
Beacon Academy

On an airship headed for beacon, a boy with brown hair, blue clothes, and silver armor sits quietly on one of the many seats.

Observing the people around him, he sees a blonde bombshell picking up and hugging a smaller girl in a black dress.

Watching their antics, he opens his character sheet.


Name: Elias Stine

Age: 17

Level: 21

Unspent Stat Points: 20

Aura: 6500/6500

Semblance: Flight

Secondary Semblance: Rush

--- Stats ---

Power: 28

Endurance: 33

Dexterity: 39

Magic: 24

Intelligence: 40

Luck: 50


Closing the screen and rising to his feet, he walks over to the noisy duo, who stop when they see him approaching.

Pulling out a deck of cards, he gestures to them, "fancy a game to pass the time?"

A grin appears on the bombshell's face, "bring it on"

The smaller girl in the black dress smiles warmly, "Okay, are we playing poker? our uncle taught us how to play"

Sitting on the floor, he deals out the cards, "I'm Elias Stone, nice to meet you both"

They sit down to form a triangle with him, the little one speaks up first, "I'm Ruby Rose, and this is my big sister"

The blondie gives a mock salute, "Yang Xiao Long", she checks out the attractive boy, eyeing his broad shoulders, muscles hidden by his armor, and sword on his waist.

He catches her wandering eyes, "enjoying the view?", he says with a grin of his own.

Yang looks back at her cards with a smile. Ruby interjects with a question, "So, where you from?"

He talks while playing the game, "I was born and raised in this city, although, I was raised in an orphanage, I never knew my parents... let's see, what else can I tell you?... Oh! I can do magic"

Ruby drops her cards, revealing her hand, "You What!?! how does that happen?"

Yang shakes her head, "He's obviously playing with you, and you just showed us your hand"

The young man reaches out and a small ball of fire floats in the palm of his hand.

The sisters look at each other before looking at his hand again, "huh" is the only noise they can make.

After a few minutes of conversation, the airship arrives at its destination, "Well, I'll be the first to depart, it was nice meeting you girls... keep the cards, something to remember me by", he says as he winks at Yang who smiles at his antics.

The first to step off the airship, he bursts into the main hall before anyone else can arrive, seeing Glenda Goodwitch and Headmaster Ozpin on the stage.

Jumpin onto the stage, he instantly gets down on one knee, "Will you marry me, Miss Goodwitch"

The woman in question looks at him as if he's an idiot, "please stop these antics, Mr. Stone"

Theatrically grabbing his heart, pretending to be hurt before cracking a smile, "It's only a matter of time before you accept!"

Ozpin hides his smile, "You do realize that she's old enough to be your mother, right?"

Elias looks at the grey-haired headmaster, "age is only a number, I will win her heart eventually"

Glenda sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose, please get off the stage, the other students are arriving"

--- Scene Break ---

As the moon resides high in the sky, the main hall became one big bedroom for people to sleep in their sleeping bags.

Setting down his own, he looks up to see the blond bombshell and Ruby.

Walking over to them in nothing but a pair of shorts, he waves at Ruby who sees him first, "Hey Ruby", he then smiles at Yang, "Hey Bombshell"

Yang ignores his nickname, looking at the boy that is no longer covered in his armor, his tanned skin is tightened around his athletic muscles, small scars line his chest and arms.

As her eyes move to his "weapon" she feels his fingers in her chin, he lifts her face to meet his own.

He grins at her, "my eyes are up here but if you are that interested, we could share a sleeping bag"

Without them noticing, Ruby had mustered up the courage to go talk to a girl that appears to be reading a book, leaving them alone.

She tugs her face away from his hand, "do you ever stop flirting?"

He takes a step away from her, "You started it, looking at places with a hungry gaze... but I'll stop, making you uncomfortable was never what I was going for"

As he begins to walk away, he feels her grab his hand, "once we have some free time, how about going out for something to eat?"

He cocks an eyebrow, "Yang Xiao Long, are you asking me on a date?",

She nods with a genuine smile, "Though I'm not much of a planner, so you can plan it out"

He leans in and kisses her cheek, "a date sounds nice"

--- Scene Break ---

On the edge of a cliff, the students stand on stone plates, Ozpin goes over their current situation.

As he is the first in the line of people, his pressure plate shoots him off into the air.

Being shot into the air was a normal occurrence for him, activating his first Semblance, he stops in the air before shooting off to a broken structure he sees in the distance.

Landing softly, he sees before him several chess pieces.

Shrugging, he picks up one of the white kings before turning to the sound of footsteps.

In front of him stands three young men that pick up the same pieces as him.

After short introductions, they make their way out of the forest.


Down below will be pictures and names of each member of his team.

--- Team EBNY ---

Team Leader: Elias Stone

Team Member: Beryn Marks

Team Member: Nolan Garret

Team Member: Yanu Lezko