
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Non-Combat Class

The trio was greeted with William who was holding the same weapon as Miles, a fireman axe.

'So he took one of those axes." The emergency fire boxes that he saw were all empty so some people actually took them.

"Hi." Miles greeted William.

The man just nodded and scanned the three from head to toe.

Miles was not wearing his helmet. He already dispatched it because it blocks a portion of his view.

"I'm Miles. This is Julia and Michelle."

William smiled and shook hands with the three. "Hello. Have you really cleared the second floor off the zombies?"

"Yes. You can take a look if you want to." Miles said.

"I would like to do that. And about the food." William asked.

"We can share it with you. We can't take it all so you can just have some of it."

"Thank you. The supplies on this floor were exhausted yesterday and we have not eaten since then."

Right then, a group of people approached them.

There were fifteen other survivors on the third floor beside William. They were a combination of professors and students that were chased into the building.

They were cautious of the trio at first but hearing that they have supplies to share with them, they were very happy.

"You should take some of the men to get the supplies." Miles suggested.

"Okay." William turned to the people and asked who would go with him.

"Is it really safe down there?" a man a bit older than Miles asked.

"Yes. It's already safe. The three of us cleared the zombies on the second floor." Miles assured.

"Then, I'll go." the man said. Three more men raised their hands while the others didn't even move.

Miles turned to Julia and Michelle. "I'll go with them. You guys stay here."

He left with William and others.

'They are weaker than us so I won't have to worry if Julia and Michelle can't beat them. What I'm concerned about is if they are willing to fight them.'

He observed all the sixteen people and knew that they were all level 1 based on the numbers above their heads.

[ 5 ]

Julia and Michelle were already at level 3 after their latest fight with the zombies.

'And killing those enraged zombies is better.' Miles thought.

Normal zombies gave him 1 or 2 points but when they changed into enraged zombies, the numbers went up to 5. He was also glad that he was the one who killed them and received all the points from those zombies.

He confirmed that zombies could also increase their strength and the higher their strength, the higher points they provide.

'I could grind for the low levels for now and when I get stronger, I'll find the stronger types of zombies.'

[ Current Points: 650 ]

'I can roll six 100 point dice or save 1,000 points. Hmm.. I'll decide later.'

The five of them arrived at the second floor. When the other four saw the scattered zombies on the floor, they became afraid.

"Don't worry. They're all dead."

Miles led them to the rooms and collected the supplies they needed.

They returned to the third floor quickly and blocked the doors.

"Woah. Nice, we can finally eat something!"

"Thank you, thank you."

The people's gratitude towards Miles' group was high.

"Just trying to help other people." He smiled.

"It's a huge deal for us. We only skipped a few meals but hunger could also affect the mentality of a person." William said.

"Then we should fill ourselves first and discuss our plans." Miles suggested.

The newly formed group arranged the ingredients on the table of one of the rooms.

"Miss Cecile cooks our food here. She is good and has a 'chef' class." William introduced a middle aged lady to Miles.

"I have the 'chef' class and I'm not good at fighting so please forgive me." Cecile said with a slight bow. Apparently, she worked at one of the seven cafeterias in the campus and was on her way to work when the apocalypse happened. She was fortunate enough to receive a class suitable in her prior skill.

"Hah. I want to cook for Miles but it seems like I won't be able to do that anymore." Michelle muttered.

She was looking forward to cooking for Miles because she wants to thank him for his help all these times. But now, in front of the chef Cecile, that might not be possible.

"What are you saying? Just go and cook with her." Julia said.

Cecile heard their conversation and asked. "Do you also have a chef class like me, Michelle?"

"Oh no, no. I have a different class. But I know a little bit about cooking and just want to cook for Miles.."

Cecile smiled. "Then come with me. We should make something great for today."

"Alright! Thank you!" The two went to the kitchen to prepare their meals.

It was only 8 in the morning so it was still early for lunch. However, a heavy meal would be nice because each one of them was hungry.

'Chef class. So there's non-combat class too.' Miles thought.

William, who was beside him, spoke.

"There are non-combat classes present in this apocalypse. They might not be very good in fighting but are still essential to sustain the people."

Miles nodded. "I know. But they will have a hard time adapting to the era if they could not find reliable people. Their classes are the ones who die the easiest."

William sighed. "That's true. And that's why we should protect them. I know that it's a bit hard to believe but I know that they will play a crucial part in rebuilding our society. It's not yet revealed for now but will be in the future."

"I believe you." Miles said without hesitation.

"Oh, really?"

"Mm. Non-combat classes are very important to games. In the first place, why would they be here if they don't hold any value? I know a powerful chef from a game and high ranking players would queue up in long lines and pay expensive amounts just to eat his meals which could give them a long duration of buffs. A highly skilled craftsman's work could dictate the outcome of a battle. An alchemist potion could be the difference between life and death. A linguist's knowledge could push the main story just by deciphering ancient texts. Everyone plays a role in the game and that's why it's enjoyable to play."

William looked at Miles.

"Are you a gamer?"

"I played a few." Miles answered. "You?"

"Also a few." William smiled. "You know what, we should really discuss what we should do."

"That's the plan. We'll do it after we have a meal. Thinking in this condition is a bit difficult."


They chatted for some more time and half an hour later, Cecile and Michelle came out with a table full of food. Most of which were meat based like stew, steaks, nuggets and stuffed dishes.

"Thank you for the food!"

Each of them didn't forget to thank Miles for sharing their supplies to the group.

They ate the dishes and praised the cooks for the delicious meal.

"This is really good." Miles said as he ate a piece of meat from the stew.

"I helped in doing that." Michelle suddenly said. "Here, I prepared this for you. Thank you for helping us. I hope you like it." She placed a plate of a pasta dish in front of him.

"Oh, This is delicious." Miles gave her a thumbs up as he chewed on the pasta dish.

The others looked at him with envy in their eyes.

"Julia, I also made you one." Michelle also gave her friend her dish.

"Oh, I thought you already forgot about me." Julia teased.

After everybody had their fill and cleaned the plates, they gathered in a room and began to discuss their future plans.

"I think we should ask Miles first about his plans." William opened and although Miles was probably the youngest, no one complained.

"My plan for now is to search for my friends, David, Sammy, and Jason. I will check on every building and corner of the campus to find them. Here, tell me if you've seen any of them."

He passed his phone with their photo on it.

When no one of the people said that they saw any of his friends, Miles was a bit disappointed.

"And if they're already zombies?" William asked bluntly.

"Then, I'll be the one to give them the peace they deserve." A strong answer from Miles.

There was a moment of silence and William turned to Julia and Michelle.

"And you guys?"

"Well, we plan to go to our home but for now, we will stick with Miles." Michelle said.

William nodded and asked his team this time, "Then what about us people? What's our plan? We should all agree on the same page because fighting at this time could put any of us in danger."

Silence covered the room once again and after some time they began discussing what they should do. There were some arguments but at the end the group made a decision.

Before they leave the area and search for a settlement, they will raid the other dormitories with Miles' group and level up.

At first, Miles was hesitating because those zombies would be a great help to them. But after thinking about it, he agreed. He liked William's group. They were friendly and were not trying to be arrogant despite their situation.

"Then before we leave, we should know each other's classes first. I know that we should not disclose it to others but it is for our own sake. A large group like this is a bit hard to direct sometimes. Knowing our roles will make our work easier." Miles announced.

'I hope one of them is a healer. My body is still hurt after all and I need someone to heal me.' he thought as he waited for the people to talk.

"Right. Then, let me start. I'm a 'fighter' class and specialize in close combat." William said.

"I'm a 'warrior' class and can wield bladed weapons. But I don't have any weapons so I don't know if I can be helpful at all." The middle aged man, Dante, said as he smiled bitterly.

"I think a knife will be fine as long as you can use it." Miles said.

"Oh, I understand. I'll get one later." Dante nodded.

The others gave their classes. At the end, there was no healer among them.

'What a pity.' Miles sighed.

There were four 'warriors', three 'fighters', three 'shielders', two 'archers', two 'mages', one 'craftsman' and one 'chef'.

"I'm a 'warrior' class." Miles said.

"Oh!" The other warriors were excited.

"Do you have any tips for us?" Dante asked.

"Uhm..Just don't hesitate to use your skills and don't be nervous." Miles said with a smile.


"Can I ask what your level is?" a man a bit older than Miles asked.

"Well, I leveled up a few times," he replied.

Julia and Michelle also told their classes.

They were amazed to know that Julia was an assassin and Michelle was a shielder.

"Let's make our preparations before we raid the dormitory 3 and 4." William announced.

The group nodded and left the room.