
Ruined World

Phantom_Author26 · Khoa huyễn
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14 Chs


Horado finally decided that it would be better to face whatever comes their way instead of just avoiding every single danger they may face, not that he would willingly jump into the dragon's mouth if he ever finds one though. Of course Horado didn't go unprepared as he now has a sword firmly placed on his hips along with its scabbard as well as a Dessert Eagle or at least it looked like one strapped on the side of his chest and although it looks like a gun it is more accurate to compare it to a rail gun or more like a volcano gun since it was meant to break not pierce.

"All preparations complete, now let's go!" Horado was quite frankly excited since he hadn't talked with any other humans for a long~ long~ time.

[Master you really are interesting, feeling comfort with those two measly weapons] The AI really wanted to laugh.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, first of all I ain't a lover of guns and second this is much more practical as I can hide it easily within my clothes" Horado explained.

Horado got up and carried the culture vat while Aisha was throwing a tantrum in her mind, trying to Jumpstart her whole body and be helpful yet there was no such development although she was briefly able to control her fingers and toes.

Horado walked towards the front gate like a normal person or at least normal enough as a guy carrying a huge metal contraption rivaling his size.

"Stop!" A guard had noticed Horado.

'At least security is tighter than it looks and suggest' Horado thought, this made him slightly relieved.

"What is your business here? How come I haven't seen you before?" Although the guard made his questions rough and strict his voice failed to do so.

"Well..." Horado started to scratch the back of his head and fidget slightly.

"...you see I have been stuck inside a basement due to some chain of accidents and only awoke now seeing the world completely changed from the last time I saw it" Horado said mixing more truths than lies or in his case it was mostly true so if the guards have a superpower to discern whether what he said was true then it would register as the truth.

"Understood, however can you tell me what is inside that thing you are carrying?" The guard said with a smile, wondering whether he hit the jackpot to extort on.

"Hmm... Meat I guess? and some type of crystal that I found curious off, I actually plan to see what the currency here is or whether the system of bartering is used" Horado said honestly, the guard understood that the boy infront of him must have killed a decently large beast and wondered whether he could trade those in which meant that he was poor so the guard decided to let him slide. Aisha who heard Horado's reply got mad so much that she was able to hit Horado on the back courtesy of the AI noticing it and making her hit connect, sadly Horado barely felt it and so Aisha got hurt in the process making her hand turn red which made her annoyed.

"It's bartering since what is the use of those electro currencies or paper money that used to exist in this apocalyptic world" The guard said.

"For the paper money, but wipes I guess?" Horado said which made the guard laugh since he had said the exact same thing to a used to be wealthy people who wanted to come in before since their bunker run out off supplies.

"I like you kid!" The guard hearthily laughed as he repeatedly smacked the kid on the shoulder with his open hand.

"Thank you!" Horado said with a smile which created the AI out so much that it wanted to scream.

"If somebody wants to trouble you just say your the friend of R the gate keeper, understand?" The guard now known as R said.

"Understood!" Horado answered playing along which made teh guard smile however Horado didn't know what this meant as the gate keeper known as R is the most feared fighter currently residing in that settlement which made the news spread around faster whenever it was about R.

"This place is huge" Horado was awestruck at the size of the settlement, although he was expecting it to be quite big he didn't imagine it to be incredibly big to the point that it could almost rival the capitals of some countries.

"Surprised boy? This place used to be only a small town, scratch that it could barely even be called a village until a certain fighter appeared and expanded that small village to this point and he did it under a year! only a whole f-ing year!!" A man said and was stopped from cursing due to the bloodlust emitted by the boy infront of him.

"I'm so sorry about how I acted, it's because I feel uncomfortable whenever I hear someone curse due to my past" Horado said as he bowed.

"Don't sweat it kid, everyone has a past they don't want to remember or even vestiges of it" the man said as he ruffled Horado's hair.

"Thanks" Horado said while the man nodded and waved him goodbye.

'That kid had killed someone before and I am willing to bet it was for survival or self defense' the man thought as he remembered the pure bloodlust that wasn't crazed like the others, it was pure as if to serve only as a warning instead of saying your dead or I am gonna have fun killing you.

Horado started looking around until he saw a big building which people seem to come and go to, he could even swear he saw a corpse of a rather huge beast get dragged inside making a huge mess.

'Now I know what the reason my danger sense is reacting so wildly' Horado thought as he watched the spill of blood happening left and right.

[This won't end good] The AI also came with the same conclusion.

"Wasn't storage devices like what you did common here? I seem to remember a whole lot of them when I was exploring the streets, although none of them are powered" Kentarou asked and wanting an explanation.

[Master is right, it was normal and it takes barely any electricity to run them as well since only none living things are being placed inside] The AI said sounding genuinely confused as to why humans decided to go primitive and didn't realize the fact that Horado was extremely lucky to find a working solar charger so he doesn't ever need to worry about electricity ever.