
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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23 Chs

Information Path

Chapter doesn't have much content eh? Don't worry, I'll post another one today.


Wei Huan rushed down the stairs, making two steps at a time. Wei Huan walked towards the kitchen towards his right hearing Tai Qing's voice call out for him.

"Sit down and eat your food, also, go take a bath

soon. You look filthy!" Tai Qing spoke,

"Alright, I will." Wei Huan spoke cheerfully, as if he had already known Tai Qing for years,

Tai Qing simply smiled, sliding over a plate of food, the sound of ceramic scraping wood ringing through the home.

Wei Huan brought his face close to the bowl and ate ravenously, not even chewing properly. Despite the fact that he did not need to or have to eat in this way, he still did.

After all, this was a habit he had developed during his time in the caravan. Eating like an animal, unable to use his hands unconsciously made him move his face closer when eating something.

The reason he ate fast was also the same. He quickly ate his food as, even in the caravan, he still retained some shame and did not want to be seen in a position like that.

Tai Qing simply grimaced upon seeing his wrists, which had already been bruised, turning them black and blue.

If it wasn't for the bi-weekly showers that Wei Huan got to take in the caravan, his bruises would likely be filled with maggots.

"Even after so many years in this world, I still can't get used to this." Wei Huan sighed, compared to his previous life, this one was just too difficult.

For some reason, Wei Huan was complaining about not having toilets when he was once a slave. His attitude had almost completely changed ever since he had been bought by that middle aged man.

"Shitting under trees, taking baths in the open. In the world of gu, surely atleast modern toilets could be replicated right?" Wei Huan shook his head and complained,

"Even in the slave caravan, I shit in a tiny hole in the ground. Can't a gu master get respect nowadays?"

Naturally, this wasn't the norm for gu masters in the gu world. However, Wei Huan was a member of the Northern Plains' and even then he wasn't the child of an elder.

Typically, only important gu masters with high strength had high privileges such as mortal servants to help them bathe and such.

Wei Huan simply filled the bucket using water from the small well behind the village, filling it to it's brim before walking towards the cover of the cloth.

He quietly took his bath, water droplets falling on the blades of grass beneath him, making them bend downwards.

Wei Huan eventually finished bathing, went upstairs and slept, ending the day.

Birds chirped outside his window and the sun shined on his face, signalling Wei Huan that it was morning and time to wake up.

Usually, Wei Huan would wake up in the early morning, even before the birds began chirping. However, this was his first time sleeping in an actual bed in a long time, thus he ended up oversleeping.

Wei Huan kept out of bed and walked downstairs, still drowsy and sluggish. He walked downstairs and went to downstairs.

Not seeing Tai Qing inside, Wei Huan's heart began beating a bit faster. He walked outside, hearing strange sounds.

Wei Huan walked towards the source of the sound, seeing Tai Qing murmuring while looking at a document while holding his head.

Wei Huan quietly walked towards Tai Qing as he looked over his shoulder, looking at the document which read in largely legalese, a more highbrow form of speech used in legal documents.

"You're awake, huh" Tai Qing spoke, not even looking at Wei Huan,

Feeling a bit startled, Wei Huan replied:

"Uh... Yeah"

"What's in that document?" Wei Huan asked,

"It's just an alliance agreement draft for the Qiang and Zhao clan" Tai Qing replied,

"You're an information path gu master?" Wei Huan asked,

"Yeah" Tai Qing replied simply,

"Seems like a pretty cushy job" Wei Huan spoke while smiling,

"It really is." Tai Qing spoke while smiling along with Wei Huan, his voice still raspy from tiredness,

"Keep yourself busy while I look at this." Tai Qing spoke,

Wei Huan simply continued staring at the document in Tai Qing's hands. Tai Qing's eyebrow rose, feeling the gaze of Wei Huan still lingering on him.

"I told you to go keep yourself busy right?!" Tai Qing almost shouted, feeling annoyed,

"This is pretty interesting to me." Wei Huan replied in a matter of fact way,

"Oh my lord...." Tai Qing sighed,

"You think it's interesting right?" Tai Qing said while smiling mischievously at Wei Huan, completely different from his bored and tired state from before,

"Yeah...." Wei Huan spoke, feeling a bit wary,

"Then you can have it!" Tai Qing immediately handed Wei Huan the document before running away at high speeds, almost like a cartoon character.

"Hey!" Wei Huan called out, only to be ignored. Sighing, having nothing left to do, Wei Huan started looking at the alliance agreement.

*To be signed by Zhao Tribe and the other members of the Zhao Tribe Alliance as well as the Qiang Tribe officiated by Information Path Gu Master- Tai Qing in the Current Era 100,000 years after the Late Antiquity Era.

In order to promote inter-tribe co-operation and to achieve peace and security

by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war,

by the prescription of open, just and honourable relations between tribes,

by the firm establishment of the understandings of common law as the

actual rule of conduct among tribes, and

by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all alliance obliga-

tions in the dealings of organised peoples with one another,

Agree to this Covenant of the Zhao Tribe Alliance,


The original Members of the Zhao Tribe Alliance shall be those of the

Signatories which are named in the Annex to this Covenant and also such

of those other tribes named in the Annex as shall accede without reserva-

tion to this Covenant. Such accession shall be effected by a Declaration de-

posited with the Diplomat within two months of the coming into force of

the Covenant. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other Members of th-*

"You're actually reading that?!"

Wei Huan heard a loud voice behind him. He almost jumped in surprise as he saw Tai Qing hovering over him.

Tai Qing had a similarly shocked expression on his face.

"Man... When I was a kid I would have ripped this up and threw it somewhere in the forest..."

"Uh- I mean, I'm so proud of you. Maybe I should train you as an information path gu master?" Tai Qing spoke,