
Runaway Fox

Tác giả: _Rogue_
Anime & Comics
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What is Runaway Fox

Đọc tiểu thuyết Runaway Fox của tác giả _Rogue_ được xuất bản trên WebNovel.“The world isn’t kind to people like you, the sheep around you instinctively fear what they do not understand and their fear turns to hate. They blame you for my actions, this I understand, this I apo...

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“The world isn’t kind to people like you, the sheep around you instinctively fear what they do not understand and their fear turns to hate. They blame you for my actions, this I understand, this I apologize for. But you child.. you are innocent of my crimes. You are untainted by the hate this world breeds, I find that astounding. You know what I did to you, how I killed your parents and yet you stand before me with your arms open wide and acceptance in your blue eyes. You remind me of my father. He was pure, he understood the pain of others, he sought to help others, to lead the sheep onto a path of peace. He succeeded for a time but like all good things, the era of peace he created crumbled shortly after he drew his last breath. These red eyes of mine can see what you are, they can see the love your heart holds… so take my power and run little fox! Run towards your destiny! “ In which a little girl gains unmatched power and runs away from her home. Watch as she explores the elemental nations, growing and evolving as her days pass while doing her best to help those in need.

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Are We Wrong?

Seorang pengendara mobil tersebut keluar dan menghampiri kami. Dia adalah Yusi Mahadewi, ketua OSIS di SMA Pratama. "Ada apa, Pak?" "Ini lo, Nak. Ada siswa main nyerempet anak ini pas ngelewatin persimpangan. Terus dia kabur sampe ke dalem sekolah," cerita Pak Satpam. Yusi melihat tangan Lidta yang luka. "Pak, tolong nanti parkirin motor dia ke parkiran," kata Yusi. "Oke, Nak." Lidya dibawa ke sebuah ranjang pasien dan Yusi mengambil kotak P3K di dalam lemari. "Dek, tolong panggilin ketua kelas X IPA 1 ya," perintah Yusi kepada anak PMR. "Baik, Kak." "Maaf, Kak. Buat apa manggil Ronald kesini?" tanyaku bingung. Namun dia hanya diam dan langsung mengeluarkan obat dari kotak P3K dan mengobati luka di tangan Lidya. Tak lama kemudian, Ronald, ketua kelas X IPA 1 datang menghampiri mereka. "Lid, elu kenapa?" tanya Ronald panik melihat luka lecet yang ada tangan Lidya. Tidak hanya Ronald, tapi kedua sahabat Lidya, Ririn dan Maulina juga masuk ke dalam UKS. "Ya Allah, Lid!" seru mereka kaget melihat luka di tangan Lidya. "Sudah diobatin, kan?" tanya mereka. Beruntung mereka dapat bernafas lega karena Yusi telah mengobati luka tersebut. Sejak hari itu, Yusi dan Lidya menjadi dekat. Bahkan, pelan-pelan mulai timbul rasa di hati satu sama lain. Namun, banyak rintangan yang harus mereka lalui. Orangtua, sahabat, bahkan masa lalu dari masing-masing mereka yang mencoba untuk menjauh. Akankah cinta mereka akan menang? Atau hanya cukup sampai di masa SMA saja? #teen #schoollife #lgbtqschool #gxg #gl

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