
Despair ii

Book One

Volume 2

Ch. 26 Despair ii



I use instant transmission to get to Rhea as fast as I could

Rhea? I look around

"Kara?" I hear behind me

Her lip was busted and she had bruises all over her body

"What happened to you? Why are you here?" I raise her head

"Kara, y-you have to go" she tears up

"Why? We're safe now d-don't worry" I grab her wrists before she yanks her hand back

"Get out!" She shouts

"Rhea? What's wrong with you? We're.."

"Nothing, just get out! You're nothing to me now… so leave!" She pushes me again


What's with her?

I'm so confused… why? … why is she doing this?

"K-Kara" she tears up as the door opens behind me

"Kara…" I hear Cronus

"What?" I turn around

"It's a good thing he didn't kill you too, it would've been a pain trying to find you again" he glares at me

"You l-little" I clench my fist

"After all he did for you!" I use the little strength I had to attack

"You idiot" he sighs before blowing the entirety of my arm off with a simple glare

"Gahh!" I fall back as blood spewed everywhere

"Kara!" Rhea cries

"Hahahah" Cronus laughs as muscle fibers shot out from my shoulder and slowly began forming into the limb that he had blew off

"Would you look at that" he looks at me with disgust, seeing my arm had grown back "let's see how many times you can grow that back, kid" he slams his foot on my arm

"Cronus, stop this!" Rhea cries

"Thats enough" the door behind Rhea swings open


"That's enough, brother" Oceanus says

Cronus smiles before kicking me to Oceanus

"Gahh!" I gasp painfully as Oceanus caught me by my nape

"Rhea" I huff as Oceanus drags me out

I watch as Cronus drags Rheas onto his bed

"O-Oceanus" I cough "you dog, let m-me go" I grunt as he leads me into the dungeon

"Hush, child" he says before shoving me into a cell

"Oceanus, how could you?!" I try grabbing him through the bars

"Shut up!" he snares

"Ignia trusted you more than anyone! You snake, you!" I spit at his feet not knowing what else to do

"Ignia was a proud man, a proud warrior!" He grabs my throat before slamming me against the bars. "Do you think I wanted this?!" He growls

"Wh-why didn't you do something?" I tear up

"I wanted to. I… I tried to. The moment we realized Ignia was never fighting to win, but Cronus…" he sighs

"H-he made a deal with him?"

He slowly lets go of my throat before backing off

"S-so what'll we do now, Oceanus?"

"Cronus will reign as king, the one who ran Acnologia out of Othrys. To void any suspicion you will be released first thing tomorrow morning"

"If-if he didn't want to reign Gaia what was Acnologia after?"

"With Ignia gone Cronus would have Gaia all for himself. Which is all he ever wanted.

Acnologia of course for defeating the most powerful being in the Cosmos he will be crowned as the Omni King by the grand priest"

"Omni… King?" I say under my breath

"I'll retrieve Irene and Mia. You should rest for now" he says

Rest for now?

Am I really supposed to be able to after all this?

I drop to my knees as the door closes behind Oceanus

I can't breathe

My heart

It hurts

What of Hestia?

What'll happen to my baby ?

God, it hurts so much.

I felt nauseous, dizzy, nothing was making any sense

Man I really wish I could've gone with you Ignia… all this… is a nightmare



-1,500 years later-

"You did this. You, it's all your fault!" Irene chokes me down as she slams her ass on my crotch

"What are you doing?!" I try fighting back but she had always been stronger so it was pointless

"You turned him into a monster!" Punches and slaps Me across the face

"M-mommy please…" Mia cries

"It's okay baby. Everything is going to be just fine." she smiles widely "just getting rid of that parasite He buried inside me"

"This isn't right, Irene" I grunt painfully as she dug her nails into my chest

"I-I'm cumming!" she moans as she forced me to do so as well

"Haha" she chuckles as she rolls aside

I quickly crawl away

"Mia!" I grab her wrist before pulling her out

"What happened t-to mommy?" She whimpers

"It's okay Mia everything's fine" I smile as I get changed

"A-are we leaving?" She asks

"You want to stay?"

She shakes her head

"I-I'm scared" she tears up

"It's okay we'll be fine" I grab her wrist "c'mon"

"Kara!" Coeus shouts

"Huh?" I turn around

"C'mon man" he shakes his head


I spaced out again

I was thinking of the last time we saw Irene before she went off in search for Igneel

She went insane after finding out Acnologia gave her a child

Oceanus said if Cronus had stepped in, Acnologia wouldn't have stood a chance

Ever since Cronus banned the use of any kind of magic source or practices

He said he did so, so that people won't abuse this power like Acnologia did

But my guess is that he doesn't want anyone stripping him from his throne

Thanks to that, after a thousand years of now without strength training it turned every God on Othrys no stronger than the average mortal on Gaia

Including us.

I shake my head, trying to concentrate

We're in the middle of a tackle football game

I'd love to say we were losing and are the underdogs but it's a blowout

Fourth quarter, I just got my thirteenth touchdown this season, now it's their ball again

No matter though. I love defense it's the only time I get to take my anger out on whatever is in front of me

"You heard, right?" Coeus huffs

I nod

"Sure man" I shrug

He shakes his head before everyone jogs to their positions as I casually walk over to mine

I was still trying to get my head right

So much has been going on I don't know what to think anymore

I hate that we've been living like nothing happened, Cronus became a hero and was accepted by the people as king even though he was just as rotten as Acnologia

I lean forward, setting my elbows onto my knees

I look at their QB who didn't look happy with the play they were supposed to run

My guess is they're going for a pass again since our line has been on their ass all game

I watch their quarterback jog with a limp before telling his team the play they were running

"Hmm" I smile

I unconsciously switch into a receiving stance as they all got into their own positions

"Set" their QB gets ready to hike the ball

I make eye contact with him and he looks at the ball as I do the same, waiting for it to move

"Hut" he fakes "hut-hut"

After a short pause he taps his foot

Both our lines slam into each other, trying their best to do their job

The receiver I was supposed to guard was running a 9 straight down the field so I leave him to our safety knowing the QB won't go for that long pass

I take a few steps back trying to find an opening

I quickly rush in through the guard and tackle as their QB backs up behind his fullback who looked just as nervous as he was

I faint stutter step left, go right, before spinning back, snapping his ankles as the QB stepped behind his Halfback

And this man got low

Like low low

He was really about to run me over

I brace myself, giving the impression that I was actually about to challenge his big ass, but I step back and I shove him aside

He holds onto my jersey almost pulling me down with him but I manage to tear it off

Now it was just the quarterback and I

It's only been a few seconds since he hiked the ball so he was still looking for an open receiver

He pulls his arm back just as I lock my arms around his waist

I raise him off the ground as he hugs the ball to prevent a fumble before I slam him on his back

The whistle finally blows.

I step over him and spit on his chest for the eighth time this game

"Aye I'll fuck you up kid!" His teammate shoves me

"What? You his daddy?" I rip my helmet off, ready to throw down

"Not today." Coeus sets a hand on my chest

But I wasn't having it today

I throw my helmet at the guy and he charged at me

I felt his helmet slam onto my abdomen almost knocking the wind out of me before slamming me onto the ground like I did to his buddy

I felt his fist jabbing into my ribs as I tried elbowing his back but couldn't cause of the pads protecting him, so I grab his helmet and I jerk his head from side to side, finally managing to get him off me

I yank off his helmet and I smash it onto his other teammates nose before I start slamming my fists onto his face

I feel Coeus trying his best to pull me off of him but through all the commotion I actually manage to shove him aside

Someone yanks my back and I manage to catch my balance before their quarterback could deck me in the face

I lean back, before stomping on his knee and I follow that with my fist to his face

"Agh!" He cries

I pull my arm back, ready to re-align his broken nose when someone yanks me back by my pads

"Enough!" Coeus growls

I open my arms

"C'mere pussy" I taunt their qb

My fists were soaked in blood

It was staining my jersey

I smile widely as the taste of blood filled my mouth

"Let go of me!" he struggles as his teammates backed him off

The ref points at me before blowing his whistle and throwing his hat into the air, ejecting me for the rest of the game

"Keheh*" I giggle to myself as I reach down for my helmet

I know there's no way I can get through Coeus' strong ass

I think I'm satisfied

Next time we play those guys are going to want tou kill me and that sounds even more exciting

I walk over to the benches and I spray water into my mouth with the machine thingy hoping the blood doesn't get me too excited

"What the hell is your deal kid?" I hear coach above me "it's the second time this week"

"First was with a teammate" I say, casually still trying to rinse my mouth

"You shut up boy, you're lucky Ignia was a friend cause I would've kicked your ass out just like Irene"

"Say that again. I'll kill you!" I toss my pads aside

"Yeah, I heard she raped you before taking off. What's that like? She was your own mother!"

"Motherf-." I huff

"Stop it, Kara" Mia hugs

"Slide through, see what happens you fat fuck!" I growl as Mia leads Me away

"Fuck you!" Coach growls before getting back to the game

"I'll fucking kill him, Mia. I swear to-." I huff

"J-just try to calm down, baby." She whimpers

But the first thing I did in the locker room was trash coach's office

I cracked the plastic windows with My helmet before hitting the shower with Mia

After Irene left I began renting the mechanic shop two blocks from the school so that I could make a living for Mia and I

"Are you alright?" Mia runs her fingers through my hair

I nod

"C'mon." I help her up

After drying up I gave her my hoodie so she wouldn't have to put on her sweaty uniform again

I throw on some joggers and grab my things

What Acnologia did to her was just horrible. I made sure to be right beside her throughout the entirety of her rehabilitation

All we've had was each other ever since. So it was only natural we'd become a thing after hundreds of years

We left just as the game officially ended

-to be continued