
Satu Lagi(Indonesia Novel)

Tác giả: EraaanFairchild
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What is Satu Lagi(Indonesia Novel)

Đọc tiểu thuyết Satu Lagi(Indonesia Novel) của tác giả EraaanFairchild được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Aku Ingin Pulang tetapi aku tidak tahu caranya pulang. Wanita Gila yang di sebut sebagai Raja ini Justeru mengirimku ke berbagai Medan Perang.Aku ingin kembali...Aku merindukan Ibu , Adik perempuan da...

Tóm tắt

Aku Ingin Pulang tetapi aku tidak tahu caranya pulang. Wanita Gila yang di sebut sebagai Raja ini Justeru mengirimku ke berbagai Medan Perang. Aku ingin kembali... Aku merindukan Ibu , Adik perempuan dan Adik Lelakiku. *** Author: Aku merekomendasi kan ini untuk kalian yang ingin melihat manusia sebenarnya di Isekai. Bercerita tentang tentara Nazi yang terkirim ke dunia lain. Selamat membaca. Silahkan masukkan dalam koleksi dan vote. Nanti ku lanjutin volume 2nya. Dark Fantasy Novel Indonesia

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Siang hari, Nadine keluar rumah karena disuruh mama nya membeli garam di warung,Karena Nadine orang baru yg tinggal di komplek itu. Saat tiba di warung,Nadine melihat wanita yg menurutnya pas bertemanan dengan dia (Nadine) "beliii,Bu beli bu'' ucap Nadine teriak halus "Hm,,,apaan neng?siang siang kewarung beli apaan?" kata Bu warung. "Ada garem Bu?" kata Nadine sambil mainin beras "Berapa kilo,eh kilo,berapa bungkus" kata Bu warung sambil melawak "1 bungkus aja Bu" ucap Nadine sambil menunggu diberi garam,Nadine memperkenalkan diri dengan wanita yang disampingnya. "Hai!" ucapnya Nadine "hai juga" ucap Anisa "kenalin,nama ku nadine,nama mu siapa?" "nama gue anisaaa cakepp bangett" katanya alay "owh,salam kenal ya" senyum Nadine di akhir kata Ibu warung pun memberi garam ke nadine,dan Nadine memberi uang dan Nadine pulang kerumah. "Tunggu bentar! Nadine anak baru! sini deh" Aku menoleh kepala dengan gemetaran karena aku takut di bully. "ya ada apa?' "kenalin nih temen gue,eh maksudnya para temen lucknut gue,ups sebenarnya dia geng gue :>" "Oh,salam kenal,Aku Nadine" kata Nadine "Nih gue kenalin yeh! ni yang montok Namanya Venus,Yang kembarannya bidadari namanya adelia,nah gue ketua nya,lu udh kenal kan?gamungkin lupa kaya nenek nenek aja'' kata Anisa "Hai venuss,hai Adelia,haha aku kenal kamu kok nama kamu Anisa cakep banget kan?'' kata Nadine. "Nah gue pengen kenal lebih dalam sama lu!,gece lu pulang gih Anter noh garem emak lu" kata Anisa "oh iya iya asiap gue balik dulu yekk" kata Nadine "GUE IKUT ANJIR" kata venus,samping Adelia "hah?ayo ayo skuy la" kata Nadine (berjalan....) "dah lu tunggu sini ye,gue masuk dulu" kata Nadine "MAKKKKK,AYEMM COMBEKKK TOO HOMEE" kata Nadine so so ucap Inggris (jujur kalian kaya begini engga??) Saat itu Nadine,Venus,Adelia,dan Anisa ke saung saung "nah,lu mau kan ikut geng gue,ntar lu ngeliat cogan cogan awoakow'' kata venus "em, gimana ya?" cap Nadine "lah anying bingung die" kata Adelia "GUE GASUKA TOXIC ?" Kata Nadine "Gaapa ntr juga ikutan awokawok ?'' kata venus "Yauda deh ok lah" kata Nadine "UYEYY MEMBER BARUU!!!" teriak Venus,Adelia,dan Anisa "eh ngapa lu kaya setan?'' tanya nadine "eh gangapah" ucap Anisa . . Dan akhirnya mereka tukeran no telp,dan membuat grup online. - - swipe?!

Elsye_Geraldine · Phim ảnh
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1 Chs

Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers(1st book of four)

Edward's touch was gentle yet electrifying as he drew Seutsui closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that mirrored her own. As their mouths met in a fervent kiss, a rush of heat surged between them. With a tender caress, Edward's tongue traced the curve of Seutsui's lips, seeking entrance to the depths of her being. As she parted her lips in silent invitation, he delved inside, their tongues entwining with desire.  *** He crouched down to my height and sighed. " Listen here, muffin," he began, his tone gentle yet firm "I wish I could tell you, but I think it's better if we wait for Saitous. So now, be a good girl and stop worrying so much, okay?" There was no room for Argument yet his voice... I didn't feel the reliance I always felt when he talked. He gently patted my hair and walked towards his room. This is worrying me more and more... "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" A lost princess unravels her hidden truth, setting forth on a courageous journey to reclaim her birthright. "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" chronicles the tale of hushed longings echoing through the challenging path she forges. With a delicate yet determined spirit, the princess stands resolute in fighting for her and her people. Amidst the thorns, the only confidant she had and wanted yet struggled to keep was a possessive and potent man whose love was clouded by warmth just for her. Why should she struggle? Who would dare to touch her with him beside her? Who would dare to take her from him? As she grapples with her own conflicted emotions will she be able to survive two people? One in whom she finds her solace and where she planted her love and one who claims her as his yet dare to be so cruel to her. Can she navigate the treacherous path to her rights while finding warmth in the most unexpected places? Content Warning: Attention Readers: This is a work of fiction intended to transport you to another dimension of storytelling. However, it may ventures into dark romance, exploring themes such as abuse, graphic fantasies, captivity, violence, and non-consensual acts. Please be aware that these themes are depicted in a graphic manner. Characters and incidents in this book are purely products of the author's imagination and are works of fiction. While sweet romance is also present, it's imperative not to disregard this warning. If you find certain content distressing or triggering, take the necessary steps to prioritize your mental well-being. Your emotional health is paramount, and it's perfectly acceptable to opt out of reading if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

NHK · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Ancient lovers never forget the echo of each other's hearts. An Ocean of life times may pass but still in the end, your heart will guide you home. At seven years old Astra finds herself in front of an orphanage with no memories or clue on who she is. Pitied by the nuns she is taken in immediately after the orphanage gets heavy donations from an unknown source. A few months later a young and rich couple come and adopt her but before finalizing the adoption they disappear into thin air. Another couple comes to adopt her but they too disappear a few days later before finalizing the adoption. This happens for a few times and one day a nun takes her to an amusement park and leaves her there telling her to wait. No clue on where she is she tries to find her way back to the orphanage. Only to find everyone dead with only one nun at her last breath. She tries saving her but the nun knowing this is her end only leaves her with a clue. "People of the stars are after you...He will find you". ******** "Ishtar" He said as he got closer to where I was standing. I couldn't look away his eyes are very magnetic and the blue is so blue and the gold swirling around makes it even more hard to look away. Wait! Swirling....?! "Wha..Wh- who are you..I..I think you confused me with somebody else" He was now standing so close so close all I had to do was stand on tiptoe and kiss him. Why am I thinking of kissing a stranger with swirling gold in his eyes that's clearly abnormal? " I found you" And without another word he took me into his arms and kissed me.

ThEnigmaticJojo · Kỳ huyễn
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Selamat pagi kak Maaf mengganggu waktunya sebentar. Perkenalkan saya Kiki salah satu editor dari aplikasi HiNovel. Kami adalah sebuah platform yang mengizinkan pengguna untuk membaca novel dan menulis novel. Saat ini kami tertarik untuk mempublikasikan karya kakak yang berjudul Satu Lagi di platform kami. Akan ada keuntungan yang akan kakak dapatkan apabila melakukan kerja sama dengan kami, dan karya anda juga akan berkesempatan untuk diiklankan di halaman Facebook kami. Jika kakak tertarik, silahkan tinggalkan alamat email kakak, atau hubungi kami di kiki@hinovel.com dan mencantumkan nama pena sekaligus karya kakak. Kami akan menjelaskan detail kerja sama melalui email kami. Semoga kakak bisa menerima penawaran kami. Terima kasih.


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EraaanFairchildTác giảEraaanFairchild

Di Sini adalah Author Original Novel ini. Kupikir kalian akan menyukai ini jika kalian membacanya sampai habis. Cerita ini di inspirasi dari pengalaman dan strategi perang di dunia modern dan di terapkan di dunia Fantasy.


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