
Roblox Tycoon In The Multiverse(Not Canon To The NCU)

Warning:This Is Not Canon To The NCU (Novel Connected Universe) If You Want To Know What That Is Read My Novels Just Type My Name But Don't Tap The Account. This Is Bryan. He Is Pretty Cool, I Mean He Goes To College, Got Good Friends, Grades And A Girlfriend. Though He Has A Hobby After Doing Homework Or Hanging With The Boys. Playing Roblox, But Mainly Only Tycoons Because His Computer Kinda Sucks. Let's Say He Just Randomly Died And Got Sent To Another World With All Of The Tycoons Weapons, Vehicle, Dropper, Building And Power. Let's Say That Actually Happened. (No Harem Boys, Man's Staying True To His Girlfriend.)

Ya_Boi_Rizzin · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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2 Chs

I Found Chapter 2 Less gooo

Bryan: Shit.

God: Quite Literally.

Bryan: So...If I Get Every Tycoon That Exist In Roblox Can't I Just Buy A Rocket Ship That Can Make Me Go To My Original World?

God: Well Yes But It Will Be Your Final Purchase And Crazy Expensive!

Bryan: So I Can Return Home-

God: But You Need To Find Your Original World Yourself.

And After That Sentence Bryan's World Is Shattered But Was Able To Remind Himself That Probably In His System He Can Find An Item That Can Make Him Immortal Or Stop Aging.

God: But Since You Look So Pitiful I Decided That Your World Time Shall Be Frozen Until You Come Back To It.

Bryan Eyes Shine With Gleem As He Realize That If He Manages To Pull Through And Create The Ultimate Tycoon, Be Immortal And Go To Space He Can And Will Find His Original World!

Bryan: Alright Magic Man I'll Comply.

God: It's Not Magic And I'm Not A Man.

Bryan: You Can Create Anything Out Of Nothing How Is That Not Magic? Technology Maybe?

God: No It's - It's Complicated Ok? I can't Explain It Right Now It'll Take Thousands Of Years.

Bryan: Fine, Send Me Into The Magic Land With Your Funny Words Magic Man.

God: Fuck You.

Bryan Then Felt Like He's Floating And He Not Touching The Floor, Bryan Looked Down And Seen That There Is A Hole And Says "Touché."

And He Falls Down So Fast From Space But Feels Like It's Directed By Something As He Finally Sees A Planet Similar To Earth, And After Getting Closer And Closer He Suddenly Realized...How Is He Gonna Get Down Safely?

Bryan Struggles To Go Somewhere That Will Cushion His Fall And Like A Cartoon Character He Falls Down To The Water Making A Huge Slap Sound Then Sinking Deeper, Buuuttt He Survived!

Unfortunately Falling From A Height Higher Than The Ozone Layer And Lading On Water Is Very Dangerous, Fortunately Bryan Was Protected By some Kind Or Barrier That Prevented Him Getting Hurt, The Slap Sound Isn't From Bryan It Was From The Barrier And The Reason He's Knocked Out Is Because He Fainted From Fear.

A Few Hours Later.

Bryan Was Seen At A Shore Of An Unhabitable Island, A Large One.

So When He Waked Up He Started To Think What Food To Eat As Bryan Thought That He Still Needed To Eat.

Even Though God Gave Him Another Gift The Roblox Body.

The Inability And Need To Eat And Drink.

But The Ability To Die Horribly By Being Only Pricked By A Needle Several Times Will Make His Body Parts And Limbs To...Seperate, Then... Discombobulate.

But Bryan Hadn't Discovered That And He Only Eats And Drink If He Wants The Taste And Also Fast Regeneration From The Roblox Body.

Anyway When He Was Looking For Any Animals Or Fruits, But The Animals Here Are Incredibly Fast, Faster Than Him.

From Squirrel's To Bunnies, To Boars To Pigs, From Bull To Deer All Of Is Just To Fast.

And When It Was Nightfall He Was Worried And Angry At Himself Thinking "Is This It? Am I Going To Die Of Starvation?"

(Btw System Hasn't Started)

And When Bryan Closed His Eyes Thinking He Will Open It In That White Room Again He Has Fallen Asleep.

And When He Woke Up, Bryan Was Surprised He Didn't Die, And Also Seeing A Line Between His Arms, Bryan Then Gone Ahead To Touch The Line On His Arm Thinking It's Some Sort Of Long Bug, But Instead Was Shocked To Find That...

His Arm Opened Up! And Revealing A Roblox Inventory Panel, Somehow Bryan Can Still Feel His Arm Is Still There But Seeing That It Is Opening Is Kinda Freaky And Weird Feeling.

As He Looked At His Inventory He Realized That With The Roblox Inventory He Has An Infinite Amount Of Carrying Capacity!

And Also Three Slots Of Inventory Is Filled With A Note, A Revolver Or Some Sort And A Flat Panel, After Putting His Finger Close To The Panel He Sees A Description.

<A Physical System Panel>

Dang So Bryan Got A System Now? And It's Physical? So Does That Mean He Needs To Take Out The System Out Of The Inventory Manually?

But Before Bryan Take The System Out, Bryan Looked At The Other Items Description, The First Revolver.

<I Have A Plan, Arthur.>

And The Note Description Says.

<Read Before Taking Out The System.>

So Bryan Took It Out And Read It.

"Dear Asshole Bryan.

I Have Left You A Few Gifts As This Generous Old Man Is Even For A Jerk Like You.

Such As This Body You Have! Have You Noticed You Are Getting...Lighter? Your Skin Is Turning Yellow Bryan, And The Torso Blue And The Legs Green.

That's Because You Have The Roblox Body! You Don't Need To Eat Or Drink Though Sleeping Is A Must, I Recommend Sleeping Once A Month Or A Week If Your Lazy As Fuck.

Oh Yeah The Gun Is A Generic Pistol, Your Gonna Need To Reload Manually, Luckily You Have Infinite Ammo.

The System Is Also A Physical Thing However, Meaning You Can Accidentally Lost It If You Drop It.

But You Do Realize You Have The Equip Bar Right? Just Equip The System And It Can Appear Or Disappear At Will.

From A Generous And Not Magic Man God.

PS. u suck"

Bryan Crushes The Paper In Anger And Thinks "This Mf Called Me An Asshole."

Then Bryan Puts The System On The Equip Bar That Has 10 Slots, Bryan Equips The Gun And The System, Just For Emergencies.

Bryan Want To Equip The System But Don't Know How, But Tries Different Method Like Calling It Out.



And Looks Like A Buffoon.

Then Tries Imagining It.


But Fails Anyway And Thought About This

'Hmmm The Second Try Failed To-'

Then The Revolver Came Out, Looks Like He Has To Think Of The Numbers.

So He Thought Of The Number 3 And System Came Out In His Left Hand As The Right Hand Is Occupied By The Revolver.

Then Bryan Tries To Put The Revolver Back In The Inventory But Doesn't Know How So He Just Opens Up His Arm Puts It In.

Now Let's Go See The Stats And Skills.


$: 0

C: 0


Tycoon 1 Progress: 0%

|Tycoon 2| Not Available Finish Tycoon 1 To Unlock.




Tycoon Startup Gear x1



Roblox Body Lvl.None (+)

Respawn Pad Lvl.None (+)

Roblox Inventory Lvl.None (+)


"Huh...That's More Than Enough...I Think, To Be Honest I Don't Know, I Mean This Is The First Time I Have A System...If You Could Call It That? You Know What? I'm Not Gonna Get Greedy! But I Wish This Would Be Easier So I Could Go Back To My World, I'm Literally Pulled Here Against My Will."

I Then Clicked On The Startup Gear And The Panel Changed To Say...


Would You

Like To Open

The Startup




I Clicked Y And The Panel Changed To An Icon Of A Poorly And Abandoned Warehouse Footage Pans Inside And Focuses On A Wooden And Poorly Made Crate, And When The Camera Gotta Closed The Crate Opens With A Burst Of Light And The Camera Goes Inside Slowly And A Few Cards Come Out.

Tier 1 Tycoon Floor, Dropper, Conveyor, Seller And Collector.

Hell Yeah! Now With This I Can Properly Start My Tycoon And With This Island I'm Sure Nobody Will Bother Me Since There's Only Animals And If They're A Problem I Could Just Shoot'em.

And Now Bryan Is Checking The Uses Of His Skills So He Pressed The Bright + Button.

Roblox Body.

Level: None.

The Roblox Body Rids The User The Need For Rest, Sustenance And Mortality By Using The Respawn Pad Skill.

Respawns Pad.

Level: None.

The Respawn Pad With The Roblox Body Ability Can Make The User Immortal By Dying Over And Over Without Limit And Spawning At The Same Place Again.

Roblox Inventory.

Level: None.

The Roblox Inventory Is The Same As A Normal Game Inventory But Has Infinite Slots And An Equip Slot That Can Make The Item To Appear And Disappear.

Bryan Was Shocked! This Was More Than Enough To Be Able To Survive This World, No Matter The Obstacle He Can Keep Retrying! So In A Way Bryan Can Be Immortal And Un-Aging! As Long He Dies Every Day To Keep The Same Age And Day He Left And Transmigrated! Though Moving And Researching His Original World Is Gonna Be Hard The Only Hint He Know About His Old World Is That Time Is Completely Stopped And Signs And Times He Almost Died.

So Let's Start!

(Tycoon Building Is Next Chapter.)