1 裂隙


(Oh. Good morning to you too! So how was your sleep?)

"It was so good until I received a fucking call from you." Ryuu answered in an almost growling voice. "What do you want now?"

(Is it bad for me to call my boyfriend?)


(Okay, okay. I am just kidding. I am calling today because you are going to come with me later!)

"No. I am busy and I do not have any time for your bullshits today."

(Harsh. But you still sound so sexy though.)

Ryuu can only let out an irritated sigh. He was having a good sleep a few minutes ago when a certain woman disturbed his peace by calling him non-stop. Ryuu tried to ignore the vibrating noise coming from his phone on the side table just for the sake of getting more sleep. But Mara just proved to him that as long as she is existing in Ryuu's current life, he will never get any peaceful moment.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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