
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Hooting brought Robert back from reading. The barn owl he met on his first day in this world made his room its dwelling. It happened a couple of days after meeting Hagrid. The owl came back for its promised reward. Thankfully Robert had some bread from today's breakfast. And since that day the owl now called Zephyr kept him company. Robert looked fondly at the owl. Sometimes it would land in his lap and ask for cuddles. It would also watch over Robert and leave him only when he fell asleep. It almost felt like having a family again. Recovering his senses he looked at Zephyr and found a letter in his beak. Judging by the emblem on it, Hogwarts was finally opening for the staff. Robert stood and dressed up. After earning money here and there by helping some villagers he bought some new clothes. He packed them into a sack and headed out towards the castle. He knew the road already since Hagrid came by two days ago to show him around. It was nice to see the hippogriffs. Buckbeak was so cute, having been born not too long ago. His father Talonfang totally doted on that boy. Smiling from the pleasant memories Robert with a skip in his step headed towards the castle.

"Nothing can beat seeing it personally!" Robert exclaimed while Hagrid gave a deep laught at his antics. The huge gates towering even over Hagrid truly gave Robert a new perspective on what grandeur means. He could stay here all night long and even then he wouldn't make of all the details found in them. Robert followed Hagrid closely after entering the castle. Since there were no children the staff meeting was held in the great hall. Robert's eyes beamed with excitement and awe. Moving paintings, suits of armor and ghosts wandering around the hallways. He couldn't wait to explore and uncover the mysteries hidden inside.

The great hall was what you would expect. Massive, overbearing even. At the end you could see some of the staff already waiting. The charm master professor Flitwick was passionately speaking with professor Sinistra the astronomy teacher. The flight instructor and quidditch referee Madam Hooch was sipping something with the herbology teacher professor Sprout. Apparently that was five leaf clover tea she had grown and then brewed herself. They all acknowledged Robert with a cursory look. After finding a place to sit he continued talking with Hagrid who for some reason wanted to go to Greece. I think he doesn't need anymore pets from there. A wild manticore on the loose would have been the last thing we would have wanted.

Albus Dumbledore with Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape finally made an appearance. Argus Filch was trailing them from behind. Everybody stood up and after quick pleasantries sat down. Headmaster started by thanking everyone for coming and then introduced Robert to the crowd. He told the whats, hows and whys for his presence. To which were different reactions. Mostly positive and some with disregard. Argus almost went into a fit thinking he was going to get sacked. After ensuring him there was no such thing Dumbledore also made some announcements. Mostly pertaining the fact that boy wonder is coming to Hogwarts, the problem with the corridor on the third floor and finally the position for the professor of Defense against the Dark Arts. Not surprisingly it was Quirrell. He was for some reason absent today. Probably because he had better things to do. Like attempting to steal the philosopher's stone from Gringotts. The meeting ended with Dumbledore asking the four heads of houses to stay behind for discussing other matters. He also called an elf called Mipsy to take Robert to his new quarters. Robert said his goodbyes with Hagrid and followed the elf inside the castle.

Huffing and pale faced after the almost bloody experience of climbing the stairs to the second floor he stood in front of a painting. It depicted a young woman from what seemed to be the fifteen hundreds, Lady Joyce. She didn't have much joy on her face that's for sure. The password was liverbatter. Robert honestly didn't want to know what that was. His room was bigger than what he had in the inn. At least 3 times bigger. Quite frankly he could have a house party in here. Not that he'll be giving anybody any bright ideas. Especially the red wonder twins. As in people wondered what, how and why after their shenanigans. Robert unpacked his belongings and explored the room. There was a queen sized bed, an oaken desk and chair. Two reddish armchairs and a small table near the fireplace. Through the window he could see the black lake and Hagrid's hut. Seeing how the castle almost killed him he decided to take a break and wait for when they'll summon him. He could hear tapping coming from the window. Zephyr was seen behind the glass. Robert let the owl in and took out its perch on which it settled down. After leaving some food and water Robert went to take a nap.

Mipsy arrived at two in the afternoon to take him to dinner. In the hall most of the staff was seated and already eating. A new face entered his view. That messy hair, glasses and crazed look, surely this was the divination teacher Sybilla Trelawney. From the look of it she was curing yet another hangover. It seems some will never learn. Lamb chops, chips and salads were for dinner. For desert he had some apple pie. During dinner Dumbledore mentioned that Robert needs to go to Diagon Alley for his supplies and asked if anyone was willing to take him. Flitwick eagerly accepted since he also had an appointment at the bank tomorrow. He could take Robert along. Robert thanked the professor for his generosity and shortly after went to his room. Not without taking a little bit of everything to feed Zephyr. As the day slowly drawn to the end Mipsy brought him some sandwiches and a pitcher of pumpkin juice for a night snack. Being tired from the day Robert finally succumbed to the night's whisper and dreamt of getting his first wand.

Boom, finally something more than exposition is happening. Not that nothing happened in the last chapters.

thank you for reading.

See you next time

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