
Return of the Forgotten Crown Princess

WARNING, MATURE CONTENT!! She was a Crown Princess, destined to be the Queen of country A, but that was cut short by an accident that rendered her dead to her country. But life had other plans for her to be roped in another royal family far from home. she engages in a relationship (or to simply put it, rolling on the sheets) with the Crown prince of the country she though was hers. This is a short story of how the forgotten Crown Princess Renee Vaughn navigates life after the accident and the role Crown Prince Ezra Rembrandt played.

JinHuangse · Thành thị
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Chapter 1: Accident

Renee woke up with a start!! sweating profusely after the dream she had about her accident. all the memory she had before that accident were non existent, she was told that she had amnesia. Meaning all her memory before the age of ten, her age when the accident occurred, was forgotten and there was no one to remind her of anything as she was an orphan.

She was always baffled though about her accident due to some information she could remember about that day. she remembered a location that had lilies, like a lily farm. But there were no lily farms in Country K, her country of residence. According to the orphanage she lived in, she was most likely kidnapped and trafficked in Country K, then the accident happened, but the kidnappers still moved about before she was rescued by a woman.

The other locations she remembered was when she was badly injured but was still aware of her surrounding, the air felt salty, she could literarily taste the salt in the air. weirdly, there wasn't anywhere in Country K that had salty air, nor where there any salt mines. So begged the question, where her memories really accurate.

She once speculated to the Orphanage headmistress, Matron Dorcas that maybe she was from kidnapped from another country, but Matron Dorcas was adamant that she was a citizen of Country K, even though she did not have any identification from birth till until after she got to the orphanage.

Matron Dorcas told her there were many children that were unregistered from birth, especially children their parents didn't want. The parents will have to be responsible for the child's needs even if they want to give up custody of the child to an orphanage or homesteads (families that are willing to board a child without adopting), Even children that were forcibly taken from the parents due to any-form of abuse are included.

Exception is if the child is adopted legally by another family. But the country was fighting to get every children registered regardless of their parents situation so at least they could get into the Children's Security System (CSS) so they can be placed in a home, orphanage or adoption and be properly accounted and provided for.

Renee didn't dwell further on the situation of her accident, she got up from the bed and freshened up for the day. As the new Head secretary for the Crown Prince of Country K, she had a long list of duties and needed to be awake early.

She came out of her living quarters within the palace, already smelling the delicious breakfast awaiting her. As a foodie, mornings were her favorite, especially the delicacies afforded to the employees living within the palace. she sauntered over to the kitchen, smilling her greeting to the palace maids and several butlers she met. she quickly had her breakfast before heading over to the Crown prince's office quarters.