
Prologue-Thy Father

"You know we didn't have much, but my father he was an upright man, he'ed bow to those above us and he gave his life for the kingdom and the kingdom took his Life. You know my father stood in front of the guillotine and spoke only one word. "Blood". That day I stood in the crowds of people and stared into the eyes of the man that brought me into this world and felt my heartbreak.

A kingdom is nothing without its people and People are nothing without there king. "My father bled for this Kingdom and in return this kingdom Killed him." What is a man without power and the will to protect his own?

"Morgan," he said the morning of his execution, His voice low and hollow like a whisper. "Forgive them," he said, I looked upon the creature he'd become and the proudness and lively face now no more and overwhelming sadness and hate crept inside. I was 12 then and the word "Blood" became my creed.


!Boy run and don't look back"!. A thundering voice boomed out.

I know this is short but I felt it needed to throw you the reader into the action. Just like some novels do. Chapters henceforth will be 1k or more.

Welcome to Reign.

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