
Rise of The Nightwalker Clan

They call him by many names. Realm Destroyer. Leader of The Night Walkers. The Dark Alpha. The Dark One. These are all just titles given through fear and respect. At the beginning, his name was simple. Ambrose. **************************************************** Watch as an out of place teenager grows into a being beyond imagination. Watch the rise of the founder and leader of the greatest and most feared Supernatural Clan to ever exist. The rise of the first Night Walker!

BleedingHeaven · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Ambrose vs. Edward

Ambrose gripped the knife tightly and pulled it out of his stomach.


Some blood splattered on the floor as Ambrose pulled the knife out, but the wound soon stopped bleeding as an Alpha's healing factor cannot be underestimated.

"You came prepared." Ambrose calmly stated.

"Hehehe do you think I wouldn't bring silver to a fight against an Alpha?" Edward said sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter how much silver you bring, It won't change the outcome." Ambrose said and then dashed into a deeper part of the forest.

Edward ran after him while shouting; "Don't run from me doggy!"

Ambrose decided that going into a denser part of the forest would put him at an advantage. So he came up with a plan as he had a lead on Edward.

Soon, Edward caught up to him, but he couldn't sense exactly where Ambrose was. Edward started walking but he was filled with vigilance. An enemy that can't be seen is the most dangerous enemy.


Edward felt a gust of wind, but he couldn't identify exactly what was moving so fast. But, very soon he knew exactly what it was. Ambrose had hurled a whole tree at Edward!

Edward just smiled in contempt as he leisurely dodged to the side. But his smile only lasted for a second before he heard the growl of a wolf behind him.

Before he could react, Ambrose locked his arms around him. Edward tried to struggle out of Ambrose's vice grip but to no avail.

"This is going to hurt."


Ambrose opened his mouth as wide as he could before he took a huge bite of the muscle between the shoulder and neck on Edward's right side.

"AHHHHHHH!" Edward let out a gut wrenching scream as he felt Ambrose rip a piece of him from his body.

The upper trapezius muscle is primarily used for controlling the arms, what Ambrose did was completely destroy that muscle on the right side. This effectively made Edward's right arm and shoulder completely useless.

Ambrose did not waste his opportunity. He quickly used his Wolf Aura enhanced claws to pierce Edwards stomach and rip it open.

Edward was shocked out of his agony when he felt his guts spilling onto the floor.


Edward's intestines were literally sliding out of his body, it was quite a disgusting sight. Sensing an immediate danger to his life, Edward threw his head backwards and head butted Ambrose in the nose.

Ambrose staggered and was forced to release his grip as the force behind the blow was enough to make him take a step back.

Edward wasted no time as he gained distance from Ambrose, trying to buy time for his stomach to recover.

Edward hid behind a tree as he forced his intestines back into his stomach. The wound closed up before his intestines rearranged themselves back to their normal place.



Edward was sweating cold. His wound from when Ambrose bit him was not healing at all and he knew exactly why.

'Werewolf venom…'

Edward knew that he was at a serious disadvantage. He wasted no more time and drew his sword from his back. It was in the style of a medieval sword but was made of pure silver. Edward made a slit on his wrist with it and let his blood trickle down the sword, making it even more effective against Werewolves.

Edward could already sense Ambrose approaching him at high speeds. He quickly got into a fighting position as Ambrose jumped at him from a tree.


Ambrose's claws and Edward's sword clashed as they were both pushed back by the force. Edward followed up with a flurry on high-speed thrusts which Ambrose dodged nimbly for the most part. Ambrose didn't come out unscathed. He got a few small cuts on his arms from narrowly dodging Edward's assault.

Edward kept the pressure on, he knew that if he let Ambrose set the tone of the fight, he would most likely die.


Edward landed a blow across Ambrose's chest. Blood spurted out as the silver cut through him like butter.

"GRRRRRR!" Ambrose growled in pain. "I see now… your family's unique ability is manipulating metal. No wonder that silver cut through my skin so easily, you made your sword as sharp as you possibly can."

Edward was stunned, Ambrose had completely deduced his ability from that one slash. That level of perception is rarely seen in older Supernaturals, let alone younger ones like Ambrose.

"It doesn't make a difference if you know what my ability is." Edward scoffed as he slashed once more.

Ambrose decided it was time to go on the offensive again. He redirected Edward's sword into the ground as he struck with a kick right to Edward's chest.


Edward went flying and only hit the ground after he crashed through a tree.


The tree fell to the ground a few seconds after Edward had been kicked through it. Ambrose slowly walked up to where Edward had landed.

"COUGH! COUGH!" Edward spit a few mouthfuls of blood and then reached behind him and pulled out 5 silver needles before throwing them directly at Ambrose.

Ambrose easily dodged them and said; "You're getting desperate, bloodsucker."

"It's not desperate, but smart." Edward smiled from ear to ear with his bloody teeth.

"Huh?" Ambrose sensed something was wrong but he was too late. The needles had changed directions midair and pierced into his back.

"AHHHHHH!" Ambrose screamed in agony as he hunched over. He used his his Wolf Aura to force the needles out one at a time.



As the last needle fell from his back and onto the floor, Ambrose slowly stood up straight and stared at Edward with wrathful eyes.

'Shit.' Edward knew that he had just angered the Alpha more. He tried to get away, but the fatigue from the battle had hit him after that last kick. He couldn't move much and tried limping away.

Ambrose wasn't in a great situation either, but with his superior physical strength he quickly caught up with Edward and put him in a headlock.

"G-Get off of me!" Edward tried to pry Ambrose's arms away from his neck with all his might, but his strength couldn't match up to the Alpha's.

"This is the end." Ambrose said in a cold voice.

Those were the last words Edward would ever hear.


Ambrose violently snapped his neck as Edward fell lifelessly to the floor.



Ambrose's breath was ragged as he slowly raised his foot and slammed it down on Edward's head with all his might…


Ambrose grabbed Edward's corpse by the leg and slowly limped with it in tow back towards the Ghoul battlefield.