

Book One

Volume 1

Ch. 10 Saiyan


"So what brings the two of you here?" I ask as I wrap the kid in bandages

"Well we certainly didn't come to see you" Irene says

"C'mon ma" Igneel sighs

"Heh*" I chuckle "I figured that much"

"We're looking for Acnologia" Igneel says taking a seat at the table

"Oh…" I lay the kid back

"Yeah not like you care" Irene says

I stand up "so it's like that huh?!" I grab her shirt

"God, c'mon ma" Igneel scratches his head nervously

"If you did you would've gone for him the moment he took off!" she shouts in my face as she slaps my hand aside

"Are you kidding me?! You know how my father is, you know I couldn't let him out of my sight for a second!" I growl

"Ima go check up on the town" Igneel awkwardly sneaks off

"Why even bother," I sigh "you know if I wasn't there Acnologia would've killed you."

She sighs, setting a hand on her belly where he left her a scar "he's my son, Ignia" she tears up "I'd do anything for him, a-and when Selene took off as well, I didn't know what to do" she sniffs

I pull her into my arms "it's not your fault. There's nothing we could do"

"I-I know but I can't help thinking I could've done something, you know?" She weeps

"You're their mother it's your job to worry"

She wipes her face

"C'mon" I lead her to the couch

I sit down right beside her holding her closely as we both quickly fell asleep

-weeks later-

It's been about 3 weeks since an the kid was still asleep

We had cut off his tail figuring the transformation won't work without it

"Yeah she ran off with our kid" Igneel sighs

"Selene's that cold, huh" I take a drink of the cuba Irene prepared for us

"Wh-whaaa?!" We hear coming from the bed

The kid was finally up and was looking around desperately for his tail

"Where is it?!" he looks through the covers

"Oh hey kid" I walk over to him

"Where's my tail?! Did you take it?!" He demands

"If we didn't you might transform again" I say

"W-well give it back!" He jumps off the bed but stumbles aside having lost balance

"Gahhh! What the hell?!" he kicks his feet

"Calm down kid" I crouch down beside him

"Wh-who are you?" he asks

"Me? Oh I'm Ignia and this is my son Igneel and my wife Irene" I introduce everyone to him "so what's your name kid?" I ask again

"I Umm..." he thinks "Kara" he says "Akuma Ameteratsu Kara

There go any doubts I had

It's him


"Nice to meet you, Kara" I offer to shake his hand

"Nice to meet you mister" he giggle, shaking my hand

"Now c'mon" I help him up "you need to learn to walk again"

"Oh... yeah" he giggles as I help him walk around

"Don't worry about your tail though alright" I say "I'm sure it'll grow back" I add

"Whoa really?" He asks

"Mhmm" I nod

"Whoa awesome" he giggles

We take a walk outside for a bit till he somewhat got used to walking on his own when we finally decided to rest at the cliff looking down at the village

I remember wayy back when it was just me Irene and Igneel not even Cronus had been born yet

Granted I was 13 DC at the time but it's when I first experienced true happiness

And I'm sure it's when my father first did so as well

"So how long are you staying for, mister Ignia?" He asks


He nods

"hmm... let's seee" I 'think' "I'm not going anywhere, kid" I smile

"Reallyy?!" He smiles widely

I nod

"M-maybe you should though" he sighs "I-I'm a monster"

"Yeah..." I sigh "but you see I've already beaten you twice" I hold up two fingers

"Whoa twice?!" He asks

"Err* I mean once hehe*" I giggle nervously

"Whoa that's awesome mister" he says in astonishment

"Yeah, could've gone bad though" I say

"R-right" he sighs disappointingly

"But it didn't" I add

"Hehe* your right" he giggles, jumping to his feet almost stumbling over the edge

"Whoa" he giggles "hey look, it's mister Igneel" he points at his little house where Igneel who was handing his mother bags of food

"Hey dad, look who I ran into" Igneel giggles as he throws his arms around two young men

"C'mon, Ignia" Kara says excitedly

"Alright" I get up and we join Igneel

"Look, these are my kids, dad" Igneel says proudly

"This one's Hagoromo and this is Hamura" he says

"Nice to meet you Lord Ignia" they say after I shake their hands

"It's a pleasure, and Grandpa is fine" I giggle

"Whoa you're a grandpa?" Kara asks

"Looks like it" I sigh just realizing how old I really am

"It's a real honor to be in your presence" both of them bow their heads

"Let's not do all that" I throw my arms around their shoulders "so what brings you around?"

"Well..." Hamura thinks

"We came to investigate the ominous presence we felt a couple weeks back" Hogoromo says

"Yeah, it was filled with so much hate, we feared the entire planet was in trouble" Hamura says

"Oh... yeah" I look over at Kara who looked away shamefully

"Well no need to worry about that" I pat Kara's head

"Y-you took care of it?" Hamura asks

Hagoromo face lights up

"Of course he did, he is Lord Ignia, the great God of Gods himself" Hogoromo slaps the back of his brothers head

"You know, your dad kinda helped too" Igneel says a bit annoyed he was being looked over

"Yeah, but nothing compares to Ignia" Hamura says

"I'll pound you into the ground, kid, so show some respect!" Igneel growls

"You know what I'd like to see you try" Hamura says cockily getting in Igneel's face "I bet grandpa will really put you in your place" he smiles

"Nghk* little brat" Igneel grumbles

"Come one, come all, dinners readyy" Irene sings

"Yayy" Kara hurries inside

"C'mon, why don't you join us" I tell Igneels boys

"Alright" Hamura giggles before Hogoromo slaps the back of his head again

"It's yes sire" He tells him

"Nah, just c'mon" I follow Kara to the table

We all feasted for about an hour telling stories jokes and what not when Kara finally got full

"God am I full" Kara covers his mouth before he'd throw everything back out

"C'mon baby I think it's time for your bath" Irene grabs Kara's hand

"Bath? What's a bath?" He asks as she lead him into the bathroom

"So is that kid really the one behind that massive crater from back then?" Hamura asks

I sigh "yeah…"

"That's terrifying" Hamura says

"It's the size of a moon" Hogoromo says

"Y-yeah I couldn't even see the other side" Hamura says

"Yeah? Well that's what happens in a battle of Gods... and.. Titans" Igneels drunk ass gloats

"C'mon dad, couldn't you hold off on the booze?" Hamura grumbles

"Hehe*" Igneel giggles

"Oh shut up" Igneel dances over to the couch

I talk with my grandkids for a few another hour or so before Irene comes back with Kara

"Alright, I'm assuming you two are staying the night right?"

"If it's not a bother" Hogoromo says

"Of course not" I stand

I make the snake hand sign and the ground began shaking making an identical room just outside

"Whoa awesome, thanks" Hamura hurries outside

"Thank you my lord" Hogomoro bows his head

"It's nothing, you two sleep well" I wave

He nods before joining his brother

"Ah don't be like that, come sleep with your grandso-" Igneel stops himself "big brother" ignia corrects himself f before he'd blow his cover

"B-big brother?" Kara looks at me

I give him a little smile

"Alright" Kara giggles, jumping into the blanket with Igneel

I go over to Irene who was watching the two of them giggle as they fought for the blanket

"You know I miss this so much" she says as I lay down behind her

"Yeah" I sigh

"It used to just be us Igneel and Selene" she says as I wrap my arms around her waist

"Yeahh it was nice" I agree "all we had was each other back then" I whisper

"You really think raising Kara is a good idea?" She asks "I mean you know... seeing how we raise Acnologia and Selene I don't think it's the best idea" she pulls my arm into her chest

"I already told you" I pulled her close "we did all that we could. My fathers blood runs through their veins, there's no escaping that" I add

"Yeah" she sighs

"Don't worry, okay?" I take a deep breath "we'll see them soon"

She nods before we both quickly fell asleep


"Sh-shit." I sit up suddenly. "M-man" I huff

Just a dream

The shit he showed me was really getting to me

It was a living hell what he had to go through so I wouldn't want to blame him for what he turned into

I lay back

Irene was still asleep right beside me

It was about time she let me sleep with her

She had been on my ass about not joining her to look for our kids but I guess she finally saw how important it was that I was at my fathers side

It's funny, it was him that began training me

After seeing my pitiful attempts at fighting him he decided to do it

He trained me to the point where I thought I'd drop dead and when mother would heal me she'd get murder her for doing so

When she reincarnated and found us again he'd beat her to get im My head

I pull Irene in

I remember first meeting this one too

I remember taking her in as my 'slave girl' just so He wouldn't kill her

She was a young mortal princess around 12 years and I was physically 13

She was fighting the dragons my father freed from the dragon realm to plagued the world for his amusement

A few years later Igneel and Selene had a child of their own

Later on my mother had Cronus. After that, she had the rest of my siblings up until Aphrodite and then I had Acnologia with Irene. My father took a liking to since he was born with a lot of his kind of hateful energy

Since Selene and her little brother Acnologia were inseparable my father ended up rubbing off on her as well, so who really knows what's going through her mind right now

"Mgh*" Irene groans

"Alright," I sigh "I'm already awake, might as well stay up"

I carefully get out of bed, making sure not to wake Irene

I head outside where I found Hogoromo washing his face

"So how are you planning on sealing this power?" he asks

"Well" I think "I was thinking I could seal it away in different subjects" I say "but that could be a little risky if they can't take such power" I sigh

The only people that can is Cronus and I

But I'm not too sure I'd trust Cronus with something like this just yet

"I volunteer" Hamura says walking out from his hut "I know I can handle it" he holds a fist up to his chest "it'd be an honor to serve as a vessel" he says

"Yes it'd be a true honor if you allow us to help you in any way lord Ignia" Hogoromo says

I sigh "I appreciate that but-" I say before being interrupted by a massive golden lightning strikes the ground only a few feet from where we stood

"Damn, wh-what the?" the two brothers brace themselves

"Behind me you two!" I shout over the raging wind

The clouds began swirling in circles covering the sun as if Kara had transformed once more

"Greetings" a deep voice is heard "My nephew" he says before finally making his appearance

"Nghk*" I step back unconsciously activating the sharingan father left me

"H-his essence its…" it rivales fathers for sure

But I didn't feel a drop of malice it was the exact opposite of father

"What is it, m-my lord?" Hagoromo asks as Igneel hurried outside after hearing the explosion

"Wh-why can't I sense his energy" Hamura asks

"Y-yeah I can't either" Igneel trembles

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Ignia" the mysterious shadow says

"And you are?"

"I am The Third, Zalama. The Lord of Dragons."

-to be continued