
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Berserk Zombie

Only three and a half minutes after the zombies went into an enraged state, the wave coming from the north gate was already moments away from reaching Miles and the others.

He pushed the remaining zombies around him down into the pile of corpses and jumped down the wall and rushed into one of the clay plant boxes and carried it back into the wall.

"Paul, here!" Miles lifted the box and Paul pulled it into the top of the wall.

Miles climbed back to the wall and saw that they already killed the remaining zombies around them.

Seeing the enraged zombies closing in on them, Miles held the box from one side.

"I'll try to lessen their numbers. Pass me on some of the plant boxes there." he told them.


Michelle and Lilia went down to get the plant boxes.

"I'll help you with that." Paul suggested.

"Nah, I can do it." Miles said.

With his peak strength, he knew that he could throw this plant box a good distance despite its weight.

He lifted the plant box, swung it around two times before releasing it towards the incoming zombie wave.


It crashed into the zombies and crushed more than ten zombies at once.

"Next!" Miles demanded another plant box.

Paul passed another one to Miles that he received from Michelle and Lilia.

He threw that heavy projectile again and again, crushing the zombies with it. After three more throws, the zombie wave finally reached them.

With bloodlust eyes, these enraged zombies immediately jumped onto the group.

Miles held the remaining plant box and waved it around like a blunt weapon, hitting and smashing those zombies around him.

Michelle, Lilia and Paul kept their distance from him and also began activating their AOE skills.

"Sky Blade!"

"Split Spin!"

"Double Slash!"

They instantly dealt with the closest zombies, but their fight was not yet finished as the enraged zombies kept pouring in.

Miles continued to wave the huge plant box around while the others continued to use their skills although their AOE ones were already on cooldown.

Half a minute later and the four were pushed back and they retreated inside the wall.

The enraged zombies stepped onto the pile of bodies and rushed towards the group, giving them no time to rest.

"Damn it!" a shout was heard and Miles saw Paul being pulled by a few zombies by the arm. He immediately threw the plant box he was holding onto the zombies, freeing Paul from them.

"Thanks!" Paul nodded and resumed his killing.

Miles took his axe and began swinging it.

For every other slash, he activates Heave Strike to destroy zombies in a large number.

Only a minute passed and the overwhelming number of zombies began to show as the four began to retreat more and more.

With their skills on cooldown, Michelle, Lilia and Paul had a hard time to fight.

Miles took his stance and punched with both of his fists.

'Fist Canon!'


It was more powerful than before and the impact killed and knocked back zombies, creating a space between the group and them.

"Get behind me!" Miles instructed.

The three got behind Miles.

While he was spamming Fist Canon in front, the other three were fighting together on his back.

After activating the skill thirteen times, Miles felt the fatigue it brought to his body. He stopped and returned in using his axe, waving it in his front.

They held their ground for seven minutes but it was very tiring. Their movements slowed down and it became more dangerous for them.


At that moment, a gunshot thundered and a zombie fell down with a hole on its head.

"They're here!" Michelle exclaimed with excitement.

Five figures moved in and began firing at the zombies.

Their firepower overthrew the number of zombies, reducing their numbers quickly.

Miles made way and regrouped with William and the others.

"The gates are closed. Let's end this wave." William said and passed a rifle to Miles.

Miles took it and gave the rifle a quick check before he began shooting the zombies.

"Julia!" Michelle shouted.

"Are you alright?" Julia asked.


"Here. You still remember how to use this, right?" Julia passed a handgun to Michelle.

Michelle took the gun and nodded. "Mm. I remember."

With their firepower, the nine began advancing and killing the zombies.

Dante held a submachine gun with his one arm and precisely aimed at the heads of the zombies.

Gunshots echoed for more than two minutes.

"Damn! Why are these zombies not giving any exp?" Paul asked.

The team also realized this and were all confused by the situation.

Miles was also thinking to himself.

He then remembered what Hans said before he died.

'So that's why he doesn't use it against the zombies. It doesn't give him any exp at all. But is it the same for humans?' he thought to himself.

If what he was thinking was true, then Hans also realized that it was a waste to use precious bullets on something that you can kill easily.

But it also puts a question on why didn't they just get to the control room and take the weapons?

As the group continuously destroys the still incoming enraged zombies, William put his gun down and chopped the head of a zombie.

{ You have gained 20 experience points. }

After seeing the system notification, he quickly realized what was happening.

"Killing them with bullets won't give any exp. But axing them still gives exp." he briefly told the team.

"Why is that?" Lilia asked.

"I don't know!" William responded.

"So what are we gonna do? Are we gonna stop shooting them?" Paul asked.

"No! Just continue. Finishing this wave is more important. We'll just find a way to gain more exp later." William said.

The others agreed, firing at the zombies without any stop.

In the midst of the shooting, Miles learned something.

'These players don't gain any exp from killing with a gun. But I still receive my points from killing a zombie even if I use a gun. That's relieving.'

When he heard that players don't gain any exp from killing a zombie by shooting them, he was shocked for a second before quickly realizing that that was not the case for him.

'It seems that they have more restrictions than me,' he thought.

If the system requires the players to kill a zombie a specific way, that won't apply to him giving him a huge advantage over the others.

While they were seeing the shooting as a waste, he was thinking to himself, 'What an easy way to earn points.'

And truly, as he continuously pulled the trigger, his points shot up like a rocket.

[ Current points: 5,980 ]

'Damn. I need many guns.' Miles thought.

The group advanced and the number of the zombies kept decreasing.

Since the gates of the university were now closed, the zombies inside won't increase anymore unless they infect the humans inside.

They climbed on top of the corpses and moved to the other side and continued to shoot the zombies, who were still in their enraged state and recklessly sprinting to the team.

Seeing the diminishing number of the enemies, the group finally felt relieved.

"I'm out."

"Me, too."


There was only under a minute before the enraged state of the zombies ended so the team was not that worried about the lack of bullets.

They switched to their original weapons and engaged the remaining zombies.

And as they slaughtered the incoming zombies, William noticed a zombie that was just standing in the midst of the running zombies.

Seeing the odd zombie, he called Miles.

"Look, that one's a bit different."

Miles turned to the direction where William pointed and saw the single zombie standing while the other zombies just passed by it without bumping or hitting it.

The zombie was different from the other zombies or the enraged ones.

Its eyes were pure red and had red and black veins around them.

There were two tusk-like fangs on its mouth and its hands were armed with long sharp claw-like fingers. It also towers among the normal zombies with its height.

"It's a Berserk Zombie. That must be the one making that sound and turning the normal zombies into enraged ones." William said as he slashed his axe onto a zombie.

The duration of the enraged state finally ended and with the zombies returning to their original state, dealing with them was significantly easier.

The Berserk Zombie just stood there while staring at the team.

"We should deal with it. Letting that zombie on the loose is just dangerous for us. If we kill it, we won't have to deal with the enraged zombie wave anymore." Dante walked to William's side and suggested.

William nodded and obviously agreed to it. The enraged zombie wave was a thorn to their team although they only experienced facing them two times.

"Miles?" William looked at the dazed Miles, fully focused on the Berserk Zombie. His eyes displayed sadness and sorrow.

He looked at William.

"Are you alright?" William asked him.

"C-can I…be the one to send it away?" Miles asked with a low voice.

William and Dante looked at each other.

"No…that's a Berserk Zombie. We don't have any idea how strong it is so we should team up to fight it. The enraged zombies were already troublesome to deal with, more so for the ones that made them that way." William said.

"I will deal with it myself…just…" Miles said as he walked forward.

William held his shoulder and asked. "No…we'll deal with it as a team."

The others looked at them.

Dante put his hands on William's shoulder and shook his head.

He then asked Miles, "What's happening, buddy?"

Miles just closed his eyes and sighed before staring at the Berserk Zombie.

"That zombie is..was..my friend, Jason."