

As my vision takes in what seems to be a plant shape like a dick, I wondered where in God's omnipresent butthole I am.

A moment ago I was just walking home from school blankly staring ahead as usual, yet in the next, I'm staring at this funny-looking plant.

Wondering my gaze around, I see tall and thick trees all around. The soil below is littered with dried leaves. I see strange plants everywhere that I've never seen before. I hear rustling in the bushes. the tweeting and screeching of birds along with howlings and faint guttural sounds echoing all around from the depths of trees.

I seem to be in a forest.

How the fuck did I get here?

I'm confused, confounded, and quite possibly bamboozled.

Was there a lapse in my memory?

Staring at the yet-dried red-stuff on my white t-shirt a classmate spilled on me earlier and felt the sensation of my backpack's weight still the same. Also, my hand's still wet from washing the red stuff's stain, it still smells like iron.

This means, I really was just walking home as usual before the scenery suddenly changed.

If that is so, then—


A scarily nearby guttural sound interrupted my thoughts.

Slowly turning my head to the side in apprehension, perhaps for comical effect...


My gaze landed at the sight of a grey wolf about my height. Are wolves actually this big?

It's staring at me like I'm prey.

So carefully reaching for my bag for protection…



The creature pounced, so I shot both its eyes with my semi-auto pistol equipped with a suppressor, the bullets reaching all the way to its brain.

The mutt fell with a thud, it twitch for a bit before eventually dying.

Mn, it's a good thing I live in America. These days, it's illegal not to have something to protect yourself with when going to school.

[1x Grey Wolf Deafeated: 2369 N Power Absorbed]

[Status Updated]

Huh? Suddenly, two consecutive floating panels of text appeared before my eyes along with a synthetic voice that sounds kinda like an emotionless Rimiru.

Oh, I see. So that's how it is. Why didn't I realize it sooner…

I'm in another fucking world!

Thinking that it makes sense, I quickly accepted the fact and moved on.

I still wonder how I got here though.

I need more info.

And so…

"[Status]!" I exclaimed, willing for my status panel to appear.

Not a second later, a wall of text appear before me…

[<<<<Elexys Einsof>>>>]

[Physiology: Human]

[Narrative Age: 14 yrs]

[Phys: 3369 N | Int: 314 IQ]

[Dex: Unknown| Wis: Unknown]

[Essence Ability: Unknown]


  <<Perfect Killer>>

  <<Dimensional Teleportation>>

  <<Power Absorption>>

  <<Status System>>]

Hoh? Omoshiroi.

From the looks of it [Dimensional Teleportation] was why I'm here in the first place. So it's not the work of some mysterious force but rather, I have the power to jump to different dimensions? Seems like I just found a way out then.

Well, that was quick.

Though it's not like I'm rushing to go home, I'll probably just play hitman again anyway.

So exploring the system panel, I mentally pull out the description of each of the abilities...

And walls of text appear. I ain't readin' all that in detail, the dog on the ground would rot before I could even finish it. Thus I just skimmed through it like I always do with my boring textbooks...


[Status System], it's basically an archive of information about Status in full detail. Apparently, it knows All Abilities in Existence -- other than my so-called Essence Ability that is.

It says that it also has the means to quantify the mathematically unquantifiable which it uses to show my status and passively answers all my inquiries regarding status. Other than the archive on the status of everyone in existence, it knows nothing else. The only information it has are regarding statuses, all other information it cannot process.

It seems useful I guess.

Doesn't seem to invade my privacy like all the other systems. It's like a specialized chat AI that has specific limited data and programming.

Moving on...

[Perfect Killer] Well, let's just say that it's the reason I hit both its eyes on the first try with perfect accuracy and also remained calm to actually pull the trigger fast enough.


[Power Absorbtion] seems to be responsible for the first panel of text saying I absorb 2369 N. Since it's in the unit for Phys or Physical for short, N must have something to do with strength, and if I remember that physics book I read for an assignment a year ago correctly, N should be the symbol for the unit of force that is Newton.

Named after the 'apple fall, therefore, gravity' guy, Newton is the capacity to accelerate 1 kg mass for a meter distance.

With Earth's 9.81 N gravity acting towards the opposite direction, using 100 N, you could lift about 10 kg. It's a wonder if this world has the same gravitational acceleration tho'. I don't feel bouncy or heavier than usual at least.

On that note, the effect of gravity on the force exerted horizontally is usually negligible. So I could probably punch with a maximum force of 3369 N as my updated status state upon defeating that big-ass wolf. I gained an additional 2369 N of Power after all…

So that's why my bag feels lighter all of a sudden. That's like an additional 236.9 kg of lifting strength.

Moving on to the more abstract statistics, Dexterity and Wisdom must be labeled as such for the same reason my so-called Essence Ability is Unknown. Dexterity should represent my ability to channel and control my Phys stats. While Wisdom is what Dexterity is to my intelligence…

And hot damn! I didn't know I have that much IQ... I know I'm smarter than average but damn, I didn't know I'm smarter than Einstein and Newton combined…

Assuming that the measurement of the system is absolute, that is…

[It is. The Status System uses Metaphysical means to achieve an Absolute and quantifiable measurement of Intilligence.]

And the voice answered.

Metaphysical huh? Well, can't argue with that.

Then again, measurements are relative in their accuracy, the system's measurement is of course Absolute as it says, but what about those IQ approximates using fallible human-develped means?

So I guess it's not really fair to compare my IQ to their approximates huh…

Then, wouldn't that also mean that I don't even know the value of 1 IQ? After all, I'm gauging my intilligence base on approximates made by human means I search on the internet…

[The average human has an IQ of 10. Einstein has an IQ of 16.9 and Newton has 17.]

Goddamn, what!?

A-Are you sure?


I was so shocked that even my thoughts stuttered, lol.

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