
Crossing the Boundless Ocean

"knock knock "

Zhen Yu prepared all his belonging, ready to go out when someone knocked in his door.

"Zhen Yu"

A tall burly man stood right in his door.

"Ji Quan!" Zhen Yu then called.

"Zhen Yu where are you going?" Ji Quan asked which Zhen Yu answered with a question "Are you willing to go with me?"

As his friend, Zhen Yu really wanted to let him join his journey.

Anticipation flashed in the eyes of Zhen Yu.

"Zhen Yu, I belong here" Ji Quan answered his question with a sigh.

"I Understand" Zhen Yu said with a smile. As his friend, he always care about the decisions of Ji Quan. No matter what, it is the decision of his friend.

Turning around, Ji Quan said his farewell.

After that, Zhen Yu left his house with a bag strapped behind his back.

After looking back at the sect, He then ran through the woods. Before leaving, he already asked Luo Cang for a map.

The distance from the Fearless Sword Sect to Zhen Yu's destination is 124 miles. It is impossible for an ordinary man to travel that distance but Zhen Yu was far from ordinary!

After travelling hundreds of miles, Zhen Yu finally felt the cold breeze coming from the ocean.

"Finally! The Boundless Ocean!" Zhen Yu heaved a sigh of relief. He is finally here!

The Boundless Ocean was vast and full of mysteries. There are treasures which made an ordinary cultivator a legend.

After waiting for an hour, Zhen Yu saw a small dot in the horizon. After another day, the dot got bigger. After a week, Zhen Yu could finally see the ship.

When he saw the ship, Zhen Yu could tell that it was moving at a shocking speed. Almost 50 miles a second.

It can be said that the Boundless Ocean was unbelievably vast.

After an hour, the ship then stopped in front of Zhen Yu. Only then did Zhen Yu realized that the ship was enormous.

At the front of the ship was a tall man. His muscles so big that it was bulging.

"Hmm.. Only one? Kid, jump in" The man spoke.

After hearing what the man said, Zhen Yu then came aboard the ship. On the inside, there wasn't any chairs that he could sit upon. Of course, Zhen Yu already expected this. This ship was only for public transport. anyone can come aboard as long as their cultivation base was at the Qi Purification Realm.

After a while, the ship then took off.

"We're headed to the Red Blade Capital!" The tall man said loudly.

"How dare you!!" in another corner inside the ship, the qi in the area surged. There were two men harassing a woman. At first, the two men only looked at her lustfully. After some time past, they couldn't hold their lust any longer, instantly pouncing on the woman.

"Its gonna be a problem" Zhen Yu looked at the scene unfolding right in front of his eyes.