
Chapter 2

Samuel woke up that morning to over 99+ messages from Sammie, he looked confused and worried. He called her first before even reading the messages.

It rang for a few seconds, it dialed, then was picked up. He sighed relieved. "Hey, you okay?" He sounded tired but that was because he just woke up and needed time to actually wake up.

His drapes were still closed so the blinding morning sun wasn't shining directly in his room and he was so very grateful. He was going to open them but they would be if  he wasn't half asleep.

"Um-" there was a long pause. "You didn't see my messages did you?" he chuckled nervously "Noooo" he put her on speaker to check his messages, he scrolled for what feeled for a long time till he found where the messages started.

"Well-" he was reading them then his eyes widened " HOLY SHIT!!" he interrupted her. "Yeah!! I saw him! Did I speak with him? No, I did not. But he is really hot! I wish I took a photo to show you" he finished reading them.

He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower since he didn't the night prior. "He lives near you too! I kinda followed him last night… wait- i'll be over in a little bit. We can talk about this when I get there! Kay bye!! Love ya!!" "Love you too."

She then hung up, he started to play music as he started his shower.

He had been sitting in his living room with his roommate when Sammie busted through the door. She took her shoes off then basically pushed Felix off the couch.

"Ow! I was sitting there!" He got annoyed but took a seat at the coffee table, he didn't mind sitting on the floor but he did mind getting pushed off the couch by someone he has never met.

"Anyways- back to what I was saying. I saw him when I was getting off of work last night. You know I left basically right after you so you had just missed him! He was just walking down the street, it felt so weird because I was going in the same direction as him. The air was intense, it was scary."

Samuel just listened to her, he was intrigued in what she was saying. But he was always intrigued by what she talked about.

"Wait wait- who are you guys talking about?" Felix was so confused, but when wasn't he confused?

"OH-! We're talking about Apple INC's CEO, Andrew" Sammie said, turning to felix.

"So why are you so excited about talking about your enemy's CEO? Wouldn't you be worried if Apple gets more successful than Samsung?" Sammie stops for a moment. "Yeah but we aren't worried about that, we're slowly catching up with them! And plus, have you seen the CEO?! He is so fricking hot."

Felix looked confused "ahh, so  you guys have a crush on him?" Sammie shook her head. "I just think he's hot, I wouldn't call it hot and our buddy Sam over here hates his guts for god knows what. He won't tell me why he hates him so much." Samuel shrugged a bit leaning back. "And you will never know."

He had his own reasoning for disliking Andrew, it wasn't because he was the CEO of Apple. It was so much different than that.

Samuel sighed softly, his face had turned into a frown. "Can we talk about something else please?" He looked like he was in an uncomfortable situation.

"Oh yeah yeah" Sammie said with a faint smile, they soon started to talk about something else to put Samuel in a better mood than he was in already.

They were talking for most of the day, but it only felt like a couple of hours. Felix looked at the time "Holy shit- it's already a little over 6 already…" he said which shocked the two sitting on the couch.

"Wait- really?" Felix nodded, showing Sammie the time, she was flabbergasted not able to believe that.

She could talk for a very long time without stopping, sometimes it could be her downfall. She was just a talkative person, she has ADHD and she couldn't quite read social qu's but it wasn't a major struggle she has to deal with.

She leans against Samuel dozing off slowly "can I stay over sam?" He nodded softly "I don't see why not, do you want me to give you something to wear to bed?" She nodded quickly. "That would help me a lot, thanks."

Samuel got up and went to his room leaving Felix and Sammie alone. "Hello, Foxie~" Felix hummed, taking Samuel's spot on the couch. "I'm 17." And that was all she had to say for him to back off "Are you really 17? You look older than that. "

She started laughing "No, I'm not 17 just a lesbian."

Felix sighed softly "Damn, a win for the women though." She couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "We can bond over our love for women" she chuckled softly and nodded.

"I guess we can."

Samuel came back with pajamas for Sammie "hey I got the pajamas for you" he went into the hall closet getting extra pillows and blankets for her.

He then placed them on the edge of the couch with the pajamas. "There's an extra toothbrush under the sink and what's mine is yours, always." Sammie smiled at Samuel as he went into his room plopping on his bed, he scrolled through his phone till he could sleep to catch up with him.

He ended up watching Fear Street, he had heard it was a good movie but he wasn't so sure so he was going to test it for himself. He probably would fall asleep but he would just watch it whenever he had some free time. So far it was a good movie but he was getting tired and couldn't stay awake so he drifted off to sleep