
Diagon Alley

Entring the pub, I put on a scared while hopeful face. The opening of the door interrupted the boisterous atmosphere which made the patron look at me. I acted scared while looking for the barman Tom and started walking towards him. The people started talking again whilst few I noticed were still staring at me. I knew I had f** up. Seeing me walking alone and scared whilst might up made many people not pay attention to a normal kid, but some might just want to kidnap me for a ritual and I have no way to defend myself. I can at most levitate things around and throw small fire size of a lighter or lightning sparks, which won't really help me in a fight.

I took a deep breath while calming down and turned back went outside. I just risked my life, took chance at being kidnapped. I have no system or 'cool awesome wandless magic' to fight back, so I am going back and wait for my 11th birthday while coming, prepare as much as possible for the time being.

I am 8 years old, and its 1985 , meaning I am 3 years older than the canon cast, so meaning I am the super hupplepuff's year mate.

All I can do train for the next three physicals while also pushing to levitate things heavy as my bed.

Calling a cab, and going back, I tried to look forward to the future while avoiding thinking about my disastrous endeavor.