
Youko Vs. Vampire

"This is taking too long. If I dont find them soon then we may not make it in time." Eli said in a worried tone before he felt a massive demonic energy appear in the dungeon and his inner half didn't say an word when he sprinted back in. He made it in time to see Tsukune protect a wounded Inner Moka from a ball of fire and his eyes widened when Tsukune burst into flames.

"Tsukune!" Eli and Moka yelled in unison as he fell to the ground with severe burns and Eli punched Kuyou in the jaw without thinking. Kuyou slid back as he processed the surprise attack and Moka kneeled down next to Tsukune's burnt body.

"Keep him distracted!" She ordered as Kuyou glared at him and he gave her a quick nod before Kuyou charged towards him in a fox form. Eli felt pain wrack his body as Kuyou slammed him into the wall but ignored the pain of his burns and kneed Kuyou in the chest. Kuyou bit into his arm as if the attack never happened and threw him into Tsukune and Moka as she finished injecting her blood into him.

"I'll handle it from here." Moka told him as they got to their feet but stopped when Tsukune suddenly disappeared and they saw Kuyou fly across the room. It took them a moment to realize that Tsukune had delivered a powerful headbutt to Kuyou's jaw and Eli quickly caught him as he began to fall again.

"Seems you're not dead yet." Eli said with a small smile before bright blue flames exploded from where Kuyou had landed and as the flames faded they saw that Kuyou was in a new form.

"To think you'd make me use this!" Kuyou yelled with a wicked look and Moka could tell from the strength of his demonic energy that she wouldn't be able to defeat him after giving Tsukune as much blood as she did. She turned to Eli but knew he wouldn't be any help while his rosary was on and gritted her teeth as she prepared to fight Kuyou alone until she saw the surprised look on his face.

"You did good Tsukune. Now take a break." Eli said as his hair became silver and eyes crimson and he laid Tsukune on the ground while Moka breathed a sigh of relief, "Now I'll be handling it Moka."

"I can't believe you got us lost!" Kurumu yelled at Gin as they finally found the dungeon and he opened his mouth to say something before fire erupted from the entrance. They watched with wide eyes as Inner Eli lept out of the flames while still facing the entrance and Kuyou flew out moments later with a rage fueled yell. He launched multiple fire balls at Eli when he landed and they couldn't believe how fast Eli was moving as he sprinted into the forest.

"Get back here!" Kuyou yelled as he chased after him and it didn't take him long to lose sight of Eli, "Stopping running you scum!"

"If you insist." Eli said from behind him and Kuyou turned around in time to be kicked in the face, sending him grinding along the ground. The forest when Kuyou got to his feet with a roar and sent a stream of fire at Eli but he dashed around it and punched Kuyou in the stomach. Eli's looked up as he noticed a blue light above him and his eyes widened when he saw several large fireballs floating above the forest.

"Dodge this!" Kuyou laughed as the fire balls fell to the ground at high speed and the others watched as a massive blue explosion went off the distance. When the smoke cleared Kuyou saw Eli getting to his feet with his burns began to heal and Eli tore what was left of his shirt off. The ground at Eli's feet was destroyed when he launched towards Kuyou and he coughed blood as he was tackled through several trees. Kuyou rolled along the ground when Eli let him go and he slowly got to his knees as he tried to recover but Eli kicked him in the chest with enough force to send him rocketing into the air. The students walking around the main campus stopped when Kuyou suddenly hit the ground just outside of the gates and moments later they saw Eli land next to him, breaking the ground apart as he did.

"You thought that you were the epitome of strength here but you made a massive mistake messing with my friends." Eli said as he picked Kuyou up by his face and Kuyou punched him in the face but Eli glared at him before slamming his head into the ground, "Know your place!"

"Someone finally took down Kuyou?!" One of the students asked as they all watched Eli in awe and he turned to look at the gathering crowd. He sat down next to the unconscious Kuyou and after a while the rest of the Newspaper Club showed up.

"Sorry it took us so long to reach you but Tsukune is knocked out and we had to bring him to the infirmary first." Outer Moka explained as he stood up and Gin threw him his rosary, "I'm so glad you're ok!"

"You better be glad you managed to beat him outside of the gate because you would've gotten into so more trouble for being in your monster form." Gin told him with a grin as Eli put his rosary back on and Gin quickly caught him as he passed out.

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