
Running Free

Halle_Kenney · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

Serena stands before her mirror, struggling to recognize the person reflected back at her. It was finally the night of the ball and time for her plan to be executed. Serena had her dress on and her makeup done to match, the black winged eyeliner and black matte lipstick looked stunning on her but she didn't care. Serena looks to the side of her head looking for any sign of the bruise Ryan had left two days prior but finds it had been perfectly covered by concealer and foundation. Natasha walks in the room and gasps, "You look nothing like yourself, you look beautiful."

Serena gives Natasha a small smile. "Thank you."

"Are you still planning on leaving tonight?" Nat asks, giving her a sad look.

She nods giving her friend a small smile. "I have to. It the only way I'll ever be free of Ryan."

Nat gives her a small smile and walks out of the room. The other wolves in her pack didn't know about the abuse she suffered at the hands of their alpha, the one who was supposed to protect all in the pack. Ryan had warned her of the consequences if she told anyone about his abuse and so Serena kept her mouth shut and took it because it's what she had to do, but tonight that would all change. She was finally going to be free from all the horrors in her life, free to live how she wanted. Serena jumps when the door opens revealing Ryan in a blue button down and black dress pants. "You ready?" he asks, anger already apparent in his voice.

Serena nods, standing to join him at the door. "Are you ready?" She asks, genuinely curious due to the informal clothing Ryan was wearing.

He glares at her making her shrink away from him. "No, I'm not. My suit jacket didn't fit quite right so it's getting altered a bit more."

Serena nods and leads the way out of her room and to the ballroom. Ryan follows closely behind here until they reach the stairs leading to the ballroom. "Go, find your mate so I can finally be rid of you and the burden you became the day I took you in."

Serena slowly makes her way down the stairs, taking one look back at her alpha to make sure she was acting as he would like so as not to anger him. Natasha meets her at the bottom of the stairs. "Good, you're here. It's five minutes to midnight you were almost late."

Serena shrugs. "Can't really be late to something I didn't care about in the first place."

"You can't keep thinking the way you do. It's no wonder Ryan beats you the way he does."

Serena stares at her friend in shock. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. You're useless to this pack and your future mate."

Destiny voice sounds deep in Serena's thoughts " Her wolf isn't active. She's pushed her down too long. Challenge her."

Serena growls, allowing destiny to take over just for a few minutes. After her transformation is complete Destiny stands before Natasha. Destiny growls, her ears turn as many of the party goers turn to marvel at Destiny with her jet black fur and emerald green eyes. Natasha growls back at Destiny. Destiny growls one last time, making Natasha turn and walk away. Destiny allows Serena to take over once again and by the time she is back to her human form the clock is striking midnight. All at once her mates scent hits her nose, his smell consists of Cedar wood and rain water. Serena is immediately drawn to the source of the smell, her mate.