
Salaros (pokemon fanfic)

After being killed by something extraordinary, a man finds himself transported to a world of his own imagination by a divine force. However, this world proves to be far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Even the weakest Pokemon can pose a threat to him, and survival becomes his top priority. Despite the challenges, he remains determined to become the best trainer he can be, navigating this treacherous new world with skill and determination. Darker more realistic pokemon fanfic (each chapter is average 2k or more words)

raphaelodinson · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

chapter 1

As I stumbled down the streets, the weight of betrayal heavy on my shoulders, I cursed the universe for its cruelty. The bar behind me seemed to mock me with its neon sign, reminding me of the painful memories I had just drowned in a sea of alcohol.

I had just found out that my high school sweetheart, the one I had dreamed of spending my life with, had been cheating on me for the past two years. My heart shattered as I thought of all the plans we had made, the future we had imagined.

Sitting on a bench, tears streaming down my face, I couldn't help but feel like a fool. She had no remorse, no empathy for the pain she had caused. Instead, she called me names and insulted me, making me feel small and worthless.

But then, as if the universe had heard my vow, an asteroid appeared in the sky, hurtling towards me. It was beautiful, but terrifying at the same time. I tried to reassure myself that asteroids never fell on people, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to go wrong.

I shut my eyes, hoping to block out the memories of my ex-girlfriend and focus on the present. As I opened my eyes, I saw the asteroid getting closer and closer. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized it was heading straight toward me.

I stumbled towards my dorm, praying that the asteroid wouldn't hit me. It was like a race against time, my life hanging in the balance. When I finally made it to my dorm, I looked up at the sky, expecting to see the asteroid pass harmlessly by.

But it was still there, looming over me, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of punishment from a higher power. I started to question everything I had ever believed in, wondering if there was a god who could hear my vow and punish me for it.

As I watched the asteroid getting closer, I realized that I needed to make peace with my past and move on. Whether there was a god or not, I knew that I couldn't keep living in the past, holding onto the pain and the hurt.

With a deep breath, I faced the asteroid head-on, ready to accept whatever fate had in store for me. And at that moment, I felt a sense of freedom and acceptance that I had never felt before. Just like that, I died, instantly.

' I died before I could show that bitch what she made of me.' that thought ran through my head as I looked at my new surroundings. " I think I died when that thing hit me. " I am so confused.

I found myself in a white room. The room is not physical, but rather a space that feels ethereal and otherworldly. You are not alone in the room, and you sense the presence of a divine being or force. This entity has a powerful and comforting presence that fills the room with a sense of love and compassion.

As I look around, I notice that there are no doors or windows in the room. You are not sure how you arrived in this space, but you feel a sense of peace and tranquility that you have never experienced before. I realize that I am no longer bound by my physical body, and I feel a sense of freedom that I have never known.

As I bask in this sense of freedom and peace, the divine being in the room begins to speak to me. The entity may speak in a language you understand, or it may communicate with you telepathically. The message is clear. I am in the presence of God.

The God I am meeting may be the God of our understanding, or it may be a universal force that is beyond human comprehension. I feel a sense of awe and reverence as I acknowledge that I am in the presence of something greater than myself.

Then I felt it, a voice in my head trying to speak with me. It must be God. 'child, what may you be doing here? This is no place for souls.' a gentle, conveying a sense of compassion and empathy.

'I don't know, Father. The last thing I remember was a light following me as I ran.' I don't know why I called god my father but it's an old habit from my catholic days.

I had many fond memories of attending Mass with his family on Sundays. I loved the way the sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting a colorful glow over the pews. I would sit next to my mother, feeling the warmth of her body next to me, and listen to the priest's words with rapt attention.

'Interesting, that light was a wish from a world. A wish from someone, a strong, desperate wish. My child, I will honor this wish. Are you adequate with that?' God asked gently.

I nod, a wish killed me. I think I should know why it killed me or targeted me. God, a being of light and divinity, his light flickered. Around me, information was being put out, videos were being played, and it was fast.

As the videos played around me, I watched in confusion and amazement as my life played out before my eyes. Every moment, every decision, and every action was laid bare for me to see. I saw the pain and heartache I had caused others, as well as the kindness and love I had shown.

As I watched, I felt a sense of regret and sadness for the things I had done wrong. But I also felt a sense of pride for the good I had accomplished in my life. And at that moment, I understood that everything in life happens for a reason, even my untimely death.

God spoke again. His voice was soothing and full of wisdom. "My child, I have given you a gift. A second chance at life. But you must use this opportunity wisely. You must learn from your past mistakes and use your newfound knowledge to create a better future."

I nodded, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task before me. But at the same time, I felt a sense of hope and determination to make the most of it.

"No, my child. It is from a world very different from yours, where humans live alongside creatures called Pokémon," God replied in his gentle voice, his light flickering slightly.

"I will send you there, but be warned - this is not like the anime version or the games. In this world, these Pokémon are much more powerful and much more dangerous. They will not hesitate to kill you," God cautioned, his voice filled with concern.

I felt a chill run down my spine at his words, but I trusted in his plan for me. "But don't worry, child. I have prepared a special gift for you, something that will keep you alive," God added, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

"What kind of gift, Father?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"It is a pocket dimension, a few acres big but it shall grow bigger as you and your Pokemon grow stronger," God replied, and I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of having my dimension.

"But remember my child, this is not a game. You must be careful and use your gift wisely," God cautioned me once more.

"I understand, Father. Thank you for this opportunity," I said, grateful for the chance to explore a new world.

"Father, is that wish from my world?" I asked curiously, my mind buzzing with questions about this new world I was about to enter.

"Father," I asked curiously, "what was that wish you mentioned earlier? You never said what it was."

"Ah yes, my child, the wish," God replied. "It was from a dying mother who wished she had a son. Her husband died in a war between humans, and she wanted a child who resembled him."

As God spoke, a sense of sadness filled the room. I couldn't help but feel compassion for the woman and her loss. It was a reminder that even in other worlds, people suffered just as much as they did on my own.

"I wish to be her son, Father," I said to God with conviction.

"Your wish shall be granted. You will be born to a brave mother who serves as the chairwoman of a company that supports trainers," replied God.

Excitement surged through me as I asked, "Will I be rich then, Father?"

"Perhaps, my child. But remember, wealth is not everything in this world. In the Pokemon world, a single strike from a Pokemon can be fatal. You must learn to think, strategize, and train your Pokemon to become stronger if you wish to survive," cautioned God with wisdom.

I said my sad goodbyes to God and with that, God sent me off to the Pokemon world. As I traveled through space and time, I was both excited and scared. I had always wanted to see a more realistic Pokemon world, but I also wondered how dangerous it would be.

When I finally arrived in the Pokemon world, I couldn't see anything at first, only hear the chaos around me. People were yelling and shouting in a weird Japanese language that I couldn't understand. It was a harsh and unfamiliar environment, but I knew I had to adapt quickly.

The first 8 years of my life in the Pokemon world were in-house. My mother feared for my safety, as we were the only remaining members of the Rath family. My mother's name is Mariana Rath, and mine is Kian Rath, which means "ancient" or "grace of God."

My mother is the chairwoman of Styr Corporation (SC), a mega-corporation that has its fingers in every industry, from breeding to poke balls to water. I always thought it was only for the Pokemon training world, but it's in everything. The corporation is so powerful that even regional governments rely on it for support.

You might assume that we are so rich that money doesn't apply to us, and you would be correct. However, my mother raised me normally. We live in the countryside, although it's not the typical countryside that you might imagine. Our land is heavily guarded and protected by ace trainers, making it almost impossible for anyone to enter uninvited.

Our home is a small manor, not too big, but spacious enough for a family of six. My mother doesn't have to go to her office often as she can work from home using the latest technology developed by her company, including smartphones and teleportation devices.

My mother was always there for me, just like my past life family. I miss them dearly, but I've moved on. I always wish for the best for them and hope that they are living a good life.

Nowadays, my mother is a strong woman who takes no nonsense from anyone, especially her employees. I've heard her firing a guy on the phone because he messed up a project. My mother is strict with her people, but with me, she is kind and gentle, always worrying about my safety and well-being.

I love that about her and am grateful for everything she has done for me.