
Terrifying Second Wave

Light was Dumbfounded by ning's [Ancient Demon Wings] but he still Active his [War Roar] provoking all this Soldiers to him.

When the Soldiers charged into the direction of light, ning was already ruining behind them Slashing every soldier he walked by , he was like Reaper walking into army,his Base Attack already reach 53 and some of this is Soldiers was low hp for the [Ancient Demon Wings]'s Slashes.

"Light , don't Stand there, Run!!" Ning Shouted,every Second they gain without taking damage is important,light begin to run after ning shout.

10 Second later, That 60 Thunder Soldiers Reduced to 30 and they have reached light . ning was able to kill 20 Soldier in 3 Second using his [Ancient Demon Wings] But Sadly that Skill have 1 Hour CoolDown.

"Brother light ,it's time to Fight them "ning shouted, reducing that army to 30 Soldiers before engaging in fight with them was already better then he expect .

light turned as he heard ning shout, he block the upcoming Spears then Slashed a soldier with his sword dropping him dead, light wasn't able to maintain his blocking for long time and he took some spears to his body causing him 80 HP.but he drink HP Potion recovering this 80 HP, ning was also taking some damage.

Finally,10 second later,this fight was come to it's end,with the last Soldier Dropped to the ground,light shouted"wow,that Skill was amazing,what it's name?" he was too concentrated in the fight that he can't speak.

System:First Wave has been Cleared in 1 min 14 Second,Rating:SSS

System:You Have Obtained NightSlayer Pants

System:Prepare yourselves, The Second Wave Gonna Come in 1 min .

[NightSlayer Pants](Silver):+4 Strength,+2 Agility,+10 Defense

Equipment Skill:

[Night Slash](Passive):When you are in Stealth,increase your Base Attack By 10 %.

"Brother ning,i got Silver Ring!!!Silver Ring!!" light shouted with excitement

"Congratulations !i got Silver Pants too"ning said with smile as he was thinking about that Second Wave, if the first wave was 100 Level 6 Normal Monsters,what the hell they gonna face next,"brother light,equip your new ring fast and regain your hp,the next wave is coming"then he added

in this 1 min,ning and light has been waiting nervously,they were prepared for every possible outcome but when the monsters appear they were left speechless.10 Soldier with Shield and Swords in their hands was standing in Front lane and huge muscular man was standing behind them wearing only pants.

[Captain Of Thunder](Elite)Level:6{400/400 HP}

=>Thunder's Servant<=(Boss Tier 1)Level:6{800/800 HP}

Description:A Man who believe in thunder's gods, he has got the blessing of the heaven after he showing his courage in wars.

"we are domed" that was the first thing the two youth thinking about after seeing what in front of them.

" i think we have already gain enough"light said after losing all hope.

"Warriors,i have been waiting For 3 years,I hope you give me good fight"Thunder's Servants said in low voice

"old man , you don't think it's not fair for Two of us to fight against Eleven of you"ning said hopping that the boss gonna fight them after they done with the elite monster or something like that , he still have [Satan's Wrath] but he really don't want to use this skill,it will cost him 1 level and it has 1 day CoolDown.

"you are right young man,it's not fair but this old man here are watched by heavens, if it's up to me i will fight you alone"Thunder's Servants said with sadness in his voice,he already feel bad about that.

"Brother ning, i think we have no way to finish that Dungeon, let's just wait for the 3 Hour to end,it's better then trying and die"light said.

"Brother light,you wanted to know the name of the skill i use it earlier right it called [Ancient Demon Wings]"ning said with smile as he added" just wait little more and your brother will give you good show"

1 hour has passed,[Ancient Demon Wings]'s CoolDown was Already finished, ning walked to the Thunder's Servant and 10 Soldier as he said "old man,you wanted good fight right ?"