

Georgia Snow She is 23 years old and I am from Aries, and she recently moved from her parents' house to live in an apartment alone so she wanted more but ended up living in a haunted apartment so saying, Georgia was never afraid of these supernatural things. She was born with the gift of seeing the dead, grew up listening and seeing dead beings, ghosts etc ..., learned to ignore them and even succeeded. When he moved he felt a supernatural presence in the house and as he always ignored and if he settled in that apartment, then he saw the ghost who would share the home, his name was Estefan died when he was 27 years old was from Aquarius and killed himself in the room star hanged with a rope around his neck, and became a poltergeist with nowhere to go either to the underworld or to the sky or as I call the "lost" and from what I know we will be together for a long time ...

Juliana762 · Thanh xuân
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8 Chs

Chapter 9 - Frosty Sunday.

And as it was planned in the morning following the afternoon, I left the house to find Noah at the ice cream parlor we booked , I was dressed in a skirt dress with a ruffle not much more striking in yellow, Estefan told me to go with loose hair so I followed the tip from him.

Noah was in front of the ice cream shop we booked, as soon as I got close to him we hugged a little and soon we entered the ice cream parlor, Clima was pleasant for such sweetness, he and I sat at a table near the ice cream shop window I ordered a mint ice cream and it was chocolate, we were a little quiet at the beginning but we were loosening up starting a conversation , after we made the ice cream we left there and stayed walking quietly through the city streets, that afternoon was cool and good to have fun while i was distracted looking at the street while we were sitting on a random city bench i saw a soul of an old man standing in the middle of the street where the cars passed over him, more like he was just a ghost not I questioned nothing, what caught my attention was the bird that was on Noah's finger, a common bird more beautiful, I don't say anything and a bird that can be found or seen in any obvious corner, but he was special this little bird because he had a white line on his foot.

but what would that white thread be ?, well ...when I was five I grew up listening to this story of my late grandmother and the story tells of two souls who were born one to another, because of that a fate line was tied to each other's toes which connected the two if when finally if I found it, they would never be separated again ..., I loved that story, I wondered who would be mine "love" and how I would end my life is very complicated nowadays and I rarely see these threads I was happy to see him in the bird that's why he is special ...

for a few seconds I was in the moon world, I didn't even notice that the bird had left, so I was staring at Noah's finger without noticing what made me ashamed,noticed my shame and laughed for a few moments the song "Can't Take My Eyes Off You " ,I ended up laughing alone which made Noah a little strange about my randomness, he laughed my way funny we were laughing a little at each other until we slowly approached each other's face ... we were kissing ...

I arrived at my apartment Noah accompanied me to the door and we said goodbye.