
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Last Hit

The skill Miles used the most for the past few days was the Heavy Strike and Fist Canon, just because they were simple yet effective. When he obtained the Flame Bullet, it was also a very good skill but his mana was so low that he could not use it very often.

Just in their original form, Heavy Strike and Fist Canon were already powerful skills despite being graded as Normal skills. Miles was thinking how powerful Rare or Extraordinary grade skill would be if the Normal ones were already these good.

The combination of the two skills produced something that made Jason, a Berserk Zombie, to fly and crash far away from Miles with a single blow.

However, Jason slowly stood up after collapsing to the ground. One of his arms was broken and was twisted in a strange way. His body was full of scratches and wounds with dark blood flowing out of them.

'He still stood up after that. But this is good. Now that I have the strength, I just need to hit him on the right spot.'

Miles was stunned to see Jason stood up despite destroying trees with his body. But that was still not enough to stop him. Miles kicked the ground and rushed back to his turned friend.

On the other side, Jason also stared at the approaching Miles with its frowning red eyes. His left arm was already useless so he could only depend on his right arm.

With a low growl he ran forward to meet his target.

The moment they reached each other, the two immediately threw a punch at each other.

'Fist Canon! Heavy Strike!'

Miles activated his combined skill once again, consuming about a fifth of his remaining stamina. Now, he could only use it four more times.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Bam! Bam!

The two blows connected at the same time.

This time however, neither of the two of them flew away.

Miles was in a lower position than Jason and was directly hit on the face. Maybe because of the damage Jason sustained from the attack earlier, his strength drastically decreased and Miles could now directly receive them without dying but he became a little dizzy because the punch still packs something.

And the reason Jason didn't fly away was because his body absorbed all the impact of the combined skill with his right knee.

It was instantly broken and twisted into a strange angle just like his arm.

When they retracted their arms, Jason knelt on the floor the next second.

After a moment, Miles moved in front of him. The chance finally came to him.

"I hope you rest in peace, my brother."

He aimed his gun finger at Jason's head.


Miles closed his eyes for a moment, his heart suddenly became heavy.

'Flame Bullet'


With a hole in his head, Jason, the Berserk Zombie, was now truly dead.

Before his body dropped to the ground, Miles caught it and placed it under one of the trees.

"I'll return shortly and…bring our friends." Miles closed Jason's eyes before leaving for Michelle.

Meanwhile, Michelle was still being swarmed by the enraged zombies.

Piles of zombie corpses were around her and being stepped on by other zombies that were trying to tear her up.

She was getting tired from swinging her axe countless times now.

'Are they not still coming?' she thought.

She was hearing a few loud sounds from afar and she knew that the others were each battling a Berserk Zombie.

But she was getting nervous as the duration of her Invincibility was shortening.

{ Invincibility duration: 0:49 }

{ Invincibility duration: 0:48 }

And although she killed a lot of enraged zombies, their number was still almost a hundred and she knew to herself that she can't kill the rest with the remaining time she had.

{ Invincibility duration: 0:35}


She was praying for anyone that could help her.

At that moment…



A few zombies were thrown into the air and their bodies were all smashed and caved in like it was hit by a sledgehammer.



She heard someone call her and turned where it came from.

There, she saw Miles leaping onto the air before landing onto the middle remaining enraged zombies.

He then took a stance and punched with his smoking fist.



Zombies flew and died from the powerful impact of the combined skill.

Because of the consumption of the combined skill, Miles could only use it for two more times. He switched back to using his axe and swung it around like a mad man.

His body was tired, but because of adrenaline, he kept on killing the zombies, eventually reaching Michelle.

She was very happy to see him.

"Let's clear these zombies and group up with William and the others." Miles told her.

"Mm!" Michelle nodded.

"It looks like your skill negates damage from zombies." Miles commented on the things he observed.

"It's Invincibility. For five minutes, I won't receive any damage and would be invincible from all incoming attacks." Michelle honestly told him.

Miles almost choked the moment he heard the detail of the skill.

"What? Invincible? For five minutes?" Miles tried to confirm. 'Damn! That's super OP.'


He wanted to ask more but what's more important was that they meet with William's team as soon as possible.

"Wait..how much longer before that Invincibility ends?" Miles asked for the last time.

"Oh..only five seconds." Michelles bitterly smiled.

"Is that so? Then I got her at the perfect time." he smiled.

"Yes. If not, I'll be dead by now." she said with fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry. I won't let that happen." Miles said with sincerity.

"O-Oh…the Invincibility is gone." Michelle said with a light blush.

The enraged zombies' movements slowed down after the effect of the Domain Charm was gone. But because there were two humans in front of them, they continued rushing towards Miles and Michelle.

"It's fine. We can manage to kill these guys even without it."


After some more time, the two finally killed the enraged zombies in the vicinity.

"Let's go."

The two ran towards where William and the others were.

On the other side, William and the others were still bombarding the remaining Berserk Zombie with their skills and attacks.

But it was a tough nut to crack and was still alive despite their continuous attacks.

"The five minutes for Michelle will end in half a minute. I'll go there and check on her!" Julia said with a serious face.

"Go do that! We'll hold this thing here!" William shouted.

"And bring Miles while you're at it!" Dante added.

Julia turned around and was ready to leave.

However, the Berserk Zombie extended its hand and grabbed William by the arm.

"Damn!" William tried to pull his arm away but failed.

"Ohh!" He was then pulled and lifted by the Berserk Zombie.

With a quick swing and release, he was thrown away like a bag of rice.


"What!" He and the others were shocked by what happened.

But the thing that they quickly realized was that the direction where his body was flying was where Julia was.

"Julia!" William called her attention.

She turned and saw the incoming body of William. Even though she wanted to dodge, it was already too late.

William's body was flying at a very quick speed.

Without any ability to stop himself, he clashed with Julia.


The two crashed and fell to the ground, both of them received some damage.

"That hurts…" William complained.

Julia slowly stood up and glared at the Berserk Zombie. She wanted to cut it in half if she could but now, she needed to check on Michelle.

"Are you alright?" William asked as he stood up.

"Mm. I'll go." Julia turned and was ready to leave when two silhouettes entered their eyes.

"Where are you going?" Miles asked Julia innocently.

She was surprised and glad at the same time the second she saw Miles.

More importantly, she was very relieved to see Michelle in good condition.



They embraced each other tightly.

"Ahem. It's good to see you guys but…can you help us first?" William greeted with a smile. Of course, he was also relieved like the others that Miles and Michelle arrived just fine.

But the matter about the second Berserk Zombie was still in front of them.

"I'll help you." Miles stepped forward and rushed straight to the kneeling Berserk Zombie. He observed that it was already immobilized and the team already inflicted some damage to it.

This took out some of his burden because he might not be able to defeat this Berserk Zombie after he just fought against Jason. Miles was also amazed by William and the others for holding against this Berserk Zombie that was a bit stronger than Jason, with a [ 300 ] on top of its head.

Dante, Lilia and Paul, who were attacking it, stepped back to give way for Miles.

He took a huge step and planted his foot firmly onto the ground.

With a huge swing of his arm, Miles sent out the combined skill.

'Fist Canon! Heavy Strike!'



Miles aimed at the head of the Berserk Zombie but it successfully defended against it using its arms.

'It defended? Whatever, I'm sure it won't hold much longer.'

However, he still managed to send it flying and crashing onto the entrance of the Broadcasting Building. It crashed onto the wall, creating a hole on it at the end. The Berserk Zombie however, slowly stood up. Its arms were in bad condition after receiving the direct attack from Miles.

'But I can only use the combined skill one more time. If I use it more than that, I'm sure I would be paralyzed for a few days.'

He felt that his stamina and energy were depleting at a quick pace.

The team quickly chased after it and when Miles arrived, he took his stance one last time and activated his combined skill.

'I just need one more hit!'



The Berserk Zombie lifted its arms to defend.

Miles' fist broke the zombie's arms and it gave way for his attack to directly hit the Berserk Zombie's head.

His smoking fist collided with the head of the zombie, smashing it onto the floor.


A low groan came out from the zombie.

"Is it still alive?" Miles panted as he felt that his body was already void of energy.

The others came near and observed the already half dead zombie.

"You guys take the last hit. I have no more energy." Miles muttered as he slowly fell to his back, unconscious. He was sure that the Berserk Zombie was already defeated in that state and the others could easily kill it so he decided to leave it to them.

300 points was a good amount but he just wanted to take his rest.

On top of it, his points were already at its highest.

[ Current Points: 7,560 ]


Michelle tried to catch her but Julia was quicker to reach him. Julia took his body and passed it to her friend.


Michelle took Miles' body and laid to one corner gently.