

| Book One |

Volume 1

Ch. 7 Gaia



I woke up still tightly holding mother in my arms

She was sitting right on top my morning wood so I'm surprised she still hasn't woken up

Mann I'm supposed to set of to Gaia

But damn I don't really feel like getting out of bed

I sigh carefully laying her on her side before I get to my feet

"I'll come back, I always do"

Those words echo in my head

I couldn't help but wonder if he'd remember everything even after reincarnating

If that's the case then I have to find him before he reaches his 'golden age' or the age as an immortal he stops aging completely which will be on his eighty fifth hundredth birthday or 17 DC (Divine Calendar)

That year I'm sure he'll have regained all his past memories and if he is somehow reborn with that destructive power he once had it could be devastating

"Mgh*" I watch mother sit up as I sat down beside her, putting on my shoes after I got into my gi

Her bathrobe had rolled down to her sides, leaving her completely exposed as she rubbed her eyes

"Hey ma" I peck her forehead as I get back on my feet

"Oh, h-hey" she smiles

"Umm" I scratch my head "I'm going to be gone for a while, alright?" I say as she stretched her arms

"Hmm?" She looks up at me "Oh" she sighs "you're really leaving?" pulls herself up

"I'll be gone for five thousand years, at the most" I head over to the balcony

She follows

"W-well, I'll be waiting for you" she sits up on the edge after she fixed her robe

She opens her arms inviting me in for one last hug

"Hmm*" I hug her tightly

I look back up at her as I felt her hands pulling on my face and I felt that cold touch of her lips slide onto mine

She caught me a little off guard I just figured she had forgotten all about last night but I see now that wasn't true

We go on for a few minutes when we were interrupted by some footsteps coming up behind me

"Eeek!" Tora jumps on my back

"No way you two" she giggles "finally!"

"Wh-what?" I chuckle

"Oh don't you whatt mee" she giggles "I heard everything last night" she looks at mom

"Oh…" she blushes

The smile on Toras face disappears after seeing I was ready to leave

"So what, you're actually leaving?"

"Yeah" I sigh

"Hmm*" Tora leans on the edge "Oceanus told us everything" she kicks her feet "you really think something like this can work on him?"

I've never seen her so serious

It was odd..

She looked like a completely different person but I guess even she sees how important it was that I succeed

"Yeah... I mean I have to try.." I say

"Yeah..." she looks over the edge as I hop over

"Come back to me in one piece alright baby" mother blows me a kiss

"Of course ma" I say as I descend onto the ground where I saw Oceanus waiting

"So it's time, huh?"

"You know it" I smile widely

"Take care of everything around here."

"We'll be waiting for your safe return" he bows

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath

"Good luck up here" I finally say before..

I teleport right on the edge of Othrys

I look back at our beautiful planet sized Othrys one last time before I drop over the edge

I fall straight down towards Gaia slicing right through the air

After a couple of seconds I finally smashed onto the ground, creating a crater about five thousand miles in radius that sent a shockwave throughout the entire continent

A 'continent' is anything within an area of 200 million square miles that usually shares the same plant and animal life

I sigh

All this is dead because of the battle with father

"Mi, Ushi, Saru, Tatsu, Tori" I do the corresponding hand signs

"Earth restoration"

I set my hand on the ground I just smashed to bits and a mountain began growing right beneath me

Grass, flower, trees, and all types of other plants and Mountains miles away grew around me as I restored the 130 billion acres that was flattened in the battle with father

I kept going till the mountain was about the size of Othrys itself and the plant life surrounding the continent was restored

I sigh

I probably took it too far with the size of this mountain though

I scratch my head

"Now, what should I call it?"

I rub my chin

"Mt. Olympus" I raise a finger "yeah, that sounds pretty cool"

I look around

I carry a rock to the tippy top and I slice it into a tablet before writing "Mt. Olympus"

Alright, perfect

"I, Inu, Tori, Saru, Hitsuji" I sign with my hands, summoning forth an old friend

"Ruff!" Beast barks

He was a shapeshifting griffin

But unlike the rest of his kind he can't talk and isn't the brightest

I had gotten him as a gift for Aphrodite when she was born a couple million years ago but he ended up getting attached to me so I got her a normal dog

"Hey boy" I finally get his attention

He turns around just realizing he was looking the wrong way before he lunged at me

"Ahhaha" I laugh as he slobbers all over me "okay boy" I pat his belly and he sits back, wagging his tail excitedly

"Sorry, I had to seal you away for so long" I pet his head

Knowing him he would've dove straight into the battle and father would've killed him in an instant

So, to start things off I should probably try to sense and maybe rid of his children tainted with his blood from Gaia

Since he is a first generation Titan the body of most mortals that bare his child usually give up after 10-15 years and their child suffers the same fate and parishes after 30-40 years at the most

But those that bare enough hate in their hearts live their long intended lives and even though they are mortals in some cases they give birth to powerful immortal beings that wreak havoc on Gaia

I can practice sealing techniques on his offspring since they share somewhat the same blood and essence

I really hate looking at his children that way, especially since I'm one of them, but it has to be done

As long as they pose a threat, they will be of use to me

"Alright, ready Beasty?" I ask a bit excited to get started

"Woof!" he barks

"Hehehe." I giggle before teleporting to the most populated place on the planet

-to be continued