
34 Slytherin Common Room


— The Ravenclaw vs Slytherin Quidditch match ended quickly by catching the Snitch quickly, as the Ravenclaw seeker was pressured by being blocked by Sasuke at the threat of the bludger, Draco was happy to be the team's hero this time .

In the Slytherin common room they were partying, Sasuke greeted them and retired to his room where his snake was, when he was in his room he took the snake out of its cage, and reconfigured the summoning seal, to be able to activate it.

The next day, it was the weekend, Sasuke quickly went to his secret base where he practiced the summoning seal again, but nothing came of it, he went on like this for hours until he got bored, and he preferred to continue practicing his ninjutsu.

By managing to reproduce the rasengan, he tried to combine it with his magic, since if he used it in front of witnesses they would realize that this sphere did not contain any magic and would attract attention.

But the progress was slow, but he was on the right track, then he decided to go meet Luna, to continue researching his summer project of his second wands, sometimes Luna got bored and retired to continue playing with the tethrals, Sasuke to Sometimes I would see Hermione overworked.

He approached her and told her: I was not going to drop some courses, but from what I see, you decided to increase them.

Hermione: It's not esp I'm trying to help Hagrid against Bubeack's trial, but so far there is no case of an accused magical creature being found innocent.

Sasuke: I see, but I think you have the wrong approach.

Hermione: What do you mean?

Sasuke: You must understand that the hippogriff is not innocent, since it is a fact that he attacked Draco.

Hermione: You're on his side.

Sasuke: No, it's about choosing sides, it's about who's right; This is where my suggestion comes from, instead of looking for innocence, try to show that hippogriffs, like any other magical creature, defend themselves when they feel threatened.

Hermione: I was blank, I didn't know what to say because I had spent months looking for a way to find Bubeack's innocence.

Sasuke: I suggest you look for Hippogriff breeders, especially famous ones, to testify in his favor and free him; How about if you ask Principal Dumbledore to testify in favor of the hippogriff, and especially his well-known magizologist New Scamandert.

Hermione: but I don't want to upset him, I know if I keep trying I'll get it.

Sasuke: he laughs at her, you think you have enough time, if you delay in making your decisions you will lose, and you must also make that ranger understand that he must improve his class starting from the most basic to the difficult, but above all he must have countermeasures in emergency cases because next time I end up killing someone.

Sasuke: says goodbye and leaves.

Back in his common room, he finds out the date of his next match, which will be against Hufflepuff.

And the next 2 weeks of classes passed where I stood out as always in them, in his free time he kept trying the Patronus but it only produced fog, one of those occasions the moon watched him with interest

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