
The romance of Fairyland

When we talk about romance in the modern era, google has it:like a feeling of excitement and mystery associated love. But I tell you what; the romance in fairy land was like a glamour made out of mate — souls miscible as recited in the ballad of love eternity.

"Now adored guy, eat me so you can separate your spirits. Said the mushroom." At this time KIKU-KIKU's voice was so down depicting sadness.

"Surely, your voice is down but that doesn't rescue your proud spirit water. I'm sure by the end of soul sucking, the coroner will be done with the autopsy of your corpse. Said in baritone,"

"Don't use that personage word on me.Responded the mushroom calmly."

The mushroom spirit was sucked and the only remnant was hyphae. Immediately after inhaling water spirit, he collapsed and wisteria plant raiment his body fully.

Richi waked up under a baobab tree, it's trunk inscribed with a two hearts locked together relief sculpture. On orbiting the tree, other side was a man identical as the one with the purple petal spirit. He is lying unconscious, half naked in a linen skirt with gashes over his arms, abdomen and chest.

"Hey! You — where is this place! How can someone ruggedly handsome exist in such a convoluted place? Richi wondered."

Richi brought her face at closest to a man's face—

"Hey, that's not a decent conduct. Are you pondering about the striking appearance or wanna take advantage of someone insentient? The mandrake said in an adenoidal tenor,"

Richi was frightened by the echoing. She peered seeing nothing like able to talk — while still looking around, her calf was birched. On lowering her sight was a mandrake plant.

"Who are you and for what reason you lashed me? Richi asked."

The mandrake brandished its leaves with a grin like a Cheshire Cat, "I'm like a goddess or you can call me a ten thousand year mandrake, replied the mandrake."

"Do mandrake talk? Richi asked."

The mandrake took a deep breath before responding to her, "they don't speak, but here everything can talk and hear too. So mind your tongue not to irk them. Mandrake cautioned them."

The mandrake made a spell putting the unconscious man and Richi in a raw gourd. It carries them while grumbling, "Ye — these mortal souls got some annoying weights. Damn it,"

Inside the gourd is a tranquil and sequester garden of cherry blossom. The skies are serenely blue and loveliest. The mild wind carrying cherry blossom fragrance BLEW over Richi and the man reclined under a cherry blossom tree shade. The bouquet was extremely sweet and fresher, capable to awake them up. The two pulchritudinous souls stared at each other speechless and motionless.

The soaring and falling purple petals of cherry blossom induced an uncontrollable emotional moment thus a sudden kissing of the two. The sudden kissing went miles unruly—-

"What is the stench of love all about? Don't tell me these souls inside here are doing something rare. The mandrake wondered!"

The voice over halted the like enthralled kissing of the two. They released each other appearing shy and timid. "What's being bashful now about, yet you were busy? Anyway I'm an understanding mandrake who doesn't interfere in other people's business. Said the mandrake,"

"Who is unsure here? Richi responded apprehensively."

"YES! Who is unsure? A man said."

Withal they said those words but with only a glimpse, you can tell the diffident flowing in their veins. The mandrake got them out of the gourd.

"What's your name? The mandrake asked the man."

"I'm the purple spirit of the wandering tree petal, the man responded."

The mandrake groveled to him, "I'm praising you master. Remorseful of my early conduct? Please forgive me. Repented the mandrake,"

" I'm your master here! He asked wonderingly."

"Not only my master but also a master to all flora here, the mandrake elaborated to him."

After the reconciliation, the mandrake took them to another place where the whole flora was scorched and only view of the once Nirvana was the cinders plus dark fumes of irritating fetor.

"What's about the reeking, Richi asked."

"Many animals died trying to rescue the young floras. Immediately after your departure to mortal land, OLAX the evil stole the dragon red tear and opened the nine gates of serpent belief. The mandrake explained."

"I'm sad but not understanding any of this. The man responded."

"You're Aquarius. Aquarius is your name sir. The red tear was a spellbound detaining the evil souls in the nine gates of the serpent belief. Richi explained to him,"

The mandrake and Aquarius looked shocked and perplexed after hearing a lot of confidential information from Richi. "How do you know my name and all those things you have said? Aquarius asked."

"I don't get it but they just came out — my mouth. Richi replied."

"I know you have held lots of questions in your heads but we need to enter the WONDER CITY. Even so you have seen some amusing places but they're vanishing, we need to enter that fairy city for the solution of every problem and also the questions twisting in our heads. The mandrake said."

Richi and Aquarius looked at each affectionately. "I don't know when it started but we have a trek to proceed with, please love-dovey couple. The mandrake suggested."

There revealed a wooden train covered with ivy. The three of them entered a train to the wonder city of fairies.

Why don't we see chapter three: Esoteric theories of the wonder city.