
Removed :(

"hey, have you heard about the new game that's about to be launched?" "yeah, it was called something like Inter World Life, right?" "Inter World! it's the most hyped game now, because of the new hyper realistic function, hmpf, how can you not have heard about it?" "yeah, yeah, whatever, maybe I'll give it a try since it's free..." David Yun is a chinese highschooler in 3 grade who moved to America, due to "political" reason, but he also had a hidden identity, in fact he was one of the strongest player in a game called Bearer, playing as a Dark mage, but he decided to retire from the game for unknown reasons, but now with the new game Inter World quickly gaining more and more hype, he decided to try to return in the world of gaming, only to be surprised by the fact that the game isn't a game anymore, it was the reality now, and he must live in a world that's becoming more and more difficult to survive. follow David in his adventure in this new reality as he soar in power as one of the strongest gamer in the world. **************** P.S: The cover do not belong to me, i found it on Pinterest and it was posted by Arkh Angel so credits to him/her, if she or he want me to take it down, just tell me **************** probably slow release

Xushi · Du hí
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2 Chs


Controlling the notification on his phone, David discovered that his other friend, Mary, texted him to meet with Jo at the cafeteria,

David frowned because usually Mary wasn't the one who would call someone to meet,

so, obviously, he asked her what's happening and why she wanted to meet them in the Cafeteria,

at which se just replied with a dry "I have a important(at least for me) thing to discuss"

which David could only sigh and think

'uhh, Women...'

after that he just putted the thought at the back of the head and headed to the cafeteria, leaving the classroom.

{School's Corridor}

while heading to the cafeteria with the storm of students exiting from the various classes,

until suddenly in the corridor there was a scream that can be heard, obviously attracted by the sudden scream many students gathered around the source, including David and Jonathan,

although they were pushed against their will, and even worse, they were in the front.

having a clear view of what happened, since David and Jo were in front, they could clearly see what's happening,

there was a boy in the circle, formed by a the students that were currently watching the scene,

who was getting bullied by another students, although it's uncommon physical bullying at this time,

because of the tight security of the school, it still happens sometimes, usually by arrogant students or because of the build up continues stress.

Nor David nor Jo were heroes, usually they would just ignore these things and walk away,

but since they were pushed on the front, they could only watch the weaker student get punched and hitted like a punchbag,

he tried to resist, by fighting back, kicking and punching like a madman, but none of this could help, as it made the matter even worse than before,

as the bully get hit he only get angrier and angrier increasing the output of hand and leg on the victim, who at this point could only scream for help, eyeing the crowd that has formed around them,

but none of the people there have any intention to stop the bully for the fear of getting also bullied,

the weaker student can only hear them whisper and talk with each other, occasionally pointing at them as he get hurt.

gracing at the crowd for help one more time he looked in the direction David in his eyes for help as tears began to fall from his eyes,

"uhh, now you're even crying, do you think crying can help, do you really think in this world by crying you can do anything, you're just spineless, admit it!" the bully said, as the crowd nodded in approval,

in this world there are friends, alright, seldom one of them will come to help you when you're in time of need,

even though the government tried to fix this issue they cannot be omnipresent for you, David also have to admit it as he can only stay there and watch them,

he wouldn't come to help stranger, yeah, because he doesn't like trouble, but if he knows that he won't be injured or have some negative gain, then he would, at exception of his friends, they would always have his back.

finally after another round of 3 minutes of punching and hitting, the security finally arrived as the crowd quickly dispersed, while they separated the duo from each other.

David and Jo instantly exit from the scene as both of them don't want any trouble, directly going in the direction of the cafeteria.

{School's Cafeteria}

as they finally entered the cafeteria, both David and Jo sighed in relief as they headed toward the farthest table, as that's the table they usually sits at,

waiting them, with a laptop, there were 2 girls, both of them around 18, their ages as they were researching something on the laptop,

one of them has black hairs with some freckles around her cheek and nose, with beautiful jade eyes, as she glazed at them,

"took you some times, eh?"

at which Jo immediately replied with a "it's because..." but before he could utter another word he was interrupted by her "I know, I know, you guys get in another trouble, right? I guess the bullying scene that took near here."

at this moment both of Jo and David were stunned at the statement of their friend Mary, but they immediately resumed from the stun as the other girl talked,

"ohohh, earth call Jonathan Smith and David Yun, you know it's rude not greet when you meet with someone"

"oh, sorry, hi, Jean, hi Mary" they both responded as they snapped out of the stun,

they both didn't expected Jean also be there, at which prolonged their stun,

Jean was also one of David friend as she's the las component of his friends group, she's blonde with blue eyes, also with a body that sometimes make people turn their head,

"here take a sit, we have something to talk about..."

me trying to write something while being as lazy as f, also because I almost don't have idea on how to continue this story, as my mind is already at future chapter. *cry*

Xushicreators' thoughts