, think. We talked about going someplace without a lot of windows. We tried the locker room and that was a complete fail."

"Where else in this school is there next to no windows..." I pause before I mumble out, "The basement. Great, never mind exploring the creepy empty hallways now I need to go to the even creepier basement. And I'm alone."

I take one last deep breath as I poke my head out of the library searching for any movement or sound. When I see and hear nothing I step out and slowly make my way down the hall.

Trying to decide which way was the best to head down to the basement, I headed towards the main lobby thinking it would be the safest route.

As I finally make it to the lobby I spot Allison, Nate, Scott, and Stiles all standing together. Relief fills me as I realize that I am no longer alone. But I don't get the chance to enjoy the moment for too long, realizing that more people are now in danger, and one of those people is my boyfriend.

When they notice me Scott rushes over to give me a hug, "Thank god, you're alright." He whispers in my ear as I nod. As we break apart Nate quickly takes his place.

"Babe, I know you're mad at me but please stop ignoring me."

Before I say anything Allison's phone rings. Jackson and Lydia hurry around the corner and Lydia speaks, "Finally. Can we go now?"

But once again, before any of us get the chance to speak, an odd rumbling is heard above us. "Run," Scott says. We all quickly move out of the way, the ceiling panels behind us burst as something falls through. 


As we make it to the cafeteria everyone but Stiles and I start piling tables and chairs in front of the doors. "Scott, wait. Not here." Stiles starts saying, but no one is listening.

Scott speaks to Jackson and Nate, "The vending machine. Help me push it in front of the door."

"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison rushes out in a panic.

Lydia is also panicking as she asks, "What happened to the ceiling?"

No one answers as Scott screams, "Just help me!"

Stiles and I keep glancing between the group of scared teenagers and the wall filled with windows. Stiles tries to get their attention again but fails.

Finally, I yell to get everyone's attention, "GUYS!" They turn to face Stiles and me, "Great, nice job. Now, what do you think we should do about the twenty-foot wall of windows." Stiles and I both move our hands to indicate the windows to our left.

Allison speaks up, "Can someone please explain what's going on? I'm freaking out here and I'd at least like to know why."

Scott doesn't even look at her, unsure of how to respond. I bite my lip and look outside. Stiles decides to answer, "Someone killed the janitor."

"What?" Lydia screeches.

"The janitor's dead." Stiles once again states.

Allison, in full panic mode, turns to Scott, "What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"

Scott shakes his head as I gulp. Jackson speaks for the first time, asking a question we don't know the answer to, "Who killed him?"

Lydia starts pacing as she speaks, "No. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion," she gets cut off by Jackson.

"Don't you get it? That wasn't a mountain lion." This time Jackson gets interrupted as Allison starts questioning Scott again.

"Who is it? What does he want?"

"Why does everyone always think a murderer is a guy? Girls can be murderers too." Everyone stares at me in disbelief as I speak, "Right, sorry. Now's not the time." I put my hands up and pull my lips into a thin line waiting for someone else to speak.

Allison breaks the awkward silence once more by questioning, "What's happening? Scott?"

He sighs, "I don't know, it's just... If we go out there, he's going to kill us."

Nate's eyes nearly bulge out of his head, "Us? Kill us? Who is it?" His eyes turn to meet me, all I can do is shrug and shake my head.

Scott finally answers, "Derek. It's Derek Hale."

All eyes turn to him in shock. Especially mine and Stiles'. My mouth flaps open, I quickly close it seething in anger that Scott would blame him. 

Jackson then asks, "Derek killed the janitor?"

"You're sure?" Allison asks for a confirmation.

Scott nods, "I saw him. He killed all of them, starting with his own sister. He killed the bus driver and the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And If we don't get out, he's going to kill us too."

As we all take a breath thinking about what Scott just said Jackson turns to Stiles, "Call the cops."

"No." He replies instantly. 

Nate then questions him, "What do you mean no?"

Stiles looks between the two lacrosse players, "I mean no. Want to hear it in Spanish? No. Derek killed three people. We don't know what he's armed with."

Jackson argues, "Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's Department. Call him."

Before Stiles can reply, Lydia takes out her phone, "I'm calling. Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped in here and we need you to..." She pauses in shock then pulls her phone away. "She hung up on me."

"The police hung up on you?" Allison questions, also shocked.

Lydia nods, "She said they got a tip warning them there would be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again they would trace my phone and have me arrested."

"Then call again." Nate urges.

"They won't trace a cell phone. They'll send a car to your house before they send someone here." Stiles says.

The girls start interrogating Scott asking him questions about Derek that he doesn't have the answers too. 

Stiles gets in between Scott and Allison when the discussion turns a little heated. "Okay, everybody just ease back on the throttle, alright?"

Scott, Stiles, and I move away from the others to talk quietly. "Throwing Derek under the bus? Nicely done." I say sarcastically.

"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something. And if he's dead, it doesn't matter. Except if he's not..." His voice trails off as he thinks about Allison, "Oh God. I totally bit her head off. 

I roll my eyes as Stiles addresses Scott, "And she'll get over it. We have bigger things to deal with. Like getting out of here alive."

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