11 Earth Boba

I sat on the hospital bed with a look quite like that of a dead person in my eyes.

I was in a white uniform that couldn't help but remind me of Alam.

It had been a while, but I seemed to have gotten the smell of blood out of my nose.

The doctors in the hospital had diagnosed me with mental illness.

The first thing I did when I got back to Earth was go to my step mother's house.

She screamed.

She said I was dead.

She sent me to a hospital.

I don't know.

Maybe I am dead.

Maybe I am just waking up to reality after living in a dream for so long?

Maybe memories of the boy in white where just nightmares.

After all, I was extremely malnourished when I woke back up in Earth.

The doctors where astonished I was actually still alive.

Maybe all the food I ate that was made by Han was just air? Or maybe I was drinking the blood in the puddles of water the whole time to survive.

I don't know.

It took a moment, but my vision came back into focus.

I looked outside the window of the hospital building.

Wow, was the world always so colorful?

Bright blue and red signs with colorful white clouds in the sky.

There where noises too.

Big honks and screeches made by cars on the freeway in the early dawn while the hustler of people walking and talking could be heard.

I raised a shaky hand to my ear.

"Miss Emma Winston?" A nurse said as she mocked on the hospital room door.

"Ahhh yes?" I said in a voice that didn't feel like my own.

"Your father is here" she said motioning to a man that stepped out into the morning light.

I tried to fixate my eyes on him but it all felt blurry.

"Daddy?" I said shakily.

I could hear my father choke before he started crying.

He rushed over to me and held my blurry, weak figure with his burly muscles.

"Where have you been all this time!" He said in a voice I think he had only used when my mother had died.

"I'm sorry" I said hugging him back barely with hands that felt like twigs.

As he calmed down, he asked me many questions that I avoided to talk with to the doctors at the mental hospital.

"So you where in the woods all this time?" He concluded.

"I think so" I said with conclusion.

I told him that I had spent the time I did inside the woods as I got lost one day wondering back down the mountain.

"But how couldn't you find your way back home for a month!" He said adding some exaggerated movements into his arms.

"Ya well......" I trailed off.

Father sat closer to me so I could see him better.

I couldn't help myself.

I burst into tears.

My father, a man who had everything.

Muscles, women, money, and happiness, but not a family.

He had lost my mother in a car accident and now, he had almost lost me.

Fitting the pieces of the puzzle together, I bet Giraffe was looking for me in the woods when he got caught up with some wild animal that killed him.

My father pat my back as I took this all in.

"I'm sorry" I said again as the day turned from light to dark.

"Just don't do it again sugar."

As I watched the last of my fathers orange hair cross outside the door I couldn't help but wonder.

"Alam...... are you still out there?"

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