
Dereks dying

Michael arrived at the burned-down house, spotting Derek's car parked at the front. Errica, looking at state the house was in, asked, "What happened to this place?", but before Michael could answer, he started to catch a whiff of blood, as he hurriedly rushed out of the car. Errica, sensing the intensity in his expression, followed suit.

Michael kicked the door open and entered the house, only to find Derek leaning on the staircase, coughing out black blood from his mouth. Derek noticed Michael and weakly stretched his arm out, muttering, "Brother," before starting to faint. Reacting swiftly, Michael appeared in front of him, catching Derek just before he fell.

Errica entered the house and was shocked to see Michael holding an unconscious man on the ground. She exclaimed, "What's going on here?" Michael glanced at her and replied, "I'll tell you later." He lifted Derek up and rushed outside the house, heading towards Derek's car.

As they reached the car, Michael looked at Errica, who had followed him, and asked if she knew how to drive. Errica responded, "Yes." Michael tossed her the car keys and said, "Okay... you drive." He then moved to the backseat with Derek, carefully placing him inside. Errica started the car, and they drove off, Leaving behind the scene of the old house, Errica anxiously asked, "Where are we driving to?" The situation, coupled with the unknown person in the backseat, had her on edge. As they drove, rain began to fall, adding to the tense atmosphere.

The scene shifted to Michael holding Derek, who was coughing out a significant amount of black blood. However, despite the severity of his condition, Derek seemed to be in less pain. Black veins could be seen running up Michael's arm as he held onto Derek.

Michael looked at Errica and said, "We're going to the animal clinic." Errica questioned, "How is that going to help?" Michael insisted, "Just go there." Errica reluctantly agreed, saying, "Okay, okay," as she continued to drive.

Time skip

Animal clinic

Dr. Deaton was finishing up bandaging a sprained dog's foot. He handed the dog over to its grateful owner before preparing to close the clinic for the day. However, moments later, he heard a loud knocking at the door. Cautiously, Dr. Deaton walked over to the door and was shocked to see Michael, an injured Derek, and an unfamiliar blonde-haired girl outside.

In a hurry, Dr. Deaton opened the door, and Michael quickly placed Derek on a nearby table. Derek suddenly sat up but then leaned to the side, vomiting a pool of black blood. Errica screamed in alarm, "Guys, I think he's dying!" Michael urgently asked Dr. Deaton, "You know what we can do to stop this." Dr. Deaton responded, "I think I might have something."

Dr. Deaton retrieved a bottle filled with white sticky liquid and applied a finger-full of it into Derek's bullet wound. Derek's eyes turned blue, and he let out a roar of pain before losing consciousness. The black veins emanating from his wound seemed to resist the liquid to some extent. Dr. Deaton wiped sweat off his forehead, and a moment of silence fell over the room.

Errica anxiously asked, "Is he okay now?" Dr. Deaton sighed and replied, "No, I was only able to slow down the effect." He looked at Michael and said, "We need to talk about what gave him that shot." Michael sighed and explained, "I don't know... I only got a call from him saying he needed help."

Dr. Deaton sighed again, looking at Derek, and said, "Well, the only thing we can do now is wait for him to regain consciousness so he can tell us how he got that wound. Perhaps then we'll have an idea of how to save him." Errica interrupted, frustration in her voice, "Hello... is anyone going to tell me what's going on here?" She paused for a moment, then looked at Michael, and asked, "Who is he... and why is he coughing out black blood?"

Michael glanced at her, sighed, and folded his hands, leaning against the wall. He replied, "He's my brother, and this guy is Dr. Deaton. He knows about the supernatural." Shocked, Errica covered her mouth and whispered, "What's wrong with him?" Michael closed his eyes and responded, "I don't know... we have to wait for him to regain consciousness to figure it out." Dr. Deaton interrupted their conversation, looking at Errica, and said, "So she's your first beta," referring to her being Michael's first werewolf pack member.

Michael glanced at Dr. Deaton, still with his arms folded, and confirmed, "Yes, she is. Her name is Errica." Dr. Deaton simply nodded.


A few moments after Derek started to as regained his consciousness. Derek started gasping for air ,Michael then notice as he unfolded his hands, walking over to his brother. Derek's senses started to return, and he noticed three people staring at him. Dr. Deaton waved his hands in front of Derek's face, checking for signs of dizziness.

Confused, Derek asked, "Where am I?" Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice saying, "We're at the animal clinic." He turned and saw Michael, but as he attempted to get up, he lost his balance and began to fall off the table. Just in time, Michael caught him, saying, "Easy there, bro." Michael gently assisted Derek back onto the table.

Derek looked at Michael weakly and said, "I need your help." Michael asked, concerned, "What do you need my help with?" Struggling to speak, Derek whispered, "I need you to find a bullet... Argent... They have a bullet." His eyes started to daze over, but he mustered the strength to finish, "Kate Argent... She has a special bullet... I need it... Or else I die in 24 hours." Derek then fainted in Michael's arms.

Dr. Deaton stared towards Michael, puzzled. He asked, "What did he say?" With an angry tone and glowing red eyes, Michael replied, "Argents." A shiver ran down Dr. Deaton's spine at the sight of Michael's eyes. Errica chimed in, saying, "Argent... like Allison Argent." Michael looked at her and clarified, "Not Allison, her family."

Errica's face turned to horror as she realized the implications. Fear laced her voice as she asked, "Are they going to hunt us?" Michael burst into loud laughter, causing both Dr. Deaton and Errica to worry. He tilted his head back, holding his face with one hand, and wore a crazed smile. "Hunt us? No, no, no... you've got it all wrong. We're not the prey here," he stated confidently, his eyes glowing red. "I am your alpha, the apex predator, and you're my beta. As long as I'm alive, nothing can ever hurt you or anyone close to me," Michael declared. He wore a devilish smile as he added, "Because if they do... they'll pay."

A shiver ran down Errica and Dr. Deaton's spines. Dr. Deaton couldn't help but think to himself how Michael's devilish smile reminded him of a familiar man from his past. Before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, Michael abruptly stopped laughing and turned his attention back to Dr. Deaton.

"We need Scott's help," Michael said, his voice now serious and determined. Dr. Deaton's eyes widened in surprise at Michael's unexpected statement.

Authors note.

Creations hard so please comment how you guys are enjoying the story thus far, dont be afraid to recommend changes you might see take place in the future of the story, Aslo can you guys Drop some power stones please🙏😭, and comment.

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