
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Kỳ huyễn
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(At Sky's laboratory)

"And that was huge. I was thinking that the menacer that I caught for an experiment would be enough to kill those boys but suddenly a huge robot like creature appeared and killed that menacer. Oh! Man. Out of fear I ran out from there and come here." said Dr. Moore to Mr. Sky. "Yeah I saw it in the news. That was massive. Let me see, what do you think, who was those boys? Don't you think that the boy who created that giant robot is the one who got the humanoid bull that I created?" said Sky. "Tell me. Had you seen the faces of those boys?" asked Sky. "Those boys were covering their faces with masks. It was impossible to look them" said Dr. Moore.

(Next day at Zede's home)

"Get up, Get up, It's already 6'o clock. You will miss your school today. If you will continue mourning like this on your deeds your life will become tougher. Get some fresh air. And I'm telling you if you will lock yourself up like this, everybody will start thinking that you was in that mess" said Diego. "It's good that your mom and dad went on an outing last night. I am glad that you got saved from the shower of questions. Get up before the coming of Mrs. Johnson" said Diego. "May I say something?" asked Zede. "Yes! Yes you can my dear." Diego encouraged Zede. "I'm totally not interested in going to school." said Zede.

Diego punched Zede out of his bed. #Door bell rings# "Oh no! I think it is Mrs. Johnson. Get up Zede get up, get up. Go and take your breakfast" said Diego. After some more encouragement he finally agreed Zede to take the breakfast. Diego pushed him into the bathroom, served food for him and gave him uniform to wear up. Zede crawled on his way to school. He was constantly thinking about the death of Zeno and Cooper. There was a man standing on the road wearing a hood. "Stop right now" said that Man. But Zede in his thought ignored that man. Diego on his shoulder was looking at that man.

Diego was totally afraid of by seeing that man's face. He was a bald man and almost half of his face's skin was burned. A layer of skin was covering his left eye and under it his moving eyeball was slightly visible. "Hey Zede. I think he is calling out your name" said Diego. "Huh! Who?" Zede came out of his thoughts. "I'm talking to you Mr. Zede. And I'm here to ask you about the incident happened last night" that man asked. "Diego I think it's over now. I'm going to tell him everything" murmured Zede to Diego. "But wait a minute. Why do I tell you? Who are you in actual?" asked Zede. "The name is Aayam. The one and only dimensional power user in this dimension and the head of the super human organization 'Savior Society'" said Aayam.

"What? Are you the head Savior Society?" asked Zede. "Without a doubt" said Aayam. "So let's talk about your friends" "Do you know about my friends" Zede interrupts Aayam's speech. "Yes I know all about your deeds. But Savior Society has taken the responsibility of all the deaths happened within a week. And you are totally safe now." said Aayam. Before opening the mouth of Zede, Aayam said "But on one condition". "I don't really care who are you? Let me clear. I was not after that all. I don't know why they died. And there is no point of saving me, because I didn't do anything, on the first place" said Zede and started walking away. "If you lie to me. (Zede stops) I'll the government that you were after all those deaths. I've all the proofs regarding you and that Moore named Scientist. And you clearly know what will happen after that. Don't take me lightly you kid, I'm the head of a most powerful organization in the world" said Aayam.

"What's your condition? And why are you saving me?" asked Zede. "I want you to join Savior Society. I'm saving you because I don't want my employee to get into any legal scenarios. Oh yes! I also know form where your power comes." said Aayam. "But how?" asked Zede. "I'll slowly tell you everything. First tell me that, are you joining us or not?" asked Aayam. "Like is there an option. You got me all over, Sir" said Zede. "All right then. After the school my people will pick you up for the further paper work" said Aayam. Then he grabbed the rope of the helicopter flying above him and flew away.

"Hey! Tell me" said Diego. "Tell what?" exclaimed Zede. "You are going to be a Savior. Aren't you happy?" said Diego loudly. "Yes I am. He must be impressed with my fighting style. But for now, memories of my friends are stopping me to get over excited. Today I'm going to make a promise with me that I won't let any of my friend die because of me." said Zede.

(At the school) "That Zede. I want to crush him under my palm, the way he troubled you two and me, always made me mad whenever I think about him. But how, for some reason he is able to create blasters and bazookas. I also need that kind of power." said Adam by punching the seat. "Don't worry Adam, I'll try my best to create a weapon or something to beat him. It'll work I swear" said Simon. "Would you join me Adam. I can fill you up with the great level of power" said Mr. Moore, who was listening to Adam secretly. "Mr. Moore but when did you arrived here" said Adam "Oh! Please Adam don't make a face like that, I heard what you need. Trust me. I won't tell it to anybody" said Mr. Moore.

Mr. Moore is sneakier as ever. Comment down you view on the current scenario.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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With love


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