
Salaros (pokemon fanfic)

After being killed by something extraordinary, a man finds himself transported to a world of his own imagination by a divine force. However, this world proves to be far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Even the weakest Pokemon can pose a threat to him, and survival becomes his top priority. Despite the challenges, he remains determined to become the best trainer he can be, navigating this treacherous new world with skill and determination. Darker more realistic pokemon fanfic (each chapter is average 2k or more words)

raphaelodinson · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

chapter 7

As I stood outside the academy, a knot was in my stomach, I was nervous. Working with a starter Pokemon was no small task, especially in a world as dangerous as this one. I took a deep breath and walked inside, determined to do my best.

The academy officials wasted no time in informing me that it was time to begin my training with my starter Pokemon. They emphasized that gaining the trust and respect of my partner was crucial, as it would determine our success in battles. They gave me four months to establish this bond before I would be expected to compete in any official battles.

It was then that my mother arrived to visit me. She asked me what starter I wanted, emphasizing that I could have any Pokemon from any region. I knew what I wanted, a wild Mudkip with untamed instincts.

I wanted to hone those instincts and turn them into a powerful weapon. My mother was hesitant, and understandably so. She knew how dangerous the world of Pokemon could be, and the thought of me risking my life with a wild Mudkip terrified her.

"Mom," I said, trying to ease her fears, "I know you're worried, but I need to have a strong and capable partner if I'm going to survive out there."

"I understand that," my mother replied, "but why can't you choose a starter that's already been tamed and trained? One that's been raised to work alongside a trainer."

"I need something more," I said firmly. "I want a Mudkip that's never been trained or tamed. I want to be the one to earn his trust and respect. That way, when we're out there in the dangerous world of Pokemon, I know that he'll have my back."

"But what if he doesn't listen to you?" my mother asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I will have 4 months to get him to respect and listen to me. I have trained for more than 2 years for this. I can do it," I replied confidently.

My mother looked at me for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay," she said softly. "I understand why you want a wild Mudkip. Just promise me that you'll be careful out there. He can easily cripple you with his strong jaws. Promise me you won't take any unnecessary risks."

"Okay, I will find you a wild Mudkip. Just give me a few days," my mother assured me. Her eyes shone with determination and a hint of worry.

"I understand," I said, trying to mask my apprehension. I couldn't imagine what kind of place she was going to search for a wild Mudkip.

We chatted for a while longer, and then she left. The next few days felt like an eternity. I was on edge, waiting for any news about the Mudkip. Finally, after three long days, my mother called me.

"I found one," she said, her voice low and serious. "But it was a rough situation."

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a knot form in my stomach.

"It was in an underworld auction," she replied, her tone hardening. "We had to buy it to get it out of there. And it's not even a wild Mudkip, it was poached from its family in a Hoenn reservoir."

My heart sank, pokemon that were poached are harder to tame because it will hate all humans but the thought of this being a bigger challenge than what I hoped for filled me with a sense of purpose, sure I was a bit scared because it is a mudkip, I've seen what an angry mudkip can do, it can eat whole legs and arms from a person.

"The Mudkip will arrive later today," she continued. "We're getting it checked out to see if it's injured in any way possible."

I nodded, my mind racing with thoughts of taming methods if my initial one doesn't work. Already had a plan in place, though. A secluded spot. It is a small cove in the forest.

The small cove in the forest is nestled in the ground, surrounded by a natural ring of smooth stone. The stone walls, weathered and marked by the elements, rise on all sides, forming a protective barrier around the cove. The entrance to the cove is a narrow passage, dug into the ground and covered with a sturdy metal door, the only way in or out. The metal door is set firmly into the earth, its rough surface blending in with the surrounding rocks.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I made my way to the cove in the forest. I had spent months preparing for this moment. It was a beautiful spot, surrounded by trees and a small pond. There was even a small cave where the Mudkip could take shelter.

I longed to tame the wild Mudkip in my pocket dimension, but I knew it could wreak havoc on my carefully crafted paradise. My pocket dimension was a stunning realm teeming with verdant trees, vibrant plants, and various flora that I had cultivated and nurtured for years.

Nestled in a verdant grove was a small, rustic cabin that I had painstakingly constructed from scratch. The cabin was simple, but it was my haven. Inside, there was a humble makeshift bed, several sturdy tables and chairs, and a small kitchenette. I had to forego purchasing a more comfortable bed or lavish furnishings as that would raise too many questions from others.

Over the years, I had spent countless hours perfecting my pocket dimension, and it had become my sanctuary. It was a place where I could escape the hustle of the academy and the outside world, a place where I could be alone with my thoughts and the Pokémon that I had trained and befriended. Despite the temptation to bring the Mudkip there, I knew it was too great a risk.

There are even a few cameras installed in the cove, strategically placed so that I and the staff members can watch what is happening. The cameras are there to ensure that if all things go to shit, the staff can rescue me.

A few hours later, a man teleported into the academy with a small glass container. Inside it was a sleeping Mudkip. He said he worked with my mother and was here to deliver it. I and my teachers spoke with him for a bit, asking why the Mudkip was sleeping during the day (since Mudkips are not known to do so) and if it was injured.

The man explained that they had sedated the Mudkip as it was attacking anyone in sight. We understood his reasoning. When we asked him about the glass container, he explained that it was made of a special type of glass that could withstand small Pokémon attacks. He said his goodbyes and then teleported away.

After saying goodbye to my teachers, I left for the cove with the Mudkip in the glass container, informing the staff where I was going. I asked no one to intervene while I tamed the Pokémon. I knew that if I wanted to succeed in this world, I needed to do this alone.

Upon arriving at the cove, I opened the door of the container and quickly stepped back. I didn't know when the Mudkip would wake up, and I didn't want to be in its way. I waited on top of the cove, watching and waiting for it to wake up.

In the meantime, I grabbed my Pokedex and scanned it.

'Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokemon. This water-type starter Pokemon is a fierce fighter, with a powerful jaw that can easily cripple its opponents. Its tail fin is strong and sturdy, allowing it to swim swiftly through even the roughest waters. Mudkip are known for their adaptability, being able to live in both freshwater and saltwater environments. In the wild, they often poach Mudkip for their valuable body parts, which are believed to have medicinal properties. Trainers should exercise caution when approaching wild Mudkip, as they are fiercely protective of their territory and will not hesitate to attack any perceived threat.' I read.

'This is a male Mudkip. A rare egg move that being Avalanche is a powerful Ice-type move that can deal heavy damage to opponents.

Currently, however, this Mudkip is sedated and held captive in a small glass container, causing concern among those who care for its well-being. While its unique skill set and potential for growth are apparent, it must be treated with care and respect to ensure it can reach its full potential.' I further read. Impressive I thought.

Avalanche would be a devastating move that could cause significant damage to both the user's opponent and the surrounding environment. The move involves the user causing a large avalanche of snow and ice to come crashing down on their opponent, burying them and causing significant damage.

The force of the avalanche could also knock down trees and other obstacles in its path, potentially causing collateral damage to the surrounding area. In addition, the user would need to be careful to avoid getting caught in the avalanche themselves, as it could easily trap them and potentially cause injury or death.

After what felt like an eternity, the Mudkip finally stirred and began to slowly awaken. Its eyes blinked rapidly as it took in its surroundings. For a moment, it looked around, seeming confused and disoriented. it slowly made its way out of the glass container.

He looked up and then he locked eyes with me, and I felt a jolt of fear run through me. His eyes were cold and unfeeling, and I knew that he could easily turn on me if I wasn't careful.

I stayed still, waiting to see what the Mudkip would do. To my surprise, he didn't make any aggressive moves. Instead, he looked around again, as if taking in his surroundings. I could see his curiosity getting the best of him.

After leaving him alone, I knew that escape was not an option for the Mudkip, nor could he find anything to feed on. The pond was devoid of any small aquatic creatures like fish, which I had already caught, and also of plant life.

Mudkips would likely eat small aquatic creatures such as fish, shrimp, and clams as they are known to live near bodies of water. They might also eat insects and small invertebrates that live near the water's edge.

As Mudkips evolve into Marshtomp and Swampert, they would have a more varied diet that includes larger fish and crustaceans, as well as land-based prey such as small mammals and reptiles. Additionally, they may consume aquatic plants and algae as part of their diet.

My plan was straightforward: I needed to feed him and gradually build trust by being the only food source he had. That way, he wouldn't attack me.

During the night, I watched him on my PC in my room, where I could see that he appeared to be tired and slept the entire time.

If there are any mistakes, point it out. I will do my best to correct them.

Don't forget to power stone me if you like it.

raphaelodinsoncreators' thoughts