
Restitution of Fate: Another Life

WARNING: Contains adult content. Believing I was dreaming, I received the news that death is not the end, being reborn in an alternative world in the past with the opportunity to start a new life in 19th century Europe. I will seize the opportunity, and dedicate myself to creating a wide range of entertainment, conquering female celebrities and paving the way to become a Hollywood legend. I will be the father of cinema, the founder of Hollywood, the creator of filmmaking and the owner of the main studios. ------------- Assuming his new identity, he will use his skills to replicate and improve works that do not yet exist in this world, with the purpose of building the Hollywood film industry. Join him as his journey is just beginning. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- *Note ¹ - Read the last note to check the genres and tags before starting reading. This novel unfolds slowly, with rich detail. There won't be a fixed posting schedule yet, but I will try to publish at least 3 chapters a week, each at least 1,000 words long. *Note² - This is my first official novel, and English is not my native language, so I will use automatic translations and artificial intelligence, which may result in errors, including typing errors. Feel free to correct me in the comments if possible. I would greatly appreciate your feedback, whether positive or negative, about my work. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my novel. *Note ³ - This is a work of fiction and many topics have not been extensively researched. Therefore, avoid criticism regarding historical accuracy, as this parallel world was created by me and I have the freedom to modify historical events. To learn about history, I recommend textbooks. Remember this is a fiction and fantasy story, created for entertainment. *Note ⁴ - This work of fiction explores a speculative narrative with historical and fictional characters. The events portrayed are entirely fictional, created from my imagination, in an alternative world with changes in the timeline. Therefore, this book should not be interpreted as a representation of real events, celebrities or real people. Any comments about them are purely fictional. *Note ⁵ - This story is inspired by several time travel books, focusing on Hollywood settings, where characters strive to become tycoons. This is my own version. The protagonist will be involved in creating comics from diverse cultures, TV shows, films, books and much more, spanning diverse media. I do not own the copyright to any of the characters or works mentioned. *Note ⁶ - Content: Urban Fantasy, Mature Rated, Slow Paced, Slice of Life, Sent to the Past System, Romance, Harem, Adult Elements, Entertainment Industry, Celebrities, Films, Marvel and DC References, Dominant Protagonist, Protagonist Ambiguous, Selfish , Blackmail Situations, Ambiguous Consent, Casting Couch Reference, Complex Romantic Relationships, Polygamy, Yandere Waifu, Domination/Submission Elements, BDSM, Explicit Sexual Content, Intense Sex Scenes, Threesome Scenes (F /F/M), Anal sex scenes, Shower sex scenes, Exploration of sexual fantasies, Exhibitionism, incest, Exploration of various fetishes, Consensual harem, Consensual temporary sexual slavery."

Dingir · Lịch sử
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Inspired by the third definition, which contrasted with all previous ones, I determined that in the sixth definition, my family would lead the European market in footwear, clothing, and accessories, boasting remarkable production capacity and an extensive network of stores.

This was a way to ensure the family's prosperity and prestige without relying on sensitive markets, often subject to government regulation and the ambition of many groups.

Several reasons motivated me to make this definition more elaborate, the main objective being to test the limits of what could be defined by exposing myself to the lowest possible risk of losing a definition.

I was pleased to see that my definition was recorded on paper. With this test, I concluded that I could further explore this game. However, the doubt persisted: why had the Goddess made only one elaborate definition, knowing it was possible from the beginning?

The Goddess, making a face, said, "The journey is only halfway, dear, much can still happen. Don't let these small victories get to your head."

Ignoring her sarcastic comment, I prepared for the next round. I knew the Goddess wouldn't make it easy for me and could use any dirty trick to defeat me.

With a mischievous tone, she continued saying: "Oh, and before I forget! In the seventh definition, I determine that her mother, who looks like actress Jaimie Alexander, got pregnant even though she was a virgin. In other words, you have no genetic relationship to her."

I was perplexed until I saw her definition recorded on the page. With disbelief taking over me, I could only conclude that she was mocking me. Instead of wasting time trying to understand her motivations, I decided to focus on something more useful.

I couldn't let her affect me with her provocations, as it could lead to mistakes compromising my future. I had to stay calm and rational, thinking carefully about each definition

For example, maybe I should consider using a definition to avoid being an unwanted child. After all, I didn't want my future mother to reject or mistreat me because of my mysterious origin.

It was my turn, and I felt it was time to preserve my dignity. The mere idea of living confined in a baby's body, whose main activities were crying, eating, sleeping, and excreting, sometimes all at once, or the prospect of a baby using superpowers was enough to horrify me

To avoid the possibility of wishing for death due to shame, I determined, in the eighth definition, that until my fourth birthday, my memories and special ability would be sealed.

Fortunately, this measure would be enough to overcome this period. I hoped that, upon regaining my memories, I would have a more mature and controllable body.

After my definition was recorded, the Goddess looked at me, probably having discovered my fears. A laugh escaped her lips, despite her apparent attempt to contain herself.

Interestingly, her laugh was so ugly that it became amusing to hear. Embarrassed, she quickly composed herself and tried to divert attention from her embarrassing laugh by making the ninth definition.

In the ninth definition, the Goddess said: "Your castle has twenty beautiful female servants, of different races, loyal and skilled, who are ready to protect their masters and meet all their needs."

After hearing her strange definitions, I was relieved that there was nothing harmful in this one. She could have given me some curse or a terrible disadvantage, but it seemed she was just having fun at my expense. Moving on, I decided to determine my appearance before I forget.

The tenth definition was formulated as follows: my appearance would be similar to singer Zayn Malik. At my peak, I would have a height of 200 cm, with a penis measuring 20 cm in length and 15 cm in circumference.

Although I knew I was exaggerating, I had learned the hard way about the importance of appearance. For my first 20 years, my diet was poor, resulting in a height of only 150 cm.

My height was considered short, even by the standards of my generation. My frustration intensified in the '90s when I found myself having to look up to talk even to children and pre-teens. So it was with great satisfaction that I decided to apply the "Captain America serum" to myself. Now, at least, it would be difficult to find someone taller than me.

I didn't choose the penis measurements because I was an unusual size, but because, when choosing, I chose to be tall. So, to maintain body proportionality, I adjusted the size of my penis to my height, preventing it from appearing disproportionately big, small, thick or thin.

Moreover, I preferred to have control over this feature, preventing the Goddess from, just for fun, defining something disproportionate or inappropriate, only to provoke me.

But then, the silence was broken by the Goddess's laughter. I was embarrassed, but I didn't regret it. She could mock me, but the embarrassment wouldn't stop me from pursuing my desire.

Regaining her composure, she stopped laughing and with a teasing smile, deliberately spoke loud enough for me to hear her every word: "Well, now I don't know whether to call you a paranoid coward or a disgusting pervert. As punishment Because I have a little bit of all of these, I determine that the closer you and the women you have an intimate relationship with are, the more you will have mutual love and sexual desire, and nothing will be able to limit these feelings and desires."

Understanding the implications of this definition, I was paralyzed, as if my brain was short-circuiting. I couldn't think of any countermeasure. Essentially, my family and I were subtly cursed by the Goddess to practice incest.

While trying to regain control, time passed, and when I realized it, I had missed the opportunity to create the twelfth definition. According to the rules, the right to do so now belonged to the Goddess. Damn! She was playing with me like a cat plays with a mouse.

I was outraged when I realized that she probably planned everything from the beginning. I remembered all the definitions she gave about my family and employees and concluded that they were already part of her plan. Maybe the plan even included using the penultimate definition to shock me into missing the last definition.

Hearing her say, laughing, "Your aunt, your mother's older sister, lives in your house and looks like actress Monica Bellucci."

As she spoke, she was laughing so much that she had to wipe tears from her eyes. Her smile extended from ear to ear. However, the most annoying part was that the more indignant I became, the more fun it was for her.

It was tough, but I accepted that I was being cursed just for fun. Now, I would have an entire family of 'Yanderes.' I had no idea how to handle this situation. I didn't know if they would get along or if they would fight among themselves.

This game lasted less than three minutes, but it finally came to an end. And I was lucky because she had seven opportunities to harm me but only used one.

I wasn't sure if I should be happy or scared to wake up and see all this was just a dream. I could only hope to find some happiness in this madness.