Have you ever wondered how a terrible encounter might change your fate for the better? Kai is your average High Schooler, he then happened to meet Truck-kun who then sent him to such a world. meeting the goddess, she gave him the chance all young boys want at some point. (I don't mean sex) The goddess then sent Kai into a Parallel world of his own and gave him access to magic. Join Kai on his adventure in a Parallel World as he saves it from destruction.
Have you ever wondered when you would die? Have you ever wondered if there was an afterlife? Well I have actually experienced it. It was a nice day, school just let out and everyone had started to go home for the day. As I was walking across the street, a big truck had not stopped at its red light and hit me, as I lay there dying on the ground a few things go through my mind.
{is this what it's like to be hit by Truck-kun?}: unknown
{will I really die like this?}: unknown
{damn, i'm still a virgin}: unknown
When these things entered my mind I knew at that moment that I was a goner and would die right then and there. But that did not happen, once I had closed my eyes for the thought of that being my last breath something spoke to me.
{no my child, you may not die until you have finished my request}: unknown 2
{ huh? Is my mind finally broken?}: unknown
{no my son, you are needed for my request}: unknown 2
{oh, ok then}: unknown
I only said that because I thought it was the ramblings of a dying high schooler, but that was far from it. On that day, a very accomplished high schooler who excelled in all types of sports died. OH! by the way I'm that High Schooler, my name is Kai, Kai Rin, my friends all called me Kairin because Kai and Rin go great together, I was tasked by a goddess to save a dying world and this is my story.
-White Room-
When I open my eyes my surrounding is all white except the small room sized carpet on the floor, this is where I woke up.
[welcome young one]: unknown
[... where am I?]: kai
[I am what you humans call a god or goddess and this is heaven]: goddess
[so I died and now I am going to heaven? That sounds nice]: kai
[no, you are not going to heaven]: goddess
[ha?!?!? Then does that mean i'm going to hell?]: kai
[goodness no, I called you here because you accepted my request to save a dying world, don't you remember?]: goddess
[oh thank god… wait, save a dying world?!?!?]: kai
[yes, save a dying world, it's close to your world in progression but contains magic, a few people on your old world have magic to but it's so small that the most they can do is make a coin change between their hands]: goddess
[um, are you talking about magicians?]: kai
[if that's what you call them then yes, now, I will give you some upgrades to fit into this new world]: goddess
[WAAA, wait, are you going to make me a robot?!?!?]: kai
[no, now please be quiet so I can concentrate and give you access to a strong affinity to magic]: goddess
[I will be able to do magic?]: kai
[yes, and you will be special, in the new world any and everyone can use magic but there is a limit, once you perform a spell it must have a sacrifice, most people use a drop of there blood or a bit of money]: goddess
[so I will have to cut myself everytime I want to use magic?]: kai
[no, that is what will be special about you, I will grant you a god's title, having god's title lets you use magic without restriction]: goddess
[oh, is sounds like a big cheat]: kai
[well it is, so take good care of this secret please, now let me enhance your physical abilities to about what they consider S rank there]: goddess
[ha?!?!? Will I be super powerful then?]: kai
[yes very, you will be one of the top 100 strongest people in the world there. Now, here are some of the pro's and con's of their world. First, because magic comes at a cost people usually use money or their own blood, now because there are magic spells that take a more hefty price they need a better sacrifice. Most the time it is a human's life for the price. Second, if you take a person's life you gain their power and for the next few spells you will not need a sacrifice because that person's life was used. Third and final, any time someone kills someone it is considered murder, like in your old world, and because murder is so normal there because of selfishness the enforcement there cracks down on any suspicious person they see, so be careful when you use your power. There is one last thing I want to tell you, in that world there are monsters that are powerful, sometimes cities get destroyed in an instant so be wary and use your magic to defeat those monsters and fix this dying world please,any questions?]: goddess
[um, no not really, I think I get the gist but I would like to know what powers I have and how I will be sent to this world.]: kai
[sure, first, you have the ability to use magic without consequence, second, all of your physical abilities have been hightent to the max. You also have a fast regeneration speed, you will also have access to all the knowledge of spells there. The way you will be sent there is through reincarnation because that truck ruined your body, there was no way to save it, sorry]: goddess
[so will I keep my memory of my previous world as well?]: kai
[sure, if you want it]: goddess
[YES!]: kai
Thank god I asked about my memory, that could have been bad.
[also can you make my new body a boy please]: kai
[sure, anything else you want before I send you into that world?]: goddess
[yes, one last thing can I keep my first and last name please]: kai
[the first name yes but the last name might be hard to do, let me see if there are a couple with the last name of Rin… well it looks like there is one and they seem to be wealthy as well]: goddess
[awesome them please, and I want to thank you for giving me this chance]: kai
[... Kai, you are the first person to ever thank a god who sent someone to save a world, I thank you for that]: goddess
[... does this happen a lot?]: kai
[on more occasions than you think, there are numerous world and they all have major problems, all except yours, so we like to take people who are about to die or wish really hard to leave there world and we let them try to save a world that is in trouble]: goddess
[oh, well I think I am ready to go now, but before I go will there be a way that I can say goodbye to my family?]: kai
[because I like you, I will make an acception and let you say goodbye to them in their dreams, but wouldn't that make matters worse for them?]: goddess
[oh, well I come from a family of samurai who place their lives on the line in modern Japan, I think they would be ok]: kai
[ok, here start talking to me as if I were your family]: goddess
After my goodbyes were said I felt better and was finally ready to go to the new world.
[here we go, save the world ok, see you when you die Kai]: goddess
[um… is that really something you should say to someone?]: kai
[I meant it with good intentions ok]: goddess
[goodbye goddess, I will make sure to save this world ok]: kai