
Strength of a Hundred seal

After the clone had finished off Hiyori. Ren pulled out a storage scroll to get rid of the evi— store the medical research. After proper storage he had the new clone take a seat on the gurney. He gave it a reset and ensured the proper memories were set, everything was complete.

Soon after, he and Tsunade left the detainment room. It seems they had managed to stay in there the whole day, it was already night. Arriving outside he looked at Hikaru.

"She's fine, we're leaving now. You have a good day."

Hikaru immediately rushed to the room.

"Hello husband is everything okay? Did you thank the nice doctor? He said the eye surgery necessary to save my life went perfectly, do my eyes look ok?"

"….They look great. Lets go home now you need to recuperate and our son is waiting."

"Of course! I can't wait to see our son."

[That boy…what in heavens name did he do to her.]

Once returning back to their temporary home Tsunade looked like she had a lot on her mind. As soon as they reached their room Ren triggered the barrier seals. He knew a talk was coming and was just waiting for Tsunade to vent her feelings. He did basically blindside her today.

Tsunade at this point was thinking back to the possible aftermath of today. Every time she remembered the clone Ren left behind, she was truly worried about everything that could go wrong.

If anyone knew Rens ability they would likely move to eradicate him immediately. Not just Konohas enemies but it's residents as well. He could replace anyone at anytime and no one would ever likely notice. His Restoration save ability and his fathers special genjutsu were likely the most terrifying combination in the ninja world. Not to mention if anyone undid the genjutsu they would never get any answers, they would only create a mindless vegetable. It was incredible but such power was far too dangerous for any village to allow its existence.

"Are you sure we left no loose ends?"

"Yes everything should be fine. Probably. Maybe. Most likely?….Crime is hard isn't it?"

Prepping her fist.

"This isn't the time for your poor sense of humor."

"Ahem yes wife, this husband shall act proper. Everything was completed without any remaining evidence."

[I'm literally made of water why am I afraid? Oh god am I whipped?…then again that's my wife so who cares haha]

Seeing Rens stupid grin Tsunade thought she should play it safe and just punch him. To think even in this situation he would have improper thoughts. He thought she hadn't noticed but every night he would slowly creep and snuggle his face in her chest. The only problem is she couldn't tell if he was just a pervert or wanted to keep making that stupid I can't breathe joke. To solve her dilemma she decided punching him was the solution to such questions. Better safe than sorry.

While she was thinking about this, her fist punched straight through him.

Ahh this damn annoying technique. He claimed it was to get stronger, more likely to avoid her punches though.

"Wife, patience is a virtue."

"Just let me get one good hit."

" Enough jokes. How are your eyes? Can you trigger the Byakugan? Any discomfort?"

I wasn't joking though..

" They are working fine. As for actual use though I might need your help."

" I'll bring you my gentle fist manual it has my notes scattered on it. You should also be able to emit chakra from all your tenketsu now, so you may have to change the creation rebirth to account for that."

"You may be right. I'll have to do some experiments do you mind if I keep one of the corpses?"

"Wouldn't a clone be better?"

"NO! Ren let me be perfectly clear you must never use this ability without absolute safety. To be honest I'd rather you never use this ability at all. Wait clone…"

[ Oh crap did she notice?]

" You made the counterfeit Ryo didn't you?"

" Wife did you know my ability is great for gambling? How about we make a trip to Tanzaku quarters."

" Really?…. No, don't try to distract me and answer the question!"

" I did some things in my youth my sweet wife that I'm not proud of…hehe." (sheepishly)

" How did someone so intelligent do something so undeniably stupid?"

" Well you see I like to eat slightly pricey foods but let's both just forget this, it's not like anyone can prove it. How did you even notice?"

" No one can remember seeing you buy your kunai which is odd enough but explainable. After seeing your yin release kekkei genkai though I would be a fool not to be skeptical."

" Uh what do you mean yin release kekkei genkai?"

" Your Restoration ability only fits into being a form of yin release kekkei genkai, it may even be the legendary yin-yang release. If you consider just how unique your fathers genjutsu technique is though there's definitely a chance you two developed a unique yin based kekkei genkai."

[ Uhhh maybe? Actually no, not at all, definitely not true but she seems so sure even I'm doubting myself.]

" Could be I guess. Anyways don't worry I'll make a lab for us at some point, father in law said to do what we want with the Konoha compound since it's our wedding gift."

" Oh right our wedding gift from Grandma Mito is ready. It is a modified strength of a hundred seal and she will come to help us so we can learn it as soon as possible."

"I will don't worry, let's just go to sleep right now. Its been a long day."

[Per usual I settled in for a cuddle. This was the life.]

The next morning we immediately began studying Grandma Mito's new seal.

Originally Tsunade would take a few more years to use this but we were a little pressed for time here. Neither Tsunade or myself intended to continue staying in this compound.

The Strength of a Hundred Seal is a jutsu from the Sage of Six Paths era that requires extremely delicate chakra control. It normally takes year of gradual chakra buildup using said control to create the seal. Chakra control though is something Tsunade and I had in spades with my talent in this area being no worse than hers.

By storing a vast amounts of chakra into a specific point on our body, in our case the forehead, it would slowly form a diamond shaped seal. With the seal formed, it would further amplify our chakra control to ensure we never wasted excess energy when performing jutsu of any kind. When released, the seal will either spread across the face or wrap around the entire body. The stored chakra is then released into the body, greatly amplifying the power of all our techniques. The seal is in fact permanent and this is the detail Grandma Mito exploited. In essence it becomes a passive power source that can be made to operate independently.

Tsunade in the original future would link her seal to a transformation jutsu to allow her to look young forever and her creation rebirth which would give her a supreme healing factor. Grandma Mito did the same thing, so should we die the stored chakra would be able to channel a lightning jutsu that would course into our nervous system and destroy our eyeballs. When I first figured this part out I was a little scared. I was willingly going to add a bomb to my head, what a strange life.

Originally Tsunade and I were to wait for Grandma Mito to do this as by using her nine tails chakra she intended to expedite this process that would normally take years.

Now that I could move freely though Tsunade and I only spent a week forming the seals. Obviously we cheated.

Using the Restoration save constantly on Tsunade and having her use the chakra transfer technique to continuously transfer 80% of her chakra to me. I was able to then funnel the provided chakra into the seal creation. Naturally we were able to achieve this in astonishingly quick time and as soon as my seal was formed we switched places. When it was my turn to transfer it took longer though. My 80% was nowhere near equal to Tsunades 80% and I admit this hurt my ego a bit.

My seal took 1 day to create and hers took 2. With the next four days we took the leap and spent several hours each storing as much chakra as we could using our little process.

By the end Tsunade and I had officially become no tailed beasts. Don't get me wrong we weren't suddenly kage level or ready to fight the nine tails bare handed. We simply just had more chakra than we may ever need.

Going forward we had to focus on strengthening our chakra if we wanted to reach the kage level. Personally though I was leaning to just stealing a tailed beast, otherwise my peak may be just jonin level chakra strength.

I kind of messed up here. The concept of the strength of a hundred seal is kind of broken when you apply it with save and load and chakra transfer. In my efforts to justify speedy seal creation I realized oh shit I just made a tailed beast. NO nerfs though I hate nerfs so here we are.

Alexdmercercreators' thoughts
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