
Uraraka Defeated in the Pitch Test?!


"Don't put your legs on the desk! Don't you think that's disrespectful to your classmates?!"

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you two-bit extra!?"

The only people I did not want to be in the same class with...come on man!

"A private sch-AHEM. I'm from Soumei Junior High School. The name's Iida Tenya."

I had a feeling someone like Iida would be from a private school. The guy can't be lax for even a second.

"Soumei~~!? Well aren't you an ELITE. Seems I've got a reason to fucking end you after all!"

Is this really a 'hero' in the making...?

"Hey, Katsumi, knock it off with all that crap. We're in hero school, dude."


"(In English) Jesus (back to jap), calm down. I forgot. Okay, what was your name?"

"KATSUKI BAKUGO. Remember it this time, or I'll kill you."

"Yeah yeah whatever, Katsumi."


"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies do it elsewhere! This is the department *sips drink* of heroics!"

I'm guessing this guy in a sleeping bag is our homeroom teacher. I also sat down while he was talking. Not about to continue my 'conversation' with Katsumi.

"Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You're all lacking in common sense."

I then noticed that Deku was here! Good, otherwise I would have had to do some stuff...

The sleeping bag guy continued speaking.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you."

He then pulled some clothes out of his sleeping bag.

"Wear these, immediately. And then shove off to the P.E grounds."

[At the P.E grounds]

Aizawa then explained that we would be doing a quirk apprehension test.

Doing a bunch of physical activities.

"Saiki, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

Uhh, what's a normal number... "54 meters."

"Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don't hold back."

Alright then.

I gripped the softball in my hand. Breathed in and out.

And finally, I threw it, aiming at Proxima Centauri, the nearest star other than the sun.

The ball soared into the sky and never came back.

Aizawa showed us the measurement and...

"INFINITY?!?!" shouted a red haired student.

[Narrator POV]

Since Saiki isn't hearing thoughts right now, let's see what they're thinking.

'So he's hot AND strong...' (Mina Ashido)

'So he's hot and strong?! Lucky bastard!' (Minoru Mineta)

'Too manly...' (Eijiro Kirishima)

'He probably used some trick...' (Katsuki Bakugo)

'Was that really his quirk or just his physical strength?' (Tsuyu Asui)

'...He's still no match for my ice...' (Shoto Todoroki)

'His telekinesis was that strong?' (Izuku Midoriya)

[Saiki POV]

After my inspiring throw [B)], the whole class got riled up and so, Aizawa told us that the one to get last place in this test would be instantly expelled.

Ouch...I have a feeling I know who..... I thought while looking over at Deku.

Anyway, the first trial was the 50-meter dash.

I decided to just run normally for this one, easily clearing it in 0.018 seconds apparently. It wasn't actually my fastest though..

I turned on my telepathy for just a second because in my opinion, what I did just now was pretty amazing.


Hah, they're all thinking the same thing. Man it feels good to be op.

Next trial was the grip strength test.

Like usual, I don't really have to use any psychic powers for this. I gripped it until it broke.

Trial 3 was the long-standing jump and I just jumped normally like the first trial.

Enough of the repetition, for the rest of the trials, I just used my super strength to get first place in all of them.

For the pitch, the zero-gravity girl, who's name I now know is Ochako Uraraka, also got infinity. Not too surprising, it is zero gravity after all.

Technically though, she had to deactivate her power at some point!

So, even if she theoretically got infinity, it must have fell down before even going a single light year away from Earth.

So, mine still went farther since I put much more power into it!

Oh and Deku beat Katsumi on the Pitch. HA

Apparently, Katsumi didn't know about Deku's brand spanking new quirk because his face was hilarious when he saw Deku throw his pitch 705.3 meters away!

In the end though...Deku still got last place...so he'd have to be expelled.

"There there, Deku. I'll-"

"Oh yeah, that whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie."

....I was going to say I was going to use mind control...but I guess I don't need to use such a power. Did I forget he was the main character? Am I stupid? Yes.

"It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performances."


PFFT. Deku...

[End of the school day]

I saw Deku and Iida talking, so I joined up with them to join the conversation.

"I have to say, Aizawa-sensei really got me! I'd actually thought 'so this is what the highest academia is like!', now I see how a teacher can encourage through deception...."


"Oh, hey Saiki!"

"You're that 'Infinity' guy."

(From behind)

"Hey, you three!"

"Oh! And if it isn't the 'Infinity' girl."

"Hi! I'm Uraraka Ochako! You're uhh, 'Iida Tenya', 'Saiki Kusuo' and, if I'm not mistaken...'Midoriya...Deku!'"


"Eh? Wasn't that what that Bakugo kid called you? Or the like~"

Bakugo? I only know a Katsumi.

Deku then explained that Deku is just a name used to demean him...

"But you know, I kind of like the name 'Deku' for you! It gives me a sorta 'Never Give Up' vibe, you know?"


The four of us talked until we reached the train station and separated.

[A meeting occurring at U.A High School]

"Saiki Kusuo. He got first place in every single test today, even including class 1-B. What was his quirk again?"

"He's named it PSY and apparently it lets him read 'some' thoughts as well as use telekinesis. That's all he wrote."

"Wait, then what were those energy balls he used in the entrance exam?"

"We are planning on asking him if he needs to update his quirk registration sometime this week, so hopefully we can get our answer then."

"It is some powerful telekinesis though...the pitch he threw was above the atmosphere before it was destroyed."

"Still...I'm wondering why he didn't just lift the ball without touching it."

"What do you mean?"

"He grabbed it and acted like he threw it, instead of just having it hover in front of him and then shooting into the sky. What I mean is, he acts differently when compared to other telekinesis quirk users."

"Actually...he acted more like a guy with a super strength quirk didn't he!? It even looked like he was actually gripping the in the grip-test."

The whole room went silent. They realized they knew almost nothing about Saiki except that he's an orphan with a powerful quirk.

Can I get some suggestions for Saiki's hero suit? I was originally planning on just going with his PK academy uniform and limiters(non-functional), but it doesn't really look that cool in my opinion. Let me know what you readers would want.

Super_Winnie_Wilicreators' thoughts