
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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44 Chs

A jolly good fellow?


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Is it a new app?" Robert asked with excitement.

However only an update prompt showed up. He clicked Yes and a loading bar appeared. It'll take about eighteen hours for it to finish.

"It's not as if I have anything urgent happening tomorrow." 'And a good chunk of the process will take place at night anyway.' That was his last thought as he fell asleep.

'Dammit. Does life look like this when you've got no cheats.' Robert stood before a furious witch and unfortunately she also had backup. At wand point no less.

"Now girls. I'm all for equal rights. But this is surely an assault on a school employee." Robert said with sweat drops forming on his face.

"And I thought that now are your school hours. Not work related." Tonks said with a mischievous look.

"And you're not equal to us. Maybe on the level of a weed growing on a rock." Jasmine added.

"Surely you don't believe we are dangerous." Robert could have swore that Mindy licked the tip of her wand.

"I think I need an adult." Robert sighed.

"You are an adult." The power girls smirked. And then pulled him into a classroom.

"Talk now!" Tonks demanded.

"And what do you want to talk about? If it's about my skin care...alright I'll zip it." Robert changed his words after Tonk's wand lit up.

"So what exactly you want me to say?"

"Everything. How did you kill the troll? Was it huge? Why were firsties involved?" The girls blasted Robert with a wave of questions.

"Enough!" Robert said sternly, unnerving the girls.

"I owe you no explanation for yesterday are we clear?" He glanced towards them looking for any disagreement. Seeing none he continued.

"I used a mix of standard dueling spells. As for the finishing touch I'm afraid it'll have to be a secret for now."

"Aw come on Robert. Don't be such a buzz kill." Tonks pouted.

"Unfortunately that's the way it has to be. After all we haven't caught the culprit yet." Robert said while crossing his arms.

"What do you mean by culprit?" Mindy asked.

"Well you don't think a troll just came from the sky, now do you?"

"How about you save the sass for someone who actually cares Crow." Jasmine remarked with disdain.

"Duly noted and don't care. Returning to the topic at hand. It's highly probable that someone unleashed that troll in the castle."

"And why would you think that?" Mindy asked.

"A couple of things point to that conclusion. The school is warded against dark creatures. So how did it pass through them?"

"So you think someone helped it bypass the protections?" Tonks asked.

"And the other reasons?" Mindy inquired.

"Can't say because it pertains to the plausible suspect. So I can't tell you in fear it would get out. One way or other." He said with seriousness in his voice.

"Are you suggesting we would spill the beans Crow? Who do you think we are?" Jasmine asked with anger.

"Three girls that don't know squat about the darkness of the real world. Do you think there are no methods to extract information from you?" The girls were silent.

"Torture, veritaserum, the Imperius Curse to just name a few. From what I've learn even your mind isn't as safe as you think it is. After all there are mind arts users around us."

"Mind arts? Who?" Tonks asked.

"Can't actually say. However if you have spare time on your hands it'd be crucial for all of you to learn occlumency. Especially you Tonks if you treat being na Auror as a career path. I'd ask your mother about it. She was a Black after all."

"And how do you know that mister. I've never talked about it." Tonks looked with suspicion.

"Well you're not exactly not talked about in the staff room Miss 'I trip over everything and made Hogwarts a living hell before the twins came about'." Robert and Mindy laught at her blushed face while Jasmine had a smirk.

"Ok girls. It was nice talking to you and I'm sorry I couldn't say more."

"It's fine. However, I still haven't asked you what I wanted to ask at the beginning." Said Tonks.

"And that is?" Robert asked guessing where this was going.

"I wanted to teach me how to fight. Since you were able to take down a troll it means you're worthy of teaching little old me." She winked and stuck her tongue out.

"And why would I want to do that oh please tell me?"

"We'll tell that you were inappropriate in our company. Mindy said. She truly was a dangerous one.

"Go on then. Be my guest. Everything will be checked. Our memories and other people statements. You have to be more creative than this." Robert rolled his eyes at their audacity.

"Well then. It seems that we'll have to file a complaint that you're not doing your job. Ultimately you were supposed to help fellow students with school work. And I think Defense against the Dark arts counts." Tonks said with a wry smile.

"Well damn. It seems I underestimated you. A future auror indeed." Robert let a small laugh.

"I'll help you when time allows it. Do we have an agreement?" Robert stuck out his hand.

"You better believe it." Tonks reached her hand and they shook their hands.

"Since this weekend isn't a Hogsmeade's one we'll begin training on Saturday at six o'clock morning." Tonks face twitched at that information while Robert's lips curled up. He's going to have fun with this.

After the kerfuffle with the ladies Robert headed to his early afternoon classes. During dinner he was bombarded with questions by the Griffindors as he sat next to Harry and co. Apparently the golden trio formed even with his slight intervention. Fate truly loves this show if she makes everything fall together as it was in canon.

Before the rounds started the phone finished its update. A new interface appeared. Now there were icons instead of tabs. He could now manage his books easier. There was the scan icon, record, files and one new one. The icon looked like a rune. After chosing it an app opened. It was rune oriented. It contained a database of known runes. But probably the most groundbreaking thing about it was the computing option. You could write the parameters of what you wanted and the app will calculate the most probable answer. It would show a sequence of runes that may or may not do what you asked for. For example if I wanted a rune network for making a kettle. It will show which runes it feels suit the situation best and in what order.

'At least it cuts down the time for research and gives me more time for experimentation.

Of course the app had its limitations. Similarly to the scan app if Robert's knowledge was lacking it'll make the process more prolonged. And he won't be able to use any other function simultaneously. So his best option is to run it when he's asleep or doesn't need anything from the phone.

"Let's see if the map app has changed." And changed it did. No more he has to look at the screen. Now the map displays in air. Seemingly like hologram technology from the future. And he can touch it too.

"Now it only needs to have a save the world function and we'll be able to wrap up this story quicker." He said with a sardonic smile.

Finished with his inspection he left his room. His goal to end a couple of snogging sessions and have a jolly good night. Everything was finally looking up for him.