
Rune king

[Currently on hiatus until I get my life back together] urning 10, Ethan who was considered a genius by everyone, found out that although he had almost infinite mana, he couldn't bond with any element making him unable to use magic. 7 years later and Ethan finally completed his research on a way which will allow him to finally use mana,Runes. Join him on his journey as he discovers the wonders of runes and his rise to the top of the magic world. This is my first novel, so reviews on how i can improve my writing is highly welcomed. Add the book to your library if you like it.

Limelite · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

The Fiancés

'I feel like I'm forgetting something important' Ethan thought while sitting in the car on his way to school.

His butler weirdly had a wide smile on his face while driving, I mean how could he not when his young master could finally use magic, it was finally time for the world of magic to know his master's greatness.

Ethan didn't really mind his butler's expression since he only had runes in his mind the whole time. They arrived at the school a few minutes later, which drew the attention of the students who were by the school's gate. Ethan could only sigh and get down the car, once again he ignored the students and went directly to class.

After a series of classes, during which Ethan had the feeling that he was forgetting something again, it was finally time for lunch break which instead of going to the canteen he went directly to Mr. Eli's office.


"Come in" he heard Mr. Eli's voice after knocking on the door so he went inside.

"Ah Mr. Ethan sit down, what can I do for you?" Mr. Eli asked when Ethan entered.

"I would like to join the test next week" he replied.

"Are you sure, since it's non-compulsory you wouldn't lose anything by missing it especially considering you can't use-" Mr. Eli tried convincing Ethan to not take the test but was interrupted by Ethan's next action.

"Heal" Ethan said, this time using Mr. Eli as the target.

Mr. Eli felt all his accumulated fatigue wash away leaving him feeling refreshed, which made him surprised.

"L-light magic? No, I didn't feel the warmth light magic leaves when heal is used, tell me Ethan how did you do it" Mr. Eli asked in a surprised tone.

"I used runes sir" Ethan simply replied.

"R-runes, but how, you didn't even-*sigh* very well then Mr. Ethan, I'll write your name in the list of participants" Eli said to Ethan.

Ethan thanked his teacher and got up to leave, that's when he felt a large mana signature moving towards the office at high speeds, that's when he remembered what he had forgotten.

"Damn it, I guess they're here" he said while opening the door. As soon as the door opened, he was hit by the fast-moving object he felt, which caused him to stumble back a bit.

"Ethaaaan!" Yep, the fast-moving object was a person and this person was one of his fiancé, Frey.

"Frey, where are the others?" Ethan asked with a smile which caused Frey to release him while pouting.

Frey was from a demi-human clan, the fox clan, which was the reason she had foxlike ears and tail, which was swaying like crazy reflecting her current mood. Frey was a beautiful 18-years-old fox with brown hair and flame orange eyes and her current pouting face just added to her charm which caused Ethan to smile again.

"I missed Ethan but it seems like Ethan did not miss me back" Frey said.

"That's not true Frey, I missed you as much as I missed the others" Ethan replied trying his best to pacify the 'sad' fox while trying to prevent a nosebleed due to her cuteness.

"That's better, the others are waiting by the carriage that won't stop growling for some reason" she said returning to her cheery mood.

"That's called a car" Ethan chuckled and corrected.

The two walked out of the school hand in hand and approached the gates where they saw three people standing near the car, one of them was his butler who escorted the ladies from his master's mansion to the school since they couldn't wait for him to get home. The other two who were with the butler were Leah and Aina, Ethan's other fiancés.

Leah, just like Ethan, had white hair and golden eyes which would make one mistake her for his sister if not for her obvious dragon features, she had two horns on her head, elflike ears and a dragon's tail. 

Aina on the other hand was a human with black waist-length hair and emerald green eyes, coupled with her pale skin made it hard for anyone to look away from her.

When Ethan saw them standing there, he couldn't help but smile and approach them alongside Frey.

"Ethan, we missed you" Leah said when Ethan got close to them.

"I missed you guys too, so how was the dungeon raid?" he replied.

They got into the car while the butler drove them home, and yes, Ethan was leaving school before the specified time since he already did what he came for.

"It was really boring" Aina was the one who replied.

"Mother said you have good news and a surprise for us?" Leah asked while Aina also showed interest, Frey was on cloud nine, enjoying his hand (on her head) so she didn't really realize what they were talking about.

Ethan didn't reply, he just silently created a new rune and chanted "Torch" creating a mini sized fireball a bit above his palm. This surprised the girls (even Frey) since they have been trying so hard for Ethan to use magic, they even went as far as raiding dungeons which they didn't really need to do, just to find a solution for Ethan's magic problem.

"You can finally use magic" Aina who was the first to come out of her stupor.

"Yeah, remember how I was researching runes? Well-" before he could finish what he was saying he felt himself being wrapped by three sof- erm comfortable hands, the girls had hug him.

"We're so happy for you Ethan" they said causing Ethan to feel warm on the inside.

"So, to celebrate I'll be taking you three on dates, individually" he quickly changed the topic (totally not because the hug caught him off guard and he almost cried like with his family, totally not…)

The rest of the ride was pleasantly spent with them telling him about how weak the dungeon monsters were. The ride took a little longer since the butler was, for some reason, driving a bit slow today but they eventually reached home.