
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


~Level thirty clear: congratulations on clearing stage one: F-rank portal. Level 31 starting in 300 seconds~

'What? A stage clear?'

Yasuo noticed that he got five minutes before the next level started, so he began to organize his thoughts. 'It says that I cleared stage one, named F-rank portal. Does that mean I will be moving on to stage two, with monsters from E-rank portals next?'

Yasuo was surprisingly excited thinking about this, without the slightest feeling of nervousness. Never having been able to go into E-rank portals before because he thought it was too big of a step-up from an F-rank Portal and wasn't confident in solo clearing it. Now getting the opportunity to fight E-rank monster he was excited, because he knew that there wasn't any danger in the augmented reality.

Unlike F-rank portals where only goblins can be found, E-rank portals could have all kinds of different monsters in them. Yasuo had already made preparations for fighting in E-rank portals by studying the monsters inside of them, so even though he didn't have any practical experience yet, he was confident in his theoretical knowledge about monsters from E-rank portals.

Looking at the timer, Yasuo still had one minute left. Yasuo began shaking, not from being afraid or being nervous, but because of his immense enthusiasm. 'The president said that one of the privileges was a better training room. Did he mean this augmented reality room? If I get into the top fifty rankings, I might be allowed to come here whenever I want!'

Yasuo's enthusiasm soon turned into longing as he knew that this training room would help him become stronger at a tremendous pace.

~Level 31, starting~

As the level started, the environment changed from a plain grass field to a forest. It was a pretty thick forest, where Yasuo would be at a disadvantage if he wasn't the first to spot the monster. Taking advantage of the knowledge he gained from previous levels, Yasuo quickly started moving through the forest and found a semi-open piece of field in the forest as he knew that the monsters would only spawn a few seconds after the environment changes.

In this open field Yasuo would be less likely to be taken by surprise by the monsters. Having his guard up and looking around, Yasuo finally spots the monster and recognizes it immediately, it was a grey wolf.

'Okay Yasuo, calm down. If the levels are similar to stage one, there will only be one monster.' He thought to himself, making eye contact with the wolf.

Yasuo started to think about everything he knew about grey wolves, everything detail that he could use to his advantage. 'A grey wolf is vastly different from goblins. They have lower intelligence, but are faster and stronger.' He thought while keeping an eye on the grey wolf.

As Yasuo didn't know the attack pattern of the grey wolf, he decided it would be better to let it attack him first, while putting up a mana barrier as a precaution.

The wolf was hesitant and cautious of Yasuo, slowly walking circles around him while keeping his distance. When Yasuo put his guard down even the slightest bit, the wolf immediately bolted towards Yasuo.

In the blink of an eye, the wolf was now in front of Yasuo. It was even faster than he had expected, but Yasuo didn't have much trouble dodging to the side as it was a simple attack from the wolf, who was just dashing in a straight line towards him.

Seeing as the attack of the wolf wasn't difficult to dodge, Yasuo didn't really see it as a big threat, even comparing it to a Goblin Champion without its weapon. Trying to find out what the grey wolves are capable of, Yasuo just let it attack him without attacking back. With each attack of the wolf, Yasuo could learn more and more about its attack pattern.

'This type of training is really superior to anything I have ever done.' Yasuo thought, gaining an even bigger drive to get a good evaluation.

After a few minutes the wolf slowly became slower, running out of stamina. 'Well, let's move on I guess.' Yasuo thought, getting confident in himself.

As the wolf dashed at Yasuo one more time, he narrowly avoided it, having predicted the attack, before cleanly stabbing the wolf in its neck.

Yasuo had managed to easily defeat his first E-rank monster without even having to use any mana besides the mana barrier, which he only had up for a few seconds as a precaution. 'Maybe I worried to much about E-rank portals, the current me might be able to solo clear an E-rank portal.' He thought arrogantly.

~Level 31 clear. Level 32, starting in 60 seconds~

Once again having moved to the open area of the forest, Yasuo's thought were confirmed. There were now two wolves, meaning that this stage would probably follow the same pattern as the first.

Being confident, Yasuo was now the first to attack, running in a straight line towards the wolf. In turn, having seen Yasuo, the wolf began to dash towards him.

Based on the attack pattern of the wolf in the previous level, Yasuo narrowly dodges towards the right of the wolf, avoiding its bite attack and leaving it completely open for an attack.

As Yasuo went in for an attack, he heard something lunging at him from behind. 'Crap, I forgot about the other wolf.'

Not having enough time to dodge, Yasuo put up a mana barrier, which blocked the attack. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Yasuo continued with his attack on the wolf, but as his attack was delayed it didn't immediately defeat it, but it did manage to severely injure it.

After having gotten this attack in, Yasuo jumped backwards creating distance between them.

'How can I be this stupid. Even though wolves have low intelligence, they normally live in packs and are good at attacking in groups.' Yasuo was angry at himself for becoming too arrogant and having overlooked something so obvious.

"Get your act together Yasuo, this isn't the time to fool around. There is a lot on the line." Said Yasuo out loud while slapping his cheeks in an attempt to give himself a reality check.

At this point the injured wolf had passed away from its injuries, leaving only one wolf for Yasuo to defeat. Even though it was only one wolf, Yasuo put up his guard and fought it seriously. By carefully looking at its movements, he could now, once again, easily dodge it, but decided not to attack yet.

Just like he did in the first round, Yasuo decided to try and gain as much practical combat experience to fight in the next round. At this same time Yasuo's mana circulation had managed to recover some of his mana that he used for the mana barrier.

After a few minutes Yasuo had gained confidence to start the next round instead of arrogance he gained last time from learning about the attack patterns of the wolf. Yasuo didn't have any troubles fighting the lone wolf, who had become tired and defeated it in one clean attack.

~Level 32 clear. Level 33, starting in 60 seconds~

Already having thought of a plan to fight the three wolves in the next round, Yasuo didn't have anything distracting him, and spent the full minute resting as much as he could.

When the level began, Yasuo stayed in the forest unlike before. 'If I am in an open field it will be easier for the wolves to hunt me as they have incredible coordination. This time I am going to use the forest to my advantage and create the tempo of the battle, using everything I have at my disposal.'

'Well.. without using mana if possible.'

When the three wolves spawned in, Yasuo gave them a fierce look, before running away as fast as he could.

Knowing that wolves gain confidence when they are in a group, Yasuo tried to use this fact to his advantage.

Just as Yasuo had predicted, the wolves began running after him. While running Yasuo zigzagged through the forest trying to find an opportunity to perform his plan.

Looking a few meters ahead, Yasuo had found the perfect place. A set of trees, which were set out in a manner that would create a blind spot from the perspectives of the wolves.

Having reached that place, Yasuo stops and hides behind a tree. With the wolves only thirty or so meters behind him, Yasuo tried to hold his breath.

And in only two seconds, the wolves had closed this gap. As one wolf ran straight passed Yasuo, he waited a split second before sticking out his dagger from behind the tree. The dagger immediately made contact with a wolf, slicing it from its narrow chest all the way to its hind, creating a clean cut due to the speed the wolf was traveling at, immediately defeating it.

'Wow, that looks awful. Two wolves left!'

Even though this was Yasuo's plan, he was still amazed seeing how well it worked. But he wasted no time before running away again as the other two wolves had turned around and were running towards Yasuo.

Yasuo was confident in defeating two wolves in a direct fight, but as he had a lot of plans in mind to defeat the wolves without much risk, he continued to run away to try create another good opportunity.

As Yasuo had created countless plans in his head, some of them more reliable than others, he quickly found another good location.

A big tree had collapsed in the middle of a straight path in the forest. 'That tree must be over a hundred years old, its diameter is over a meter. This plan might actually work!' Yasuo thought, while his brain was now really thinking like a hunter.

As Yasuo jumped over the tree, he hid behind it. This plan didn't differ much from the last one. Yasuo had carefully observed the wolves before he hid behind the tree and knew the wolves were running in a single file line with a distance of around one and a half meter between them.

Waiting for the moment the first wolf jumped over the tree, it soon happened. Being hyper focused, anticipating the second wolf to come over, Yasuo readied his dagger. And there it was, the second wolf. With an almost inhuman reaction speed, Yasuo stabbed his dagger upwards, piercing the wolf's heart.

'Yes, successful!'

Just like his first plan, this worked flawlessly. Not even letting a second pass, Yasuo started running away again. Almost being addicted to hunting in this way, but Yasuo soon slowed down. As he looked back he saw the wolf in the distance, not chasing him.

Having defeated the other two wolves, there was now only one wolf left. Because of the nature of lone wolves, it became hesitant and cautious again. Yasuo immediately knew that it wasn't going to chaise him anymore, so he decided to fight it head on.

Already having defeated five other wolves, Yasuo didn't have any difficulties fighting the lone wolf and defeated it easily without the use of any mana whatsoever.

~Level 33 clear. Level 34, starting in 60 seconds~

After having cleared three levels of stage two, a sense of reality came over Yasuo. 'I really defeated E-rank monster!' Yasuo was happy about this and couldn't wait for the next round to start.

But at the same time he became a little uneasy thinking about the fact that he will have to fight a new monster in the next level. And if it was according to the trend of the first stage, it was going to be a stronger monster than a wolf.