
Rise of Hollywood Superstar

A journey of girl seizing all possible opportunities and her road of becoming a Superstar. . Amelia was a simple theater actor but after experiencing a life changing event, she walked on the path to reach the top. Chapters at the beginning are a bit short. i am revising them and the length of the later chapters is also increased. if you want, then you can start reading after twenty chapters.

Novel_Surge · Thành thị
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63 Chs


"How was your day today?" Tom asked Amy in his arms. He was playing with her hair.

"It was good. I signed the contract with crew of "Insomina", and do you know what the surprising thing is, they actually offered me a

a salary of 2 million dollars, when I was expecting it to be 1 million only." Amy told about her whole day to Tom like an excited kid.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You deserve it and even more than it."

"Really, you are so cute Tom." Amy laughed hearing Tom's words. She turned her face back towards him and looked at him with smile on her lips.

"I am telling the truth."

"Tell me then, what more do I deserve." Amy whispered in Tom's ear mischievously.

"You deserve best of everything." Tom pulled Amy who was slipping away back to his lap, "You are more brighter than the stars in the sky but in the end, you belong only to me." he started kissing her.

Amy laughed hearing Tom, "Yes, I am yours. By the way there's something more I want to talk to you."

"What" Tom stopped playing asked.

"Do you know about Linda Cambit. I mean her reputation in industry."

Tom though for a while and replied: "She's a gold level publicist. As for her work and reputation, its pretty much good compared to the others in industry. I have not heard of any rumors about her or something bad. Why do you ask."

Amy told Tom about her meeting with Linda Cambit in the morning and also about Kevin Huvane. Although she has discussed it with Richard, she talked with Tom for an advice and suggestion.

"I think Linda is good and you can sign with her. As for Kevin Huvane, you don't have to worry about the protection thing Linda mentioned, I am at least capable of protectimg my girlfriend out there." Tom answered seriously.

"So should I not sign Kevin as my manager."

"I didn't say about not signing. His only benefit is not of protection, but also the help and resources he can provide. Although you have signed with caa, you are not completely bound to it. Although there is still no binding after you have him as manager, but it still provides as a security and proof of you being with caa and not leaving it. It isn't a legal matter, but it affects the status and reputation of an actor inside the industry."

Amy nodded. She seems to understand it a bit. She is an artist of caa now, but she still doesn't have full support from it. Although signing with Kevin won't have any affect legally, but it is a sign in the industry of Amy being with caa.

"When is your shooting starting for the movie going to start?" Tom pulled Amy back from thoughts with a question.

"It will be soon. What about you."

"I am free for a while. I don't do multiple movies a year now. I have already shot the movie for next year. I can be with you now." Tom answered. He has already established himself as veteran superstar in the industry. There's no need for him to do multiple movies a year. He has started producing movies.


Alaska, USA.

Amy exited the airport with Mary beside her.

She came to the shooting with Mary only. Richard will visit them on the set from time to time. The driver sent by the crew was waiting for them. Amy identified her nameplate in the hands of the driver.

"Hello, I am George Hapil. I will be your guide in Alaska." the driver who came to pick

them up was the local resident of the place. From the driver, Amy found out that she was the thirteenth actor arriving on the set today. The movie has only one main plot. Except for the murderer played by Robert William who appears in the second half, almost all the other actors will participate in pre-shooting.

The weather is getting colder. As the state closest to the Arctic cilmate, Alaska's climate is always lower than the inland areas. The drive was 3 hours long. It was already evening when they reached the shooting location.

The hotel where the lead actors were going stay was different from the one for rest of the crew. The good thing is that the both hotels were very close, so it wouldn't take long for Mary to reach her. Amy's very dependent on Mary especially on the shooting sets. Almost all of Amy's unofficial affairs are arranged by her and Mary is also very dedicated to her duty. For this reason, Mary's salary was also raised, although she signed the same non-disclosure agreement at the beginning like others.

Amy didn't know when she had entered the field of skylight. She only remember that it was dark when she sat in the car and now it is bright as a day outside. Its no wonder that "Insomnia" must be shot here. Only in such an environment, the symptoms of Inspector Domo's insomnia can be bought to extreme.

The next morning, Amy woke up refreshed. She had a good sleep last night. She went downstairs to the dining hall for the breakfast. It seemed that others were already on the set. She also hurriedly finished her breakfast and George took them to the shooting place.

The set was not much away from the hotel with only 3-4 minute walking distance. Amy walked in the set and saw Chris holding the mike and making arrangements. He saw Amy coming and put the other things aside and came to Amy. They hugged lightly.

"How was your journey. I hope it went well."

"It was good."

"Let me take you to introduce to the other." Chris took Amy to meet other actors of the crew. Amy's role is the second most important in the movie after Al Pacino, so she greeted him first.

Al Pacino is one of the greatest actors in Hollywood. He is an acting school, but anyone who has watched the legendary "Godfather" trilogy will know his name. "Godfather" established his position as a mainstream actor in Hollywood, and the "Scent of a woman" made his career reach the peak. He has 7 oscars and 13 golden globe nominations. He is a living legend in Hollywood.

Amy greeted Al Pacino excitedly: "Hello, I am Amy Collins. I will be playing the role of Ellie Blur. I am a big fan of yours."

Al Pacino greeted back with a smile: "Its my pleasure then. I look forward to working together."