

"Little girl wake up…"

Who is talking, I'm sure I was alone in this room before. I try to open my eyes but my eye feels sluggish, only succeeding in open them a little, and regretting the success straight away. A bright light shines straight in to my eyes for less than a second, still i got he feeling of looking at the sun for far to long. I'm sure it wasn't this bright in the room before. It was already weird that I could see in a closed room without any light source. Too much is happening all the time my brain can't keep up. Maybe this all is a dream, yes that would be great. I pinch myself, with feelings of disappointment I accept that it hurts.

"Don't open you eyes again okay , it will lead to something troublesome" I hear someone say.

"Why can't I open my eyes? because the strong light?"

"Because there is a curse on your eyes that makes the first thing you see that has conscious look like a person you would feel most attracted towards. And the strong light is a short after effect from getting the curse" I hear the voice say.

"I don't have a person I like" I open my eyes and "Wow, looking good" I look at the person before me. It is like all my fantasies real.

"I told you not to look the curse shows your ideal type so it doesn't help if you have a person you like or not"

The good looking guy is saying something but I can't seem to catch anything that he is saying. I continue staring at him and I just can't seem to get enough.

"I have had enough of this damed curse already."

"Did you say anything." I ask, surely looking like a fool, but why should I care.

The man signs "I didn't wan't to do this it, as it exhaust my energy"

The most handsome man in the world said something. But I just stare at the person before me as his hand comes closer to my eyes. On reflex I close my eyes.

"Little girl, it's okay now, you can open your eyes"

I slowly open my eyes "Where did that handsome man go" I ask eyes wide open. The man now standing before me had black hair and eyes.

"As I said that was an illusion, my name I Lance" the man says with and a slightly sad smile.

I stare at Lance dumbfounded, you mean that was just my imagination. I don know how long i stared at Lance, but after some time I realized something suspicious, why can I see through him. I this the legendary ghost that master told me about.

"You mean that what I saw before was just an illusion created from my imagination?" I ask, I didn't know I could imagine an ideal type like that I think as I feel my face heat up.

"Yes" Lance answers.

Feeling a little disappointed that I could never see that person i real life. Deciding not to dwell on the matter.

"How did i even get the curse?"

"It's these damned flowers around you, who ever looks at them falls under the curse. I thought I hid them well"

"Can't you just burn the our something?"

"It's not that easy, it's this cursed fores it won't allow any of the life that belongs here die."

My curiosity satisfied, I begin to think about my situation, "I was wondering, why, ever since I came to this forest I've been acting weird, like my emotions are running wild" I ask as I look seriously at Lance's forehead, avoiding eye contact. Those eyes still hunting me.

"That is because the excessive about of rune-energy in this forest, and you are okay now because Ella helped you." Lance answers, again with that small sad smile on his face.

" Was the person that hugged me Ella? And what is this R-U-N-E energy and why did it cause me to have a emotional breakdown." I ask nearly staring a hole in Lance's forehead.

"Yes, and rune energy is something normal people would call mana, and your emotions became unstable because rune energy is also our life energy. So when you are exposed to excessive amounts of rune energy suddenly your body and mind can't take it. In this specific case where your mind is weaker than your body, well you know what will happen. " Lance answers.

"Hmm… " still thinking about what Lance said I continue to stare at Lance's forehead.

"Riruna, could you stop staring at my forehead, if you want to stare, I would appreciate if you stare somewhere else" Lance said with an awkward smile.

"Sorry, I'm get uncomfortable looking at peoples eyes so please understand." I say, as I continue to stare.

"I didn't tell you to star in my eyes" Lance says, troubled.

I'm being protected by this person called Ella and if I guessed right then this Lance ghost is allied with Ella. I'm sure Lance knows the way out of here. If I think it through in this way the best conclusion is to befriend the ghost even though he is a little suspicious. Like how he knew my name, when only master should know about it.

"You know it is not that weird. When you fell asleep in the forest, Me, Ella and you shared some of our memories, so it's natural i know your name. I don't know why this happens, but it is possible that it's a side effect caused by the rune energy and your unstable mind "

Who's unstable! I take a deep breath to calm down "So you mean that the dream i don't remember I saw was in fact not a dream but yours and Ella's memories?"

"Your unstable and Yes."

"Is that so, everything feels a little foreign as I haven't been in contact with this thing called, rune energy before" Wait did he just confirm I'm unstable.

"I'm not surprised, even if the whole world basically consist of rune energy, there are very few people who can use it our feel it. " Lance says like it's a matter of fact "But it is easy to know if there is rune energy our rune magic going one, because nearly everything that is unnatural has some connection to runes-energy. And yes you unstable"


"And before I forget I need your help" Lance said just like he didn't have a care in the world.

"What kind of help"

"I want to make a contract with you"

"I don't want to make a contract with a mind reading ghost" I knew there was something weird going on and when i think back things that I only thought in my head, Lance answered them like normal.

"For the first I'm a spirit an for the second it's not like I want to read your thoughts. When Ella saved you from your unstable she used the last of her life energy and what was left merged with you body, leading to this troublesome situation." Lances frosty voice gave me shivers as it felt like the temperature sank in the room.

"I'm sorry, I din't mean to..."

"It's okay little girl, it's not like you knew."

"So, what kind of contract are we talking about"

"I need your help with one thing and then you can use me as you want"

"What!?" I look a little shocked at Lace, "Isn't that a little unfair?"

"It's okay, it's not like I have a long and happy life ahead"

Looking at the sad smile on Lance face I can't help but to nod and accept the contract.

"Take my hand"

I look at a Lances outstretched hand and stretch out my hand to grab it.

I look at the sword in my hand, taking a short pause from searching the exit Lance told me about after we made the contract. The black hilt feels cool against my palm. I look more closely to see the delicate patterns of plants warping around the scarab that is gleaming slightly in the faint light.

"Isn't it unfair that you didn't tell me you would turn into a sword after the contract" I said

"Considering all the advantages you get from this contract it's not that unfair."

I look at the sword in my hand and say, "You know it's pretty ironic that you soul is a sword when you you seem to be a magician"

"Don't stab where it hurts, everything went wrong when my parents gave me the name Lance. They wished for me to become a master with lances."

I let a giggle escape through my lips. This is nice, I haven't laughed since I left master. Before I knew it I considered Lance as a friend.

"Could you please hurry, if we don't hurry it will be too late."

"Understood, sir Lance" I said with a grin on my face.

I walk to the place where most of the white star flowers are growing. I reach up with my hand and pull at the fluffy green moss that makes up most of the sealing. As Lance said it after i pulled the moss off easily, warm rays of the sun hits my face as i look up. I grabbed a tree root and pull myself out of the hole I made.

I look around and begin to feel like an idiot. The tree i had fallen asleep on is right beside me. Which means I happened to fall asleep, move a little in my sleep and fall down a hole in the ground.

"I'm an idiot" I laugh to myself.

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