
Prologue -The Kid Who Believe In Hope

The whole place seems silence and lifeless…

It has been like this since the school parade this year that everyone wants to forget had happened. In the other hand, the representative of the Slayers around the world - Ares Bravesong was poisoned by a mysterious powerful poison. Causing him immediately suffered hemiplegia of his legs and extreme nutrients lost permanently, which had turn him into a weak man who can only spend his days on a wheelchair.

Everyone was in panic and despair, seeing that the Slayers kept losing to any criminals or intruders. Fearing that one day they'll lose to the Sumemons, and cause the Living Lands to be consumed. This is happening in Golden Hawk Institute as well, students begin to doubt their school.

But there's a little girl slowly walk into the Art and Design Club of the school, she's just about 10 years old. As she enters the club room, it was so indifferent inside the whole place. She walk towards to a wall, the wall had a big painting on it. The paint is about Jesus Christ whom is wearing his battle armor, standing victoriously with it's glory. But, there's someone threw a pole right on the painting before. And the pole hit directly on Jesus' head, which have tore the part of the paint.

"Can't believe that he's the most despaired among us..." Said by the girl.

She pulled a chair with her calf strength and lean against the paint, standing right on the chair. She is slightly unbalanced but managed to stay still, slowly tiptoeing herself to be higher. "Come on...Please!" She tries to go higher in order to reach the pole.

"I have to get it down! It is the work...Ugh! ...of their faith in you!"

As she thought that, the chair finally lose its balance upon her struggling.


She begin to cry, but not for her being falling. But for her didn't able to pull the pole out from the painting. "No...I must..." She thought during that seconds of falling down. "PAT!!!" But someone got her. "Gotcha!" It is a teenage girl with army colored long waves hair, which also had a pair of horns on her head had caught her.

"You almost got hurt sweetheart. Thank God that I heard the sound came from here, the noise that broke it's silence." She literally just storms in very fast to save her in time.

"Sorry for making you worry May...I was just...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be in here, Presty is gonna scold me for snooping around." The little girl felt slightly guilty for her acts. "No. You're right to be here. After all, both of them are your heroes. Maybe I can give you a hand, you're a little too short for this kinda stuff currently." May had decided to help her. "Rea-really?! But we are not as artistic as they were..." Said the little girl. "At least we must try. Even thought we might end up worst..." She pulled the pole out from the paint.

Together, they took the teared painting down and keep it nicely at the collection barrel of the club. Laying down a new big piece of paper, ready to redraw the whole painting.

"Tell me, Uchi. Why you're still wanted to fix things right?" May asked her.

"Because...I believe in Hope." Uchi replied in confident.

"You seem to really believe in him doesn't it?" May become slightly unhappy when she said that. "Yes. I'm really stupid right?" She kept sketching with her best. "Don't say that...I mean..." May suddenly remembers the words came from her idol Slayer, which had been frustrated her a long time. "If your time isn't up, He'll never let you down..." Uchi suddenly muttered a familiar phrase, which really struck into May's heart.

"If your time isn't up, He'll never let you down..." An old friend's image suddenly appeared before her, a same aged girl with black straight bangs and pony tailed long hair looking at her and said said the words. "Huh?!" May rubbed her eyes and look again, nothing was there. "May?" Uchi shake her arms while noticing her dazing.

"OH! Sorry...Must've been sleeping to lately..." She replied. "May...Oh! I'm already waiting for a chance to ask this! Do you know anything about Chizuki and the others?! Also...AH! Davis?!" Uchi suddenly became active, curious to know the past.

"Well...I know a lot when I have times with Zuki...I'll tell you everything I know." May patted her head. "YEAH!!!" Uchi was excited.

"It all begins from last year's Christmas season....." May begin to tell the tale that happens before the present...

First of all, this is my first time writing stories at Webnovel. This would be my original story which I'm might working on as a comic. This story might involved lessons and religious elements throughout the story, please do not get offense when some parts were written. Anyways, thanks for supporting my story and feel free to comment.

Dillon_Thongcreators' thoughts
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