
Ruthless Love With The Mysterious You

Lynn saw the remaining residual power from Luke's hand injury. "Damn, He was hurt by the Awakened One. But how the hell did he meet this guy?" Lynn said to Qirin as she was checking the wounds. Despite her suspicions, she took off Luke's shirt first. He also has many other injuries to his stomach. Lynn looked worriedly at the unconscious Luke. "Anyway, let's give him a potion first. I'll take care of the rest." Qirin immediately went to Lynn’s apartment using his super speed to get the potion. Qirin came back and gave the potion to Lynn and helped Lynn to pull Luke up, holding his shoulders and laying him on the headboard. She opened Like’s jaw and poured her potion carefully and slowly. After putting Luke to bed, Lynn picks up the phone and calls Luke's grandpa after discussing it with Qirin. She said, "I think we need to make sure. We found some residual power in Luke's injuries. These injuries weren't due to an accident." Lynn said with a severe look on her face. "I'm coming," Luke's grandpa answered over the phone. ... "Why do I feel this way?" When Lynn looked in the mirror in front of her, she could see that her cheeks were dyed bright red. 'Crap. Why does my heart beat faster when I get closer to him, what is happening to me? This has never happened in the past few years. ” …. What happens when a person is suddenly thrown into a whole new world? After the "accident", Luke's whole world suddenly changed. His loved ones become new to him. He had more power than he thought. The person who disappeared without a reason has such a huge situation behind her. New mysteries are revealed, and Lynn,Luke and Qirin’s strained relationship takes a new turn. I don't know who made the book cover. Sorry for using it without permission, but I think it's a very suitable for my book. I will delete it if requested by the creator or others.

Shrihitha_Kumbum · Kỳ huyễn
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chapter 3:Daddy, I enjoy playing with him

They were discussing things in silence until they heard another growl.

They both turned to gaze at Lynn pausing to stare at each other.

Lynn's face once more turned red like a tomato.

Luke and Mike remained silent quietly.

"Young lady, hold on a second."

Mike continued to adjust the table while being careful not to disrupt the pieces and started serving the desserts on a plate.

Lynn is admiring the luscious, soft desserts when she couldn't resist picking up the chocolate-flavored ones and begin an to eat them first.

But she saw that Luke was not eating and asked him " Won't you eat ?".

"No." Luke had zero interest in sweets.

Luke noticed Lynn happily enjoying these sugary desserts, and she reminded him of his dog, who eats everything in sight.

He couldn't help but lift the corner of his lips , thinking that this feeling was pleasant.

Lynn finished devouring the pastries and smiled contentedly.

After cleaning things up, Mike spotted the smile on Luke's face but refrained from poking his young master and smiled as he walked away.

Luke and Lynn continued to play together, but they were unable to solve it.

"Young lady, The masters instructed me you fetch you two downstairs." Mike said.

When Lynn's parents were leaving, Mike came over to pick them up.

Luke couldn't help but wish she would remain for a while longer.

But, he is aware that this is impossible, so he just said, "Be sure to come again."

Lynn was overjoyed as soon as she heard these words.


Mike couldn't help but be taken aback. His young master had never before extended an invitation to anyone.

He made a mental note in silence to tell his master about this. The two couples were waiting downstairs as he led the two of them there.

After seeing Blake and Amanda, Lynn walked to them.

"Mom, can I come here to visit again ? "she questioned Amanda.

"Of course you can!", Lily yelled before Amanda could respond.

After she shouted, she grinned sheepishly as she noticed how everyone was staring at her, but she couldn't help it because she was so relieved that her son could now play with someone.

"Of course you can, sweetheart", Amanda responded with a smile.

Richard couldn't help but pause for a moment. observing both Lynn and Luke.

A gentle smack was delivered to Richard's shoulder.

Blake saw this, he threw Richard a murderous glare and silently said, "No fucking way."

Richard was forced to retract his thoughts.

Blake turned to look at his daughter once more, lamenting in his heart that he had to keep the wolves in check. Since she is this young, others are already thinking, and she will have a lot more in the future. The idea of this made him furious, and he couldn't help it.

"I must get my fire arms back to this country soon."

Blake snorted.

When Richard saw Blake's Look, he couldn't help but experience a chill.

Amanda and Lily didn't pay attention to them and were talking something with kids.

Lynn cheerfully walked over to Luke and said, "I'll be back Luke, let's finish the Puzzle when in our next meeting."

Luke only said, "Hmm."

After bidding the couple farewell, Amanda and Blake left to get into their car.

"Bye, Luke," Lynn waved .

Luke also extended his hand and made a little hand wave.

Lily and Richard were stunned and couldn't help but be surprised , but after a while they just started beaming with joy. Luke noticed this, coughed a little, and then returned to his room after observing the departure of the car.

In the vehicle.

Blake and Amanda are looking at Lynn, who is beaming.

Blake couldn't help but be sad because it seemed like someone had taken his cabbage.

"Lynn, do you like that boy?" Blake questioned with bitterness.

"Yes, Daddy, I enjoy playing with him." Lynn answered.

After hearing this, Blake couldn't help but feel sour.

"Do you not enjoy playing with your father the most, Lynn? " Blake said.

"Yeah, dad, but I enjoyed playing with Luke today. That was much more enjoyable than playing with you," said Lynn without realizing the she just pulled a string.

Blake experienced the sensation of having an arrow shot through his heart and was overcome by the impulse to vomit blood.

After then, he stopped talking out of fear that additional arrows would be aimed at him.

When Amanda noticed this, she couldn't help but giggle.

While bearing his poor heart, Blake avoided her while Lynn stood by and observed Amanda with confusion.

Amanda just replied," It's nothing baby. Mom just suddenly remembered something."

All of them showered after arriving home and sat on the couch in the living room.

Amanda and Blake have something to discuss with Lynn.

Lynn was dressed in her pajamas. Looking adorable, she was observing her parents with interest.

"Lynn, you'll start school the following Monday, "Amanda said.

"Whoa," Lynn exclaimed in awe.

Lynn's sudden happiness caught Amanda off guard because she expected Lynn to be upset over not seeing her parents for a while.

"I can make more friends, mom, right? I'm eager to go."

On the couch, Lynn was hopping around like a bunny.

Amanda was pleased that her daughter was looking forward to going to school rather than feeling depressed.

Blake was having an 'its over, I can't spend the time with my baby anymore' expression.

Rolling her eyes, Amanda ignored him.Lynn also didn't notice her dad and saw that her mom has something more to say.

Amanda teasingly stared at Lynn. "One more surprise is coming,"

"Mummy, what is it?"

Lynn said.

"Luke will be in your class."Amanda said.

Lynn squealed.

"That means that I'll see him every day, right?" Lynn couldn't help but smile at the thought of getting more time with Luke.

"Yes", Amanda answered.

Blake simply snorted.

"Baby, why don't you go play in your room for a little before going to bed? "

While speaking, Amanda's hand continued to twitch. She wanted to smack someone but she restrained herself.

Lynn said, "Sure, Mom," before returning to her room.

Blake received a whack from Amanda.

"What? What have I done? " With his hand on his head, Blake said looking pitiful.

'Shit, she really hit me hard.'He thought.

"What's the matter with Luke? He is such a sensible boy." Blake received a glare from Amanda as she spoke.

"But he's stealing my baby," Blake said.

Blake replied, gazing at his wife and crying in his head.

"No one is stealing your child; they are only five years old, for gods' sake."

Amanda reprimanded him.

"B-But..." Blake was going to say anything, but after seeing her glare, he decided against it.

After this episode, they all returned to their rooms to sleep.

Quickly the days were over, it was Saturday, and only one more day remained before the start of the school year.

Amanda considered taking Lynn shopping so she could buy clothes and other basics.

Lily contacted Amanda while she was thinking.

"Let's go shopping." As soon as Amanda picked up the phone, Lily said.

"Sure," Amanda said.

They quickly made plans to bring the kids to shopping.